Pluck The Politicians 2012 Final Edition

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Pluck the Politicians

The 2012 Plan for Absolute and Total United States Political Reform

Dedicated to Michael Moore, Rush Limbaugh, Howard Zinn, Rodney King and to All the Citizens of the United States of American

By Professor Timothy Yanz Yancy

Copyright and Credits Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without express written permission of the author. Please just send me an e-mail and ask me. Cover Design by Timothy Yanz Yancy. Art Concept by Timothy Yanz Yancy. Cover Painted by Jorge A. Mendoza Contact Jorge A. Mendoza @ Currently only E-books versions are available. For your convenience you may order from, or, Google Books,, . , ,, and . Paperback copies may be available sometime in 2012. Please check my blog for details.

I can be e-Mailed at: @PluckPolitician


First I want to thank God for giving me the strength write this as a way to deal with my dissatisfaction with the current political system in America and how the elected officials and civil servants who are neither civil or servants, disrespect the voters. Enough is enough. To Americans all over the world who are fed up with the system and want to do something about it but dont know how or what to do but need to do something. Nature gives us an instinct to protect us called flight, fight or freeze. Depending on the situation any of the three responses can wither get you killed or allow you to get away and to live another day. Whatever you do, do something. In any decision the best thing you could do is make the right decision. The next best thing is to make the wrong decision. The worst thing you can do is to not make a decision. Do something please. To E.T. my best friend. I believe that by writing this book that I have started the healing process that is necessary to help save America from its current state of self-destruction.

Dedication First and foremost I give my thanks to God for making all things possible. I thank everyone who has supported me and helped in any way to make this project a success. Thanks to my best friend whose name I wont mention. To all American citizens wherever you are. Please be strong and lets work together to get through this struggle. It does not have to be this way and we can change it. We need to take the country away from the politicians and get new politicians and public servants who are truly servants and serve our needs. To Michael Moore, if you were not White you would be dead. Thats what I think protects you. I appreciate how you go on the line and expose government fraud and abuse and continue to put your life on the line. Michael keep up your work, the struggle is not over yet and we need people like yourself to keep the torch lit. To Rush Limbaugh a man with opinions and a voice that many people will not agree with and do not listen too but I appreciate that he showed the disparity between the compensation of Congress and 911 family survivors. I but in the section about the military because people dont really know what they make for the sacrifices they give. Thanks to my friend Frank Davis who is the person that Ive known the longest who looks out for a Brotha and keeps an eye on me. I appreciate you and your friendship. This book is especially dedicated to Rodney King. Rodney rest I peace because you did not find it here on Earth. I did not know you but I knew of you and your strength. I found strength in you. Rodney King is the modern day example of what slave masters would do to control the other slaves according to the Willie Lynch letters. Round up all the salves and take the biggest male one out of the group, beat him to death and draw and quarter him with horses. Then get the second biggest black man and beat him badly but not to death. Let everyone see it and

make them think you have power over them. The mothers will draw in their sons and try to protect them from the master. The master will deal only with the women and take way the power from the man. Little did the slaves know or think was that there were more of them than masters and there were many successful revolts from slavery. Today we have mental slavery and slave mentalities. We can successfully defeat these attitudes today and now if you open your eyes and minds. Although people may not understand why I dedicate this book to Rodney King, I just want to thank him as an example of not letting the system keep you down, standing up when you were right and willing to die for what you believed in. This writing is dedicated to my friends, family, and foes: past, present, and future. Also to all the prisoners of our politicians whether you are incarcerated or not or dont know that you are being held prisoner against your will. Wake up.


If you find any mistakes in this publication please consider that they are there for a reason. We publish something for everyone and some people always look for mistakes. Attention Any vulgar language, profanity, terminology, or derogatory comments or statements used are simply to support realism to create an end product of realistic and credible entertainment. This book is by no means intended to insult, degrade, disrespect, or attack any particular individual(s), race, gender, or any other parties who may take offense to this content. This product is fictional entertainment with as close to urban reality portrayal as possible. This book contains parodies, including some individuals, characters, creative works, products and services. Nothing is intended to convey or imply facts or as an endorsement or representation relating to those individuals, characters, creative works or products and services. Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication, distribution or exhibition may result in civil liability and/or criminal prosecution.

Preface This manuscript is to help you get help and we can help each other. The political system is a sham and shame on Americans for letting it get this bad but on the other hand they were sneaky and pulled a fat one on you, but its time to wake up and set the records straight. You run this country not elected officials. You built this country, you and your ancestors and you can get it back to the great glory and esteem that it once had. Enough disrespect against you, Native Americans, foreign countries and their citizens. People come first and everyone has a God given right to success, peace of mind, prosperity, and happiness. Those rights have been taken away and replaced with fear of the unknown and fear of fear. You dont have to be scared any more. Stand up and occupy their anus. I can be e-mailed at with any comments, concerns, or criticisms. Do take this personal. These are my thoughts from my system of values and beliefs along with plenty of other US citizens only they did not have the time or inclination to write this. Get off your anus and into the politicians anus with both feet.

On July 4, 2012 our country recently celebrated Independence Day, two hundred and thirty six years ago in 1776 in Philadelphia, the biggest deception of all times was pulled on the citizens of America and the deception continues to this date and is even bigger. The things you trust in today will fail you tomorrow. People will do that to you. In the late 1700s people stood up against the government and said no more. Now they have changed the law to arrest or kill you if you stand up against them. Its now treason to oppose them or express your opinions. You cant resist tyranny legally. You are denied your first amendment of freedom of speech. Each of those fifty people who signed the Declaration of Independence risked their lives for independence and they got it. Also Id be willing to bet that their heirs are some of the wealthiest families in America today. Check your history. Wake up. Politicians will not stop until you are proke which means poor and broke. Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? If so then this book is for you. This is the most dangerous book ever released to the general public and it should cause and uproar. This book is simple and to the point, WTF is going on with the politicians in America? Have they forgotten why they were elected and who elected them? WE can forget them too. Out of sight and out of mind. Well see you in three years, just before the election to remind you of how bad it is and how we can help you. Can you take four more years like this? Are you better off than you were four years ago? The government is supposed to be for the people by the people and not what it has become today, by the people and for the corporations. F the people is what the politicians are saying not openly and to

your face but by their actions and actions speak louder than words. Im not making this up just look for yourself the writing is in the walls and all around you. Are you walking around with your eyes wide shut? The people are now sheeple people treated like sheep and being lead around with a rope on their necks being led to slaughter. Dont follow the leader, follow the follower! Now its time for the people of America to stand up and say F you back and Pluck you too! In the words of Malcolm X, A person who stands for nothing falls for anything. Wake up, read this book and take the appropriate action before its too late! Enough is enough. I would not be surprised, Im not a doctor but I do think that I have a mental condition and its called a Cassandra Conflict The agony of knowing the future but the impotence to do anything about it. By that I mean I know whats going to happen in advance, in the future and no I am no prophet or psychic. The same things that are happening now but things will only get worse than they are now and much faster. Im not a fear monger but thats what the government does scare people and if they cant scare you they kill you. Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. If you do the same things you get the same results. Thats what teacher teaches you in science class. Experiments under the same conditions with the same variables produce the same results. They are duplicable. So Im saying that without any change or intervention, that we will get more of what we have been getting. Is that what you want? If not then we got to do something different and do it now not later. These bastards who run our country are a bunch of conniving, thieving, smug pricks who need to be brought down and removed and replaced with a whole new system that we control. Michael Moore The world has enough to provide for every mans needs but not every mans greed. Mahatma Gandhi Politics: The art of postponing a decision until it is no longer relevant.


In his apocalyptic book A Peoples History of the United States 1492-Present, Howard Zinn states The fact of dissent is clear. The surveys since the early 70s show 70 to 80 percent of Americans distrustful of government, business, the military. This means the distrust goes beyond blacks, the poor, the radicals. It has spread among skilled workers, white color workers, professionals; for the first time in the nations history, perhaps, both the lower classes and the middle classes, the prisoners and the guards, were disillusioned with the system. In 1995, 1 percent of the population owned 33 percent of the wealth. Now in less than 20 years their wealth has increased 300% and now they own 97% of all wealth in the nation and are steadily and greedily working on the other 3 %. Its almost unbelievable that 99 % of us own 3 % or less of this nation and are fighting and struggling to get and keep that little piece of the pie. The American dream is over and has now become the American nightmare. We got the white against the blacks, the native born against the foreigners, the women against the men, the educated against the uneducated, the skilled against the unskilled hating each other and fighting for the leftovers of the rich. We need to wake up. Take off you iPods and quit texting on your cell phones and other distractions to pay attention to whats going on before your eyes. Put away all of the distractions and focus on the now the present or you wont have a future. Currently you are one step away from being a slave who will never be free as long as you live. You will be a slave to the rich and a slave to debt unless you wake up and do something about the current political problem, the pawns for the rich, the 1 % who own everything and run the country and the world.

