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Evaluation of Healthy People 2020 Instructor- Zigmond Kozicki/CCHS 315

Grade: 5 out of 5 Submitted on June 28, 2011 9:29 AM (Attempt #1)

Answer this questions. (a) What are the "Overarching Goals' of Healthy People 2020? and (b) What are the four foundation health measures used as an indicator of progress towards achieving these goals? Post your answer here as an attachment in word document. Include questions with answers. Be sure to include your name and course number CCHS 315 in your heading. Attachments

Z., Here is this extra credit assignment. Thanks, Joan Attachments Healthy People 2020cchs315Extra credit.docx

Most Recent Comment:

Author: Zigmond Kozicki Date: June 30, 2011 2:11 AM

Joan you give a very good response and it is appreciated. Z

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