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Feel the difference

Cycle 1 presentation Thijs Schipper

Lots of accidental, unaware electrical consumption. No clue how much energy being used.

Design goal
Make energy consumption a more intuitive and tangible part of daily life. Families living in an urban environment, both parents working.
Little time and energy to devote to managing the house!

Literature research
Factors in motivation? Motivations for sustainability?

Current solutions
Guilt, punishment. Boring, uninspiring. Passive, easy to ignore.

Context Mapping
How do people feel about electricity?
Are they conscious about using it?

How do people feel about being sustainable?

Do they care, and if so, why?

Feedback on wall sockets

Positive reinforcement Electricity = Lifeblood Socket = Vein Monitor = Heart Represent consumption in object with semantic value.

Make electricity a measureable, finite resource (like water) consciousness.

Feedback + Logs = Specificity of motivation Do not use guilt as tool!! Lower being sustainable on the Maslov pyramid, make it an emotional affair. (Instead of intellectual)

Define attractive products. Generate and pick concept(s)
Prototype > Test!


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