Its time for change and not like the politicians talking the same vague bull crap stuff, and doing the same old thing again at election time. Enough is enough. They got to go, all of them and its time for new elected officials who will serve the interests of the people as they are instructed. With all the new technology available there is no reason why the politicians would not know what the people want, they know and they just dont do it. Pluck them. We need people in office who not only listen but respond as we demand of them and not the arrogant politicians we currently have in office who say pluck us. Pluck them. Pluck them off their perches and out of office. After reading this book Im sure that if you have any concern for yourself and for future generations of your descendants you will agree with much of what I state here but more importantly stand up and take action. Change starts with one person. Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance but to view what lies clearly at hands. Thomas Carlisle My Grandfather Anderson Yancy, Sr. was a politician and I feel that I have to do this in his honor and for what he stood for. He was the first Negro elected in the state of Louisiana after Reconstruction in 1964 and I lived with him and my grandmother for many years as an infant and young child. He was an honest, humble and honorable man and if he had not died early would have gone on to make many more great contributions as a public official. I have a duty to pick up where he left off and serve as a watch keeper. I officially started my public service in college where I was the President of the student government for two terms as well as the President of an organization that I helped start to provide on campus entertainment for my classmates. I decided to do something closer to home and more meaningful and became a licensed teacher in the inner city working for the Chicago Public schools and ran for local school council in 1988 and lost but came in second place. I spent a lot of time raising donations for homeless people, children in foster homes and for senior citizens as well as contributing to feeding the homeless and donating to my church. Its a good start and arduous task but my work is just beginning.

For many years I was a Chicago Public School teacher in the inner city. I was selected to participate in the Teachers for Chicago Program where people with non-education degrees were placed on the classroom and sent to school to get masters degrees in education and service as public school teachers. I completed the program and taught for several years before being promote to the district as an educational technology advisor. Ive given 15 years of my life to the country in military service and served as an Army Captain in Operation Desert Storm and the Gulf War. I was a captain in Civil Affairs going around the world for the US assisting in helping to restore government law and order. I helped the Kuwaitis after liberation in Operation Desert Shield, the Kurds in Zakho, Iraq during Operation Provide Comfort and the Haitian refugees seeking a better life in American in 1992 by serving as Deputy Camp Commander in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (Operation Gitmo). I took an oath to protect my country against all enemies foreign and domestic. Just because Im out of the military my commitment does not stop with an honorable discharge, the fight continues until the war is won. I am a warrior, my spirit continues and my mission is not complete yet. Pluck the politicians! Excerpted from A Peoples History of the United States 1492 Present By Howard Zinn The Coming Revolt of the Guards The title of this chapter is not a prediction, but a hope, which I will soon explain. As for the title of this book, it is not quite accurate; a "people's his- tory" promises more than anyone person can fulfill, and it is the most difficult kind of history to recapture. I call it that anyway because, with all its limitations, it is a history disrespectful of governments and respectful of people's movements of resistance. That makes it a biased account, one that leans in a certain direction. I am not

troubled by that, because the mountain of history books under which we all stand leans so heavily in the other direction-so tremblingly respectful of states and statesmen and so disrespectful, by inattention, to people's movements-that we need some counterforce to avoid being crushed into submission. All those histories of this country centered on the Founding Fathers and the Presidents weigh oppressively on the capacity of the ordinary citizen to act. They suggest that in times of crisis we must look to someone to save us: in the Revolutionary crisis, the Founding Fathers; in the slavery crisis, Lincoln; in the Depression, Roosevelt; in the Vietnam- Water- gate crisis, Carter. And that between occasional crises everything is all right and it is sufficient for us to be restored to that normal state. They teach us that the supreme act of citizenship is to choose among saviors, by going into a voting booth every four years to choose between two white and well-off Anglo-Saxon males of inoffensive personality and orthodox opinions. The idea of saviors has been built into the entire culture, beyond politics. We have learned to look to stars, leaders, and experts in every field, thus surrendering our own strength, demeaning our own ability, obliterating our own selves. But from time to time, Americans reject that idea and rebel. These rebellions, so far, have been contained. The American system is the most ingenious system of control in world history. With a country so rich in natural resources, talent, and labor power the system can afford to distribute just enough wealth to just enough people to limit discontent to a troublesome minority, It is a country so powerful, so big, so pleasing to so many of its citizens; that it can afford to give freedom of dissent to the small number who are not pleased. There is no system of control with more openings, apertures, lee- ways, flexibilities, and rewards for the chosen, winning tickets in lotteries. There is none that disperses its controls more complexly through the voting system, the work situation, the church, the family, the schools, the mass media-none moir

successful in mollifying opposition With reforms, isolating people from one another, creating patriotic loyalty. One percent of the nation owns a third of the wealth. The rest of the wealth is distributed in such a way as to turn those in the 99 percent against one another: small property owners against the property less, black against white, native-born against foreign-born, intellectuals and professionals against the: uneducated and unskilled. These groups have resented one another and warred against one another with such vehemence and violence as no obscure their common position as sharers of leftovers in a very wealthy country. Against the reality of that desperate, bitter battle for resources made scarce by elite control, l am taking the liberty of uniting those 99% as "the people." I have been writing a history that attempts to represent their submerged, deflected, common interest. To emphasize the commonality of the 99 percent, to declare deep enmity of interest with the 1 % is to do exactly what the governments of the United States, and the wealthy elite allied to them-from the Founding fathers to now-have tried their best to prevent. Madison feared a majority faction and hoped the new Constitution would control it. He and his colleagues began the Preamble to the Constitution with the words "We the people .... , pretending that the new government stood for everyone, hoping that this myth, accepted as fact, would ensure "domestic tranquility. The pretense continued over the generations, helped by all-embracing symbols, physical or verbal: the flag, patriotism, democracy, national interest, national defense, national security, The slogans were dug into the earth of American culture like a circle of covered wagons on the western plain, from inside of which the white, slightly privileged American could shoot to kill the enemy outsideIndians or blacks or foreigners or other whites too wretched to be allowed inside the circle. The managers of the caravan watched at a safe distance, and when the battle was over and the field strewn with dead on both sides, they would take

over the land, and prepare another expedition, for another territory. The scheme never worked perfectly. The revolution and the constitution, trying to bring stability by containing the class angers of the colonial period while enslaving blacks, annihilating or displacing Indians did not quite succeed, judging by the tenant uprisings, the slave revolts, the abolitionist agitation, the feminist upsurge, the Indian guerilla warfare of the pre-Civil war years. To recall this is to remind people of what the Establishment would like them to forget the enormous capacity of apparently helpless people to resist, of apparently contented people to demand change. In a system of intimidation and control, people do not show how much they know, how deeply they feel, until their practical sense informs them they can do so without being destroyed. However, the unexpected victories even temporary ones of insurgents show the vulnerability of the supposedly powerful. In a highly developed society, the establishment cannot survive without the obedience and loyalty of millions of people who are given small rewards to keep the system going: the soldiers and police, teachers and ministers, administrators and social workers, technicians and production workers, doctors, lawyers, nurses, transport and communications workers, garbage men and firemen. These people the employed, the somewhat privileged are drawn into alliance with the elite. They become the guards of the system, buffers between the upper and lower classes. If they stop obeying, the system fails. Where Did the White Man go Wrong? Indian Chief 'Two Eagles' was asked by a white government official, "You have observed the white man for 90 years. You've seen his wars and his technological advances. You've seen his progress, and the damage he's done." The Chief nodded in agreement. The official continued, "Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?"

The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied. "When white man find land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water. Women did all the work, Medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex." Then the chief leaned back and smiled. "Only white man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that."

Only after the last tree has been cut down, only after the last river has been poisoned, only after the last fish has been caught, only then will you find that money cannot be eaten. "Before our white brothers came to civilize us we had no jails. Therefore we had no criminals. You can't have criminals without jail. We had no locks or keys, and so we had no thieves. If a man was so poor that he had no house, tipi or blanket, someone gave him these things. We were too uncivilized to set much value on personal belongings. We wanted to have things only in order to give them away. We had no money, and therefore a man's worth couldn't be measured by it. We had no written law, no attorneys or politicians, therefore we couldn't cheat. We really were in a bad way before the white man came, and I don't know how we managed to get along without the basic things which, we are told, are absolutely necessary to make a civilized society. But now visible progress is everywhere--jails all over the place, and we know these jails are for us Indians. What a pity that so many of us don't appreciate them."

--Lame Deer ["Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions", p. 71-72]

Geronimo, Sitting Bull, Numaga, and Oseola

"When the White man came we had the land and they had the Bibles, now they have the land and we have the Bibles." Chief Dan George Political Reform Now


Politicians are elected officials who are supposed to serve to know your interest, make your interest known and look out for your interest but instead, they go against the citizens. Do they do anything as simple as poll their voters to see what issues they have an interest in? Its easy to do with the Internet and technology and even as far as them manipulating the statistics it would make their jobs easier because they know the truth. They just dont give a damn because once they are elected they become virtually untouchable. Why Pluck the Politicians Millions of public workers have become a kind of privileged new class - a new elite, who live better than their private sector counterparts. Public servants have become the public's masters. No wonder the public is upset. Mortimer Zuckerman Originally I named this book Puck the Politicians but I did not want people to think I wanted to play hockey with the politicians so I changed the name to Pluck the Politicians. The politicians have been plucking us for a long time and the less we do something thing about it the more they will pluck us. They pluck our money from our jobs, our family and our wallets all awhile stuffing their coffers off our labor. Its got to stop and the time is now to pluck the politicians off their perches. Pluck the politicians, pluck them all. They will pluck you until you have nothing left to pluck. Pluck them before they pluck you! Pluck them up. Pluck them down. Pluck the politicians. The name changed from puck to pluck the politicians after research and coming to the conclusion that some people would translate puck to a meaning of sexual connotations and thats not the intended purpose. There is no indication what so ever that I want this to be sexual favors for politicians unless they do a 180 degree change, then maybe. According to current research at the age of 65, 95% of the population has less than $1,900.00 in cash in the bank. Currently 1% of the population owns 97% of the United States and they wont stop until they own 100%, all of it and then it gets worse. If you think about it you are a slave because you will never be free

regardless of what you do. You can bust your butt working if you are fortunate enough to have a job but then you are strapped and burdened by debt like an indentured servant. Forget about retirement unless you are a politician. Those days are over and finished for the common citizen. I dont care what the law says, look at the definition and you will see that most likely you will fall into one of the two categories; slave or indentured servant. Think about your children and descendants, what kind of future will they have the way things are going? The future is very bleak if current trends continue and you dont do anything about it. The planet has 7 billion people and in 2040 there will be 9 billion people on the planet. There are already talks and plans to decrease the population down to about 2 billion people. Guess who they are going to be? Some are going to be the superrich and the rest of the population they will own and enslave them. You will be a slave to poverty, debt, health care, suffering and worse unless you change the political environment now. This is not crazy talk or speculation, just open your eyes and look around. Whats the difference between an average American and a poor African? The African is free. He has no debt nor owns anything. The American by contrast is in deep debt, owes much and is under tremendous mental stress. It is not uncommon for and American to be several hundred thousand dollars in debt with a mortgage, car loan and student loans. Pluck the politicians! What is a Public Servant? "Governments are the servants, not the masters of the people." (Thomas Jefferson) A public servant is a person who chooses to work in a capacity to help the public citizens. They are also known as civil servants. They even changed the name from Public Servant to Public Official or Civil Service in many places and that was the beginning of the decline in both public service and public integrity. Trust me when I say there is nothing civil about their service. To serve and protect changed to lie and defect. Inspect and Reject. In order to get what you expect, inspect. Inspect and investigate the politicians and you will see the truth and the true colors. Pluck the politicians!

Public Servants: To do or Not to do. That is the question. The American people expect public servants to be able to police themselves. But instead of designing a system to enforce ethical conduct, Tom Delay and his cohorts have implemented a self-protection system. Obviously, it wasn't good for democracy. Chris Bell Hypocrisy: Do as I say, not as I Do. We call ourselves public servants but I'll tell you this: we as public servants must set an example for the rest of the nation. It is hypocritical for the public official to admonish and exhort the people to uphold the common good. Barbara Jordan Live by the Example of Hypocrisy. Its time for the politicians to live up to the pledge to serve us and not us serving them. They need to stop talking at us and start listening to us. They need to be humbled and put in their place and remember who put them there and why. The truth is they do know who put them there, the corporations and the power brokers who buy and sell them like commodities and have them do their bidding and dirty work not you and I. Why do the rich keep getting richer? Its the politicians that they put in place to work for them and be their agents for a piece of the action a commission so to speak. Have you ever seen a poor politician? If you did they were just starting out but after a few years they are no longer poor are they. President Obama came from relative obscurity to Senator to millionaire (from given advance $1,750,000.00 to publish a book) in a matter of a few years. There are thousands more who you dont even hear about who become very wealthy in a matter of a few years through redistribution of wealth from you to them. They all claim publically that they want to serve us but you can only serve one master and the master they serve is the one that puts food on their table and money in their pocket known as the political action committees not you and I. Our votes count in a way but it takes more than that. We need to get out and let them know exactly how we feel. Dont get discouraged and not vote as it is the absolute worst thing you can do! You will end up with the same person doing the same things or worse. Vote for the new comers and vote all politicians out of office

this fall 2012. Pluck them and get them out of office. Run yourself, you just might win or get a job. Read Why Nice Guys Fail and Sons of a Bitches Succeed. Its a good book and probably a political primer. Double Talk and Double Standards are what politicians are good at. They are like ventriloquists who can talk out the side of their necks drinking bottled water and not saying anything. The can talk without moving their mouth! When their mouth is open nothing is coming out of it but hot air. Ask them a question and they will turn it into a campaign issue. Look at any news conference and you will see the media is in with them. They call the reporters by name and get a nice rigged question and dont even answer that question but say something not even related to the question and no reporter ever says, Thats not what I asked you. What the pluck are you talking about? Is being a used car salesman or Amway consultant part of the criteria to be a politician? Pluck the politicians! Job Perks of being a Politician BTW, I left out some things but I just wanted to let the politicians and you know that I did not forget about or did not know about them. The perks, you know the benefits of the jobs of being elected officials like: Having several offices Hiring friends and family Hiring your mistress Access to luxury items without cost like boats, planes, homes, cars, jewelry, etc. Free clothing and shoes Free medical and dental favors including cosmetic surgery Cash money Interest in businesses Gratuitous favors Free First Class Travel Concierge Doctors for prescription drugs Free Guns and Ammo Expensive athletic gear

Free entertainment Free Tickets to Sporting Events Free Tickets to Concerts Free Tickets to Other Politicians Fund Raisers Groupies male and female Free Postage Expense Accounts Free Phone and Internet Free Utilities Free Shoes and Clothing Free Luxury Auto Use Free Food Free Electronic Goods Free Cable and Satellite Free Furniture Free Appliances Free Gas Free Drugs Legal and Illegal Free Alcohol Free Sex Free Computers and Ink Cartridges Free Cell Phones Get of Jail Free Cards Parking Tickets Removed Free Free Musical Instruments and Lessons Free Property Cash rebates for services (rendered) sold Being Above the Law and Untouchable- Priceless More. Immediately Eliminate All Political Parties

First things first, the constituents are not partying why should they? Politicians are always partying and out of control. $35,000.00 to have lunch with the president.

$50,000.00 a plate parties. $400,000.00 a plate parties. What kind of food are they serving at those prices? Are they eating endangered species kabobs? WTF? No more Republicans. We got Republi-cant. They cant do anything for you or me. No more Democrats. They are Demo-cant. They cant do anything for us either. Get rid of parties and party lines. Lets get people who will work together and side by side in all political offices. Get some work done. Create jobs. Jobs stimulate the economy with people spending money. Tax cuts dont. You cant spend a tax cut. Go to the grocery store and try to pay for your food with a tax cut. The butcher may cut a piece out of your ass. Money makes the economy go round. Small business supplies 80% off all jobs in the country. Create more funding opportunities to make people self-sufficient and taxpayers. Parties are like gangs extorting people to get what they what from them and selling to the highest bidder to get bills passed wheeling and dealing and making packages. Packages of bills tied to each other that have nothing to do with each other but if you vote for my bill Ill look out for you later or I owe you. No more package deals or deal tied to another bill. One bill, one vote! Lets get people working for the people and not people as agents of the corporations. The corporations already got theirs and yours and mine too. Pluck the corporations too! Lets get some work done in this mofo now. Pluck the politicians! Accountability of Politicians There is no accountability or checks and balances and they know it. They have classes and workshops and teach each other the ends and outs of the game and believe me when I say they tell each other that there is no accountability and they pretty much have a free hand at whatever they want and do as long as they dont get caught and if they get caught deny it. As a politician you have no accountability to your constituents but only to other politicians and the people and corporations that got you elected. There is no such thing as a free lunch, if you eat you owe. If you dont go to the $50,000.00 per plate functions then you dont have accessibility or accountability, the little people dont count and you are one of the hundreds of millions that dont count. Why dont they have a fund raiser at Subways where more people can afford to go? Thats the real deal.

You cant walk softly and carry a big stick, thats just not how its done. You got to make noise and rattle cages like a big gorilla at the zoo to get attention. The squeaky wheel gets the oil or so the saying goes. No Credit, Little Credit or Bad Credit as a Pre-Requisite for Political Office It should be and why? Why not? Many millions of Americans have bad credit. Why? The answer is they cant afford to buy things cash so they take a chance on their finances getting better and are optimistic. They have good intentions but are taught to speculate on their future or gamble on it. The reality is things get worse and I can say the average American is worse off or the same than they were 5 years ago. How can you do better with no job or with minimum wage income? How about living wages? When it cost $1,000.00 or more to rent a 2 bedroom apartment in a fairly safe neighborhood in a urban area, when utilities run about $300.00 per month, when food cost about $200.00 per person to eat, when transportation costs at least $500.00 per month if you can afford an economy car thats over $2,500.00 for a family of four to just get by without clothes, and personal cosmetic, cleaning supplies or any entertainment, not to mention trying to say any money. Politicians forbid that. So when you multiply $7.25 times 40 hours per week times 4 weeks you get $1,160 before taxes. $2,500.00 - $1,160.00 = $1,340 plus short before taxes. So a person needs two minimum wages jobs just to come up $300.00 short each month! When politicians get paid minimum wages on then and only then will they raise minimum wage to a living wage. Pluck the politicians! Free Public Aid for Politicians I believe in fair wages for a fair job and our politicians are grossly over-paid and under worked and inaccessible. Its no coincidence but part of the plan. Keep your distance from me and Ill do the same is their secret motto. Did you ever wonder why you only see them every three years; they are like locusts and only come out during election year. Thats when you see a few public works projects taking place. The other years the money is spent and reimbursed to those corporations that funded their elections making them richer. After the elections nothing takes

place for the first two years but you dont really pay attention to it because they got you so distracted with other issues that you cant see clearly that a charade is going on. It is designed that way so you see through rose colored glasses with black tint on them. Pluck the politicians! Pay All Elected Politicians Minimum Wage for Minimum Work How many servants make more than their masters or the people they serve? In all history I would bet none except elected officials. More Work for Less Pay. Put them on commission and pay them for the work they do. No work, no pay. Let us know what you do and who you do it with! Inquiring minds want to know. Most do the minimum work, so lets pay them the minimum pay. They voted for it, let them receive it. If its good enough for the goose, its good enough for the gander. Better yet put them on merit pay. If there is not enough satisfaction, then fire them. Get someone in the office that will do the job. With over 100 million people unemployed someone will fill the job and do it if they had the opportunity. I believe that 1 out of 3 people in this country are unemployed but statistics are from the government and the number of unemployment claims filed. Well, since 2008 a lot of people have run out of unemployment. Lets make political jobs available and not to the highest bidder but the people who really want to do the jobs and make change. After completion of your term and a satisfaction level of 80 percent or more which is a B average graded by an online survey, then I favor giving them a merit bonus equal to twice their annual salary. With 90 percent or more a merit bonus of three times their annual salary but only after the third year of service. Man, Pluck the politicians! Scranton, Pennsylvania mayor slashes pay for all city workers including police and firefighters to minimum wage In July 2012, cash-strapped Scranton, Pa., has slashed pay for all city employees including police and firefightersto minimum wage, sparking furor among unions that now say they plan to sue in federal court. This is a great start and should be a story with a happy ending. If all civil servants were paid minimum, wage then maybe the politicians would be more civil and

increase wages to living wages. Lets hope that more and more municipalities adopt this plan and it would force some changes in who is elected and getting responsible people in office who will look after us and what is it we really want from the government and what we dont want. Lets vote for minimum wages for all elected official. Can we get a constitutional amendment for minimum wages for all elected official. I bet we would get record voter turnout for that if it came out on the ballot. Are Federal Politicians and Cabinet Members Overpaid? By Bridget Quigg Most people dont earn six figures every year, but they sure would like to. By comparison, members of Congress, in both the US Senate and US House of Representatives, make at least $174,000 a year. And, other federal politicians and presidential Cabinet members earn even more. Are these politicos worthy of the big bucks? What if they were just out in the world, trying to earn a living? Online salary database has run the numbers to answer the question: How do federal politician and Cabinet member salaries compare to the people with whom they graduated from school? According to, some graduated from medical school and could potentially be earning more than they do today, but others only finished high school and are way above their typical fellow graduates in earnings. Lets take a look at what discovered. What do Federal Politicians and Cabinet Members Earn To start, do you know what federal politician and Cabinet members actually earn every year? Here is a breakdown: Congress Members (Representatives and Senators): $174,000 Senate and House Majority/Minority Leaders: $193,400 Cabinet Members: $199,700 Speaker of the House: $223,500 Vice President: $230,700 President: $400,000

What Congress and Cabinet Members Earn Compared to their College Classmates There is a mix of results from PayScale.coms research, but the majority of Congress and Cabinet members are doing better than they likely would in the private sector. Of the 550 US Senate, House of Representatives and Cabinet members studied, 44 earn a paycheck that is less than or similar to the typical pay they could earn based upon their educational background. Of these 44, 15 hold a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree, 24 hold a law degree (JD) and five hold a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) degree. MDs and graduates of a few select law and business schools, like Harvard, Wharton or University of Virginia, are the only ones to take a pay cut in their elected positions or the Cabinet. So in other words out of 550 members of the US Senate, 505 earn a paycheck that is MORE than or similar to the typical pay they could earn based upon their educational background. WOW! WTF! Are they over paid yes, they are. According to, the median earnings for people in the US between the ages of 55-64 (which is the median age of US Congress and Cabinet members) who hold at least a bachelor's degree and work full-time is $73,700. This income is far below what Congress and Cabinet members earn. Perhaps a congressional campaign would be a smart next career move. Military Pay 2012 versus Political Pay As an Enlisted person which most of the military service members are, the top pay for 20 years of service is $68,880.00 per year. For Officers with 20 years and maxing out as a Colonel the pay is $112,440.00 per year. The soldier has to work up from the bottom and goes through a process of qualifications and requirements and has to do 20 years to max out at these rates. On the contrast politicians are another story and dont have any time requirement and minimal requirements. When you think that they are dealing with laws and passing laws you would think that they would be required to be a lawyer as a basic requirement at the absolute minimum.

What is the Average Salary Range for Mayors Across the United States, cities and towns are governed by mayors. The principal duty of a mayor is to oversee the day-to-day operations of a town or city. This could include managing the budget, recruiting businesses, ensuring safety and responding to residential requests and complaints. As with other publicly elected officials, the salary of a mayor is paid by a town or city's taxpayers. Mayoral salaries vary according to policies set forth by a town or city and, often, the size of either. Average Salary of a mayor as of 2011, according to, the average yearly salary for a mayor ranged between $35,000 and $83,000. This wide range is likely due to the disparities in pay based on city size across the country. In comparison, reports that the average yearly salary for a mayor is $62,000 as of 2011. In some cities, mayors receive bonuses, which can range between $4,000 and $10,000. According to, the largest cities in the United States by population are as follows: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix and Philadelphia as of 2009. Each of these cities since 2000 has ranked in the top six largest cities in the U.S. As such, the salaries for mayors in these cities are great compared to mayors of smaller cities. According to New York Guides, the official mayoral salary for New York City is $195,000 yearly. The Los Angeles Times has reported that the annual salary for the mayor of Los Angeles is approximately $205,000. Six-figure incomes are common for mayors in big cities.

What is the Average Salary Range for Governors The salaries for governors varied by state but according to the council on State Governments the 2010 average for a governor was $130, 595.00. California was $212,179.00. What is the Average Salary Range for Senators and the House of Representatives The salaries of senators are identical those of members of the House of Representatives. The last year in which senators and members of the House of


Representatives did not have the same salary was 1991, when members of the House earned $125,100 per year and senators made $101,900. Exceptions, three members of both the Senate and the House of Representative earn more than the rest of their colleagues. A salary of $193,400 per year is paid to those senators and representatives who serve as the Senate majority and minority leaders, the majority and minority leaders of the House of Representatives, and as the president pro tempore of the Senate. The speaker of the House of Representatives is the highest-paid member of Congress, with an annual salary of $223,500. How Often do Politicians Work or Convene? How many politicians does it take to screw a light bulb? None, they are all too busy screwing us. Mayors Governors Representatives Senators Congress Politician Work Schedule by Office Daily Daily 106 days (5 months) 110 days in 2012 (5.5 months) 2 weeks per month

On the local level Mayors and Governors work and thats for sure at least as compared to the rest of the elected officials on the Federal level. When you factor in that The House of Representatives and Congress put in less than 40 hour weeks multiply their salary two times and you see they really are over-paid and work part-time. I dont know about you but I did the math and it seems to me that they dont do a whole lot of representing us, who they are representing can be seen at their fund raising events. BTW, fund raising events and campaign events are two different things. Maybe they need to put in more hours and get more things done or at least in theory. Pay Politicians Only Once a Month Thats how all the millions of other Americans get their benefits like social security, retirement pensions, food stamps, transit cards and more, so its only

fair to lead by example. Pay the politicians once a month and let them try to budget their money and find that at the end of the month they got more days left than money. Pluck the politicians! Political Probation Period for All Elected Officials All politicians would be subject to a probation period of the whole term but first a 90 day probation period and if they fail to provide results specifically their campaign promises (lies), and then fire them. They could be removed or terminated at any time, for any reason by the constituents by the right of peaceful assembly. If at any time people are dissatisfied with their elected officials, they can serve them via public notice or serving them on Facebook and they would have to resign immediately. If they do not resign and move out with 12 hours, then forcible eviction maybe utilized by mobs action or military force whichever is most convenient. If 1,000 or more people protest in front of, adjacent to or within 500 feet of their office that would be sufficient grounds for their termination. Mandatory Political Retirement After Two Terms Let them work 8 years or two terms for government retirement, they are public servants right. Limit all political offices to two terms only. Let them wait to the legal retirement age to collect their retirement. They voted for it and the earned it just like you and I. Why should they get theirs early if we cant? I think they should be rewarded for doing a satisfactory job and sacrificing their time, talent and treasures with the public and should receive the equivalent to minimum wage at the current rate for the rest of their lives. I dont want to belittle or berate them, if they paid their dues they should get whats due to them. 911 Compensation versus Congress versus Military Compensation By Rush Limbaugh I think the vast differences in compensation between victims of the September 11 casualty and those who die serving the country in uniform are profound. No one is really talking about it either, because you just don't criticize anything having to do with September 11.

Well, I just can't let the numbers pass by because it says something really disturbing about the entitlement mentality of this country. If you lost a family member in the September 11 attack, you're going to get an average of $1,185,000. The range is a minimum guarantee of $250,000, all the way up to $4.7 million. If you are a surviving family member of an American soldier killed in action, the first check you get is a $6,000 direct death benefit, half of which is taxable. Next, you get $1,750 for burial costs. If you are the surviving spouse, you get $833 a month until you remarry. And there's a payment of $211 per month for each child under 18. When the child turns 18, those payments come to a screeching halt. Keep in mind that some of the people who are getting an average of $1.185 million up to $4.7 million are complaining that it's not enough.

We also learned over the weekend that some of the victims from the Oklahoma City bombing have started an organization asking for the same deal that the September 11 families are getting. In addition to that, some of the families of those bombed in the embassies are now asking for compensation as well. You see where this is going, don't you? Folks, this is part and parcel of over 50 years of entitlement politics in this country. It's just really sad. Every time a pay raise comes up for the military, they usually receive next to nothing of a raise. Now the green machine is in combat in the Middle East while their families have to survive on food stamps and live in low-rent housing. However, our own US Congress just voted themselves a raise, and many of you don't know that they only have to be in Congress one time to receive a pension that is more than $15,000 per month, and most are now equal to being millionaires plus. They also do not receive Social Security on retirement because they didn't have to pay into the system. If some of the military people stay in for 20 years and get out as an E-7, you may receive a pension of $1,000 per month, and the very people who placed you in harm's way receive a pension of $15,000 per month, I would like to see our

elected officials pick up a weapon and join ranks before they start cutting out benefits and lowering pay for our sons and daughters who are now fighting. "When do we finally do something about this?" If this doesn't seem fair to you, it is time to forward this to as many people as you can. Free Public Health Care for Politicians Politicians need the same health care they give to the other folks. They are public officials so they should go to public hospitals, instead they got Blue Cross Blue Shield and they own stock in it too. Like all the other headings, the same thing applies here. They vote for it they need to live by it and dont be a hypocrite. Only when they live by example will things change. Only then will things get better. But you still got to take care of your personal hygiene, brush your teeth, and wash your ass after getting food stamps! People need more but on a temporary basis for most, some people are permanently disabled and need lifetime care and they deserve it. Give it to them. If we are to take care of our people lets take care of them completely and help them to do better and help themselves. What sense does it make to have food and be stinky, have bad breath and your teeth falling out? The answer is none at all. No Free Dental Care for Politicians Why dont all Veterans have 100% dental care? Veterans can risk their life and give up their youthful years for the nation and thats okay but cant get a cavity filled. Its irresponsible on the part of the government and there is absolutely no reason for it. Pluck the Politicians. They can go to Walter Reed Army Hospital but the Veteran cant go and get his mouth fixed so that he can eat and be healthy. Something is wrong with that. Im a Desert Storm Veteran and have dental issues that Im being denied dental care for. I got bleeding gums, pain in my mouth, cavities, dry mouth and probably bad breath but no one tells me my breath stinks because Im usually around nice people. Sometimes they offer me gum and breathe mints and I take it. If someone offers you gum, breath mints, or tick tac, take a hint and take them. Dont turn it down as they might be doing you a favor.

Does your breath stink? Take this simple test. Take you phone, preferably your cell phone and smell the mouth piece. If your phone stinks, then your breath stinks and you are one of 75 million Americans with halitosis or chronic bad breath. Its just my opinion and Im expressing it but if your breath stinks you should not be a public speaker of public figure. You need to keep your mouth closed. Sometimes though it may be strategic to have bad breath when facing opposition and in closed quarters then stinky breath may be to your advantage when used as a weapon but only on an occasional occurrence and not a daily occurrence. If your butt smells cleaner than your breath that only means one of three things. 1. You talk out your ass. 2. You talk shit 3. You need to get your mouth taken care of immediately. Create jobs and businesses that hire people and lets clean up this country starting with the politicians. Im not saying all politicians are bad, but Im asking you to show me the good ones as that might be a shorter list. Its like getting stung by bees from a hive, not all the bees may be bad but you dont have the luxury of separating the good bees from the bad bees, the same goes for the politicians. Pluck the politicians! Here is my little litmus test. If its not good enough for the Veterans, its not good enough for the politicians. The Veterans, bless them all, have put their youth and lives on the line for the rich and the politicians for as long as there have been military struggles and have always been screwed over. For example after the Gulf War, the Emir of Kuwait offered President Bush $10,000.00 to compensate every soldier who participated. Now that is a nice way of saying thank you and would have really stimulated the economy because you know well we would have spent the money on something and money stimulates the economy not tax cuts. You cant spend a tax cut. Bush turned it down like it was coming out of his pocket. Veterans have to fight a new war with the Veterans Administration to get any compensation for injuries and we are denied for many years and only through diligence and luck do we ever get anything if anything. When the Veterans

Administration awards anything it is not enough and it the determination of injury is always lower than the actual damage to the Veteran. 100 percent compensation is only around $2,500.00 per month and should be around $52,000.00 per year which is not much when you are 100 percent disabled. Money does not matter and you cant put a price on good health. Why do I say all of this like Im rambling? The medical care is not adequate but dental care is another story in itself. Veterans only get dental care if they are 100 percent disabled. The teeth and brain are the only parts of the body that dont have an ability to heal themself. If you cant eat then guess what? Your body cant get the proper foods into it to get the nutrients out of them. Have you ever noticed how many Veterans have missing or bad teeth and bad breath? Its a shame that all Veterans dont have lifetime dental care and they earned it if nothing else but are denied. If Veterans are denied dental care why should politicians be entitled to dental care? I guess they need to have a great smile while they lie to you. Take care of your Veterans. They took care of you! Pluck the politicians and pluck out their teeth! Free Mandatory Monthly and Random Drug Testing for All Politicians Again they voted for it. They voted for the war on drugs and if they dont have anything to hide then take the test and the results will be public. I have a strong feeling that many will test positive for marijuana and then and only then will it become legal and people who want and better yet those who need it can have legal access. If there are job enhancing drugs like steroids for example let them take them if it helps them perform better. What about ERD drugs like Viagra? They are elected not erected, lets not give them drugs that help them screw but give them saltpeter like the military does in basic training and cut down their sex drive. Some politicians are known for having drunk driving issues and even killing people. Does Senator Kennedy ring a bell? Most times you never hear about it because it gets suppressed and DUIs need to be taken serious including immediate termination of office, 1,000 community service as a garbage collector

and street sweeper, incarceration for 1 year, driving school, loss of all driving privileges, forfeiture of license and license plates to any and all of their registered motor vehicles but they cant sell, give away or transfer them for two years from the date of sentencing. Yes, Im hard on them and they should be held to a higher standard of justice as they are elected public officials. Pluck them off the street if the pluck up! Pluck them off their perches. Pluck them off their porches. Pluck the politicians! Free Experimental Prescription Drugs for Politicians and Their Kids

They come up with the ideas to test people so they should live by the example. Give them the psychiatric drugs that they have doled out on the population that has negative sexual side effects. Let them be the control group for the FDA which is government and I think government officials should be the test patients before they approve of any drugs. If its a natural drug that comes from nature without being processed let them take them from mushrooms to peyote to licking rocky mountain toads. Maybe then they will vote to legalize marijuana. Ill bet plenty of them smoke it. Its a plant like broccoli or lemons and if you like it fine and if you dont thats fine too but dont restrict other people from having access. Ive even hear some clowns and I call them clowns say legalize medical marijuana and then tax the hell

out of it. That is really dumb and stupid and I hate to call people stupid. First of all if people need a medical remedy that they can grow on their own and its of little or low cost they should have access. Problem solved and at no cost. If you had cancer and could grow something to take and not have to be billed for $50,000.00 per month for chemotherapy and your hair fall out, would you grow it? Of course you would. If you could buy it because you could not grow it for some reason of course you would. It is foolish and discriminatory to tax certain medicines and not others. Who are you to say what illness is worse than others. I watched a friend die and luckily he could get some weed so that he could have an appetite to eat or he would have suffered more. What about all of the Veterans who have PTSD, they sacrificed their health and lives for the country and they cant get something to calm them down that does not have side effects? Are you that stupid? Maybe some people would not use cocaine or crack if they could legally get weed at an affordable price. There is more science in marijuana cultivation than there is in some foods. God gave us free will and choice but man puts limits on mans free will that God does not exercise. Something is wrong with that and also letting people suffer because you would not do that. Its not about you and your selfishness and thats all it is selfishness and inconsiderate. Its not about you, its about them. Pluck you and pluck the politicians who vote in favor of people suffering. As far as steroids or other performance enhancement drugs they would all come up negative if tested. They are not taking supplements to enhance their performance but probably should. Shoot them up and give them sedatives. Put them on Paxil, Adderall, Xanax, Valium, and Lithium. Remember this, its okay for white men to sell drugs. They are the biggest drug dealers in the world. Pluck the politicians! Free Public Transportation for Public Officials 30 Day Unlimited Ride Bus Cards They voted for it and vote for its funding and they dont ride it, they got limos and chauffeurs. When and only when they are forced to ride it will it become better and not a day sooner. Take away the perks and if they are really concerned about the public they would be more benevolent and humble. Let them ride bicycles

and if they cant ride a bicycle give them a tricycle or big wheel. If they cant ride a bicycle they should not be politicians. Kids can ride bike but politicians would lie and say they cant ride. Well we got a solution for you called training wheels. Maybe then cities would be more bike friendly. Maybe we could end up like China with all the congestion, but there would be less pollution and drive by shootings. Public officials should not be provided private jets unless they personally owned them before they got elected and if they want to use them they should at their own expense. When was the last time you saw a public official on an air plane? I think never. Hey should not get first class tickets but fly in coach with the common people and the crying babies who they kiss during elections. Put them in a section and let them baby sit the kids and help the parents and the passengers too and really get grass roots like they used to. Politicians should travel on Southwest Airlines, Spirit and Jet Blue. They should travel at the least expensive option available and take the Grey Hound bus whenever possible. Id like for them to take Amtrak from time to time and actually see the country and the industrial areas that the trains travel through in the cities. Id even like to see some of their fat As on bicycles and get some exercise. Then bike routes will be better and safer also. If its good enough for cops, its good enough for politicians. Arent they also supposed to serve and protect? Granted it says that on the cars but it does not say whose interest they serve and protect. Its just misleading or overt depending on how you look at it. Pluck the politicians! Free Clothing for Public Officials Make All Politicians Wear Uniforms so We can See Them The military has uniforms. UPS has uniforms. McDonalds has uniforms. The Post Office has uniforms. Security guards have uniforms. Policemen have uniforms. Firemen have uniforms. Most civil service employees have uniforms. So why dont politicians wear uniforms? Suits are not uniforms, suits are suits. Maybe the politicians should all wear lime green jumpsuits and a tie. So what if they look like leprechauns. Most of them got pots of gold called war chest or campaign funds and they get to keep what left over in them after the election. Most people dont win or even want to win and thats also part of the racket. When you win thats

when all the trouble starts. Why do they call it war chest? Maybe because they will go to war with you if you try to take away the money they swindled and extorted to get in office to extort and swindle more money. Its a vicious cycle and needs to be broken. Give them a clothing allowance because they need to look professional but it should be $1.00 per day or $30.00 per month. Its more than they give poor people so it could be considered a perk of the job. They should have a laundry and cleaners budget for their jumpsuits, suits and ties. Give them a monthly prepaid card to the laundry mat in the housing project that they live in. Most housing projects dont have washer and dryer hook ups in the apartments do they? They need appropriate clothing for the job as do other people. For public office work they need one uniform and for campaigning they need another. Now days they dont even wear suits when campaigning. Whats up with that? Is like they are looking for a job and going on an interview right? Then you need to dress for the job and wear a suit and tie. Whats up with the open shirts, jeans and gym shoes on the campaign trail? Thats a little too casual and blatant for me that you are running for office and treating it like you are going to happy hour or a picnic. Are you telling us something we dont know? Put on a suit and tie and hard soled shoes mofo! Pluck the politicians! Free White Periwigs for Politicians


No not because they are bald or have thinning hair but because they need to stand out and not look like they work for corporate America but for us. Im tired of the politicians blending into the urban culture and business environment looking like senior management for Fortune 500 companies. Something is wrong with that and they need to look like us whatever that is and if they cant look like us then we need them to look how we want them to and that is to stand out and be visible. No more hiding. The only time we see them is election time and then they come out like sharks having a feeding frenzy. I say put white wigs on them, all of them. Bring white wigs back for politicians. Wigs yes but no robes. We dont want them to go too far and look like something that we dont want to identify them with like Klansmen. They used to have a Whig party but I guess it got confusing with everyone wearing white wigs. I think it was scary looking even if you were white back then but I wouldnt know about that. White faces, white skin, white teeth and white shirts. I wonder what clowns looked like back then. Could they get any whiter? I dont know but maybe lets put the politicians in white face makeup too. I want them to stand out like farmers in their fields. Maybe we could get them Rick James wigs because they are so cold blooded like his song and like reptiles. BTW, look up the Reptilian Agenda on the Internet. Its even scarier than what we know the politicians are doing. Free School for Politicians - Reorientation and Indoctrination Politicians should be graded by their constituents and can be, demoted, promoted, put on probation or removed as a result of their results or lack of their grades. They need public report cards every ten weeks to steer them and correct them before they get too far off track to the point of no return like they have been doing lately. Look for the politicians with the check marks on the back that says Easily Distracted. Free Substitute Public School Teachers Mandatory Substitute Teaching for Politicians All politicians should be required to substitute teach one week per month during the school year and during the summer session for six weeks. Then and only the will there be better educational opportunities for all children and adults. We need

to create lifelong learners and guarantee education as our top priority and not last priority. Pluck the politicians! Politicians should have to substitute teach in the hood one week a month in the same classroom and same school or maybe different classrooms in the same school whatever is worse. Who else can teach the students best about change and obligations to society and political science than the politicians? They need to be in special education classes because thats where the need is. Maybe then more funding will be allocated for special needs education and education in general. How about not buying war toys like battle ships and stealth bombers for 5 years and invest that money in schools and in senior citizens. It would be kind to help make their last years comfortable. No politicians would be placed in Magnet schools, high achieving schools, select enrollment schools, gifted programs, or university affiliated lab schools. They fill in where needed most by the administration in the classroom and not in the office. They get the summer off and have to be on extended pay. They all must work in the inner cities, poor and under-educated, high crime areas only or poor rural areas. Pluck the politicians! Free Public School Education for Politicians Kids If all the rich and all of the church people should send their children to the public schools they would feel bound to concentrate their money on improving these schools until they met the highest ideals. Susan B. Anthony Politicians vote for funding for education, they dont listen to the people and do what we want them to do or voted for them to represent us. They dont represent the people, look like the people, or in any shape or form resembles the people who put them in office. They are the big lie that Im here to represent you. They should say vote for me and Ill forget all about you and be honest and upfront. Say the government wont do anything for you for the next three years mofos or we will do a little something to seem visible just before the elections until then I will be invisible dont call me, Ill call you when I need your money! Send their kids to the schools in the projects that they live in and the schools will get better. Close down all select enrollment schools so they cant send their privileged kids there.

We will just have schools and all schools would be equal. Equally good or equally bad. Put the National Guard in the schools. Why do we have them at airports? The only reason they should be there is if they are travelling somewhere not standing around looking stupid and wasting tax dollars. Go to the hood and to the schools where there is no law and order and help them achieve order to have a stable learning environment. Thats how they can help and Id be all for them. There is a war on education, the war on drugs is lost and is Americans second Viet Nam but worse. Many people specifically Black males have been pawns in the game and their lives messed up for small amounts of marijuana a plant made by God. In the early 1970s the government almost closed most of the prisons because they did not have enough people committing crimes or getting sentenced. Someone came up with the idea to build the prison-industrial complex and let the product be black males since they cant enslaves them. What better way to make money off them and get rich by creating a non-existent industry. We need law and order in the schools and the rules of engagement should be lessened and modified. We need Guantanamo Bays for bad ass kids, gang bangers and other losers who dont want to be in school and are disruptive to the educational process. We need boot camps to breakdown the resistance of those who need it and teach them discipline. The minimum is six months and the maximum is four years. They will go to school and they will obey. They need discipline and a routine. They need to learn law and order and the National Guard can be a catalyst here. They need to learn to read and write. Make the kids in the camps grow their food. Fruit and vegetables and dont feed them any meat. Meat costs too much. Meat is a privilege not a right. If they eat meat it should be the dogs and cats found on the streets and abandoned. If its good enough for the Asians, its good enough for juvenile delinquents and convicts. Parents should be required to go to school to parenting classes and continuing education. Since most dont work, they could go when their kids are in school instead of watching Oprah and Jerry Springer. If they dont go their benefits will

be suspended. After several infractions their benefits would be terminated permanently and indefinitely. Keep your neighborhood clean. You live there, keep it clean. Make them exchange trash for food. Have a ratio of 10 bags to 1 and then have a recycling plant on the same property. Thats how you create jobs and empower people and get them off their lazy butts. People have to learn to contribute. There are two kinds of people, givers and taker. You need to give twice as much as you receive. You need to contribute to receive. They will learn that the more you give, the more you get and that will change society. Pluck the politicians and their privileged A kids! Pluck the politicians! Free Public Housing for Elected Public Servants The will be no Good Times for the politicians if I had my way. Moving on up. To the east side. We finally got a piece of the pie. Just like the Jeffersons, I think not. I honestly believe that we should provide housing to our elected officials, public housing that is. They vote on funding for it and just like anything else unless it directly affects them they wont do jack about it. Make them live there and things will get better. If nothing else the police force will be bigger and around the clock. Maybe they will see what its like to have your home broken into and their family abused and violated and then real change will occur. Change happens will be a result and not just a slogan. The main part of the problem is that they dont think that they are public servants anymore, they are free. Free to take what they want. Free to pick and choose who they serve and protect and its not the little guy, the little people like you and I. Politicians if you dont like job then quit. If its too hot in the kitchen get your ass out mofo. Im tired of you not doing anything and not being accessible. Take your ass home and sit your ass down. You were not drafted, you volunteered for the job. Pluck the politicians! Free Food Stamps for Politicians Politicians need to eat too! Let them eat what you eat and the little that they can afford like other people on public assistance. Let them know what its like to have

food at the beginning of the month and then running out after two weeks. On top of that you can only get crappy food and lots of rice and beans so you can stretch your food out. Im not knocking rice and beans if thats what you like. Give them food stamps and see how to live for $3.00 or $1.00 per meal. Forget about eating shrimp unless they can catch them. Politicians subsidize farmers to not grow food why? Is it because they grow too much food already or is it to starve people? The U.S. always has a surplus of food for some reason. When people are hungry they cant think straight and its another way to keep them distracted and sick. There is no reason why everyone in the United States should not only have a refrigerator but a refrigerator full of fresh, healthy, wholesome food. No reason at all why people should be starving and eating out of garbage cans unless they really wanted too. Pluck the politicians! Free From Lies - Plausible Deniability: A Lie by Any Other Name How can you tell when a politician is lying? Answer: His mouth is moving. Im tired of all their white lies. Politicians are mostly white men who lie arent they? No more lies just like the Fleetwood Mack song. Please more lies. Go wash your mouth with soap. Use lye soap because thats what you do, you just lie to people. White people scare the crap out of me. Michael Moore Plausible deniability is a term coined by the CIA during the Kennedy administration to the denial of blame in (formal or informal) chains of command, where senior figures assign responsibility to the lower ranks, and records of instructions given do not exist or are inaccessible, meaning independent confirmation of responsibility for the action is nearly impossible. In the case that illegal or otherwise disreputable and unpopular activities become public, highranking officials may deny any awareness of such act or any connection to the agents used to carry out such acts. It typically implies forethought, such as intentionally setting up the conditions to plausibly avoid responsibility for one's (future) actions or knowledge.


In politics and espionage, deniability refers to the ability of a "powerful player" or intelligence agency to avoid "blowback" by secretly arranging for an action to be taken on their behalf by a third party ostensibly unconnected with the major player. In political campaigns, plausible deniability enables candidates to stay "clean" and denounce third-party advertisements that use unethical approaches or potentially libelous innuendo. Because many lawyers are in politics, they brought this lower standard of ethics and integrity with them. This is why they rarely put anything controversial in writing. This is also why they most often have you talk to an underling or an agency bureaucrat so they can plausibly deny knowledge of the conversation or be able to say the underling or bureaucrat misstated their position. More generally, "plausible deniability" can also apply to any act that leaves little or no evidence of wrongdoing or abuse. Examples of this are the use of electric shock, waterboarding or pain-compliance holds as a means of torture or punishment, leaving few or no tangible signs that the abuse ever took place. We need to put an end to this form of passing the buck and hold politicians responsible for anyone under their chain of command. They came up with the hierarchy and need to be accountable for everyone under them. If you are in charge and dont know whats going on, then you are not in charge and you dont know whats going on so we need to replace you with someone who is accountable and who knows whats going on. There are three types of people: those who know whats going on, those who watch whats going on and those who dont know whats going on. Which one do you want representing you? Free Accessibility and Deniability to Politicians Accessibility or Inability that is the Question. Politicians need to be accessible to the constituents and not hiding away like they do except when they want something like some money from you. They are like family in that when they want something you hear from them and when you want something you cant find them. Pluck the politicians!


Accessible Hours for Politicians When do they work and how come you can never get an appointment with them? They should have 60 hour work weeks. They get all State and Federal holidays off. Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Proposed Politicians 60 Hour Work Schedule Start Finish 7:00 7:00 p.m. 7:00 7:00 p.m. 7:00 7:00 p.m. 7:00 7:00 p.m. 7:00 7:00 p.m. 7:00 2:00 p.m. Off

All politicians should be subject to publically open monthly town hall meetings. There they would be injected with sodium penathol (truth serum) and asked questions by their constituents. Thats the only way to get straight answers from them and hook them up to lie detector machines. If they fail, chop their heads off with a guillotine on live TV. They only get one chance. Cut their head off shrink it and sell it on eBay. Donate the money to the schools. Pluck the politicians! Free RFID Chips Inserted in All Politicians


A human microchip implant is an integrated circuit device or RFID transponder encased in silicate glass and implanted in the body of a human being. A subdermal implant typically contains a unique ID number that can be linked to information contained in an external database, such as credit record, criminal record, personal identification, medical history, medications, allergies, and contact information. Theoretically, a GPS-enabled chip could one day make it possible for individuals to be physically located by latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, and direction of movement. Such implantable GPS devices are not technically feasible at this time. However, if widely deployed at some future point, implantable GPS devices could conceivably allow authorities to locate missing persons and/or fugitives and those who fled from a crime scene. Critics contend, however, that the technology could lead to political repression as governments could use implants to track and persecute human rights activists, labor activists, civil dissidents, and political opponents; criminals and domestic abusers could use them to stalk and harass their victims; slaveholders could use them to prevent captives from escaping; and child abusers could use them to locate and abduct children. Lets not have our citizens chipped but lets chip our politicians. Chip them in their anus. Although this technology is supposedly not available yet, I have seen the animal channel and have seen tracking devices attached to whales, big cats, kangaroos and other animals so we can track the politicians too. Its no question about that but dont use a collar that they can take off. I want to have a big inflatable anus in New York Citys Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade to show my support. I thought of it, I should back it up. Pluck the Politicians. Pluck the politicians and Chip them. Google can come up with something. Id make a free app so you can put it on your smartphone and track your favorite politicians. Of course the politicians will object to this and say their public safety may be at risk. When I joined the Army, I volunteered like the politicians did to serve my country, I knew there would be risks and I could get killed or injured and I joined anyway. We dont need any whining A politicians any way. If you are not willing to put your life on the line and die for this country then you dont

deserve to be a politician or citizen of this country. Everyone needs to contribute and do their part. Implant them Now! Visibility and Invisibility at the same time. They can run but they cant hide. We are Big Brother and we know what you did last summer. They want to keep tabs on people when the people should be the ones keeping tabs on them. We need to track them and their whereabouts. The solution is RFID chips. They are working on this behind the scenes so they should be the first ones to be implanted. No Free Security, No Free Police and No Free Body Guards for Any Politicians Politicians are supposed to be accessible and they are not accessible. I dont fear for them and if you are doing your job why would someone want to cause you harm or kill you. Maybe they did something or things that make them fear for their lives but if you consciously make a decision that you believe is necessary then you would find an option where people are not going to get hurt or suffer and you dont have to worry about people coming for your life. I think thats called being paranoid and irrational fear of danger. Maybe they want to feel like what they do is so important that people want to kill them and it gives them an erection. I really dont know or care. Remember this, the politicians were not drafted, they volunteered for duty and need to accept that or dont become a politician. Its simple as that. Take all of those police officers and special agents guarding them and fight some real crime, the ultra-rich who steal trillions of dollars from everyone else and keeps us down and oppresses us. They are the real public enemy. Next priority to reutilize the extra police officers that were just taking up space and eating donuts and free and reduced meals and arrest violent criminals and stop wasting time on petty thieves let the community take care of them and pass a law that enables communities to protect themselves and punish offenders in whatever ways they deem fit. The government cops could go after the big fish and focus on really making people safe from crime. Third they should go after hard drug sellers and users equally. If you sell or use cocaine and anything harder

you would be in real trouble. Stop being cowards and messing up peoples lives over marijuana use and mostly simple marijuana possession. Make alcohol illegal again and cigarettes too. Clean this country up from the top down. They always talk about trickle-down economics, how about trickle down cleaning up? Forth, go after anyone who causes property damage and theft to buildings and autos, trucks, boats, and planes. If you do graffiti on buildings, guess what, you get a graffiti tattoo on your face so everyone who sees you knows that you are a vandal. Make their face green with huge question marks on the forehead, cheeks and neck. If you dont own it, dont touch it. That should be the law. If politicians can afford security or get volunteers (No, volunteers dont get guns) then thats on them. Otherwise, you are public servants, deal with it. If there is too much heat in the kitchen, get out of it. Benjamin Franklin did not have security. Samuel Adams did not have security. Alexander Hamilton did not have security. George Washington did but he was a General in the Army, in fact most of the founding fathers were freedom fighter and not freedom flighter like todays politicians. They stood up against the oppressors instead of bending over grabbing their ankles like todays politicians. "Whenever justice is uncertain and police spying and terror are at work, human beings fall into isolation, which, of course, is the aim and purpose of the dictator state, since it is based on the greatest possible accumulation of depotentiated social units." -- Carl Gustav Jung - (1875-1961) Source: The Undiscovered Self, 1957


Uncle Sam Wants you to..

Uncle Sam Wants you to run like a chicken, to bend over and grab your ankles and get ready to get plucked now you have the chance to either be a plucker or a pluckee. Pluck the politicians before they pluck you to death. Pluck them off their perches. Trust me death by plucking is not a nice way to go. Pluck the politicians! Compulsory Military Service for All Elected Officials and their Sons All politicians should be required to serve their complete term in their state National Guard as an enlisted soldier and they can learn to listen and take orders. As the enlisted say, Dont call me Sir, I work for a living. Let them see how hard it is to be in the 99 percent of the population and see if they can fix the problem. Let them go through trial by fire and cross the burning sands. Plus they get a change to serve their country and make a little extra pay because being a politician does not pay much but it is rewarding and honest work, right? If they were officers prior to getting elected, then let them keep their rank as they earned it. Otherwise, Pluck the politicians! Sacrifice Politicians Children for the Sake of a Better Good Draft all their male children between the ages of 18 to 22 while they are in office and Ill bet that we wont see any more wars. If so I think their kids are a small sacrifice for our great country. We sacrifice ours kids and their kids are better so they are a greater sacrifice. Its like people trying to cheat God back in the ancient days and sacrifice a sick lamb instead of a good one, like God wont know right?

Better yet, lets throw their daughters in a volcano, not all daughters but those between the ages of 18 to 22 years old. Virginity is not a requirement because they would be hard to find. We got volcanos in America in Hawaii and Washington State. Maybe just throw them in Washington. From Washington, D.C. to Washington State. They need to sacrifice for the good of the country us like we do every second of every hour of every day. In the Biblical days there were lots of sacrifices and things were a lot better than they are now for people. Hey did not have layoffs, unemployment, wars all over the place and people losing their homes. Why? I think it was a direct result of paying God first. Why does money have In God Trust on it? Politicians have gotten us away from the Creator and he has not forgotten about us and now we are paying because of their neglect and greed. Lets restore that. Im willing to take a chance to see if things get better are you? Pluck the politicians! Pay Fair Unemployment Compensation for American Citizens What this country needs is more unemployed politicians. Angela Davis Recently you may have seen or been affected by being unemployed and unemployment and how the politicians used the unemployed as pawns in their game and trying to shut down the government. Did they honestly think that was fair while they got a raise and still got their salary? They should have been shut down for even thinking of that. It showed a blatant disrespect for ALL Americans that they would hold people hostage. The Navy seals, 82nd Airborne Division, Army Rangers and Marine RECON should have all converged upon Congress and eliminated them as threats to the democracy of America and as terrorists. They were beyond bold and honesty I dont understand why they are still in office. I heard one of them actually say that people were on unemployment and holding out to go to work. My question is where are the jobs? If your job was closed how can you go back? It was stupid and should have been subject to public slapping. Who wants to get a portion of what they were making and in most cases it was not enough. People pay into unemployment thats why its called unemployment insurance premium just like car insurance, home owners insurance, renters insurance and medical premium. Just in case you need it its there pre-paid. Its

not a hand out. If you work for 5 or 10 years and dont file a claim you dont get your money back but you should. I think its a good idea much better than greed. Greed is never good. Remember in the movie Scarface, Frank said Never underestimate the other persons greed. Ive been chronically unemployed for 5 or 6 years. Its been so long I cant keep track of it. Thats part of the reason I wrote this book, because I have time and need to express my concerns and the concerns of other people who are unemployed and are losing their homes, cars, health, pensions, families, sanity, self-respect and more. I know what its like to sell all your possessions because you need to have gas to look for a job, food to eat and clean clothes and electricity. I know what its like to want to kill yourself and it all. I know what its like to suffer a lifetime of pain. I know why people want to use drugs or alcohol to number themselves of the pain and it is a heavy burden to bear and a tough pill to shallow. I know what it is like to want to do those things but cant afford it. Its very painful and not that you are asking the government for a hand out, you are asking the government to step up to its responsibility and look out for you as an American and a resident of the richest country in the world for a handful of people. Take care of the people who take care of you and those who cant take care of themselves. Lets start laying off politicians and let them see what it feels like. We got more than we need anyway and they need to bite the bullet. Why do you think so many of them are overweight? G-R-E-E-D! Make them go to the unemployment office and wait in line for the whole day and the regular line, not a special one for politicians. Pluck the Politicians.


Complete Debt Relief for American Citizens that Need a Fresh Start

Americans need debt relief. Complete debt relief so they can get a fresh start. Debt relief is Comic Relief in America. Its a big freaking joke. All debt should be dischargeable if a person is to get a clean start. Taxes which are a big burden should be the first thing allowed to be discharged since they are the biggest burden that a person may have. Student loans should be dischargeable because we all have rights to an education and it should be the governments responsibility if the US wants to retain its place as a super power and world leader. Educated people create jobs and income thus providing taxes to support the other projects and people in the country. Why can a loan by your parents be discharged but a payday loan made with 3 months before the bankruptcy not be dischargeable? Something is wrong with that picture. Isnt it the governments responsibility to protect the people from all enemies foreign and domestic? All debts should be dischargeable including taxes. No one is going to break the government or any casino either. I think that everyone except the payday loan store owners would agree that they are a threat to national security and enemies of the state. How can you charge someone 200% to 300% when they really come to you because they have no other option, then you rob them and say you are trying to help them? Help them do what? Get in deeper debt. Thanks for your help. Shut the payday loan stores down or limit their rates to 10 percent per year. The banks only pay 1% on a certificate of deposit and the payday loan store and pawn shops are free to

charge the skys limit. There should be a law that ties the Federal Reserve interest rate to loan rate and they should be no more than 4 times the Federal Reserve rate. For example if they charge 2% interest the most a bad could charge even with bad credit is 8% not 48% like some finance companies charge. Crack down on them and protect your citizens. We elected you to do that and if you cant then pluck you. Pluck you right out of office. Mandatory national Usury laws should be established and enforced. Anyone found guilty should not only be fined but also all assets forfeited. Make the penalty worse than the crime and there will be no incentive for those people to screw over our citizens. They should be tried for treason and sentenced to death. We need to get some heads rolling around here. How many politicians file for bankruptcy? How many have bad credit? How many politicians bounce checks to the government? Pluck the politicians! Eliminate All Corporate Welfare Programs

Need I say more? Pluck the politicians! Remember the Law of the Jungle. Only the strong survive. Business is a jungle. Let nature take its course.


Cease the War on Women

I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand. Susan B. Anthony

Complete Political Campaign Reform Now

We know that campaign reform is needed immediately. Its us and them and they try to confuse us and make us afraid of things that dont exist. The politicians create invisible boogiemen and they are the ones who we are scared of and the reality is they should be scared of us but they arent. We need to do something about it and I dont have all the answers but I have some of the answers. Id like to hear your suggestions and you can put them on my blog at Limit All Political Terms to 2 Years Maximum

Politics should not be a dynasty. Let politicians work 8 years or two terms for government retirement provided they are doing the job they were elected to do and they want to stay, they are public servants right. Limit all political offices to two terms only. Some politicians have been in office too long and they just sit there and rot like an old tomatoes or rotten egg. Get in and get out. If you are doing a good job, it will drain you and burn you out and you need to go. You can pace yourself out for 4 years. You only work 3 years anyway, anyone who is about to retire mentally retires 1 or 2 years before they actually retire research has shown so maybe its better to get them out. They have less chance of getting comfortable and slacking off when they know their days are marked and limited. In and out, get them in and out and keep the supply fresh and innovative. Pluck off those old farts that have been in office since 1776 or it seems like they have been there that long. New Campaign Rules Campaign Fund Raising and Spending Limit If you want to stop corruption then you got to limit certain things like limiting campaign contributions to $5.00 per individuals and $20.00 per corporation. Why do people give more for a campaign contribution than to church collections? Is it another form of money laundering? There should be a limit on the maximum contributions raised to be equal to the salary of the position the person is running for. For example the salary for the position of a mayor of $83,000.00, then the maximum the people running for election could legally raise is $83,000.00. This would make the elections a lot fairer and more people could run because they would not be out spent in advertising. I have always questioned why someone spends $25,000,000.00 or more for a position that pays $150,000.00. That question would cease to exist with campaign reform. I think it just another form of money laundering. Lets get rid of all the super pacs (Political Action Committees) and their influence because they contributed (bought off) the elected officials. Lets get rid of all PACs (Political Action Committees). Why are they called that any ways? This would allow contributors to have equal access because they contributed equally to the

campaign. Also it is income so it should be taxed as well. Yes it is unearned income and should be taxed at a higher rate. This will police the whole campaign corruption scheme and the people running for office will have to focus on being honest and running a lean and clean campaign because they dont have money to waste on negative advertising. It would force the politicians to be creative and to hit the streets and do more grass roots campaigning and actually listening to the constituents. Pluck the politicians!

Why do you have to spend millions of dollars and over a billion in the case of Barak Obama to get a job that pays less than $200,000.00 for most politicians and $400,000.00 for the president? It does not make any sense. Something does not add up and who audits the campaign funds. No Negative Campaign Ads about Opponents Why dont they make negative ads about what they did and their scandals? Who cares about all that? What have you done negative, sneaky, etc. is the question that I have for the person who is making the negative ads about other people running for office. Its like the news, nothing but negative crap. There is a lot of good that goes on but no one is saying that the other person did good things. If you dont have anything good to say then dont say anything about someone else. Focus on what you plan to do when you get in office and with a limited budget they could not lie too much because they could not purchase a lot of ads. Since the media moguls are in bed with the politicians there would also be a low where the media could not reduce the ad rates for political ads as compared to regular ads. Then we will see less bad ads about what the opponent has done bad or not done. What you have done and what are you going to do is all I want to know when you campaign and it does not take a lot of money to say that. Limit the amount of so called donations for dinners and lunch fund raisers to $100.00 per person and $50.00 per corporation. Then the average person may have a chance to buy a ticket to access. Thats how you cut out special interest groups


and create access for all which are not what politicians what. They think they are rock stars. Limit Campaign Season to 30 days prior to the election period. There will no longer be campaigning two years before the elections. 30 days in and out. Thats more than enough time to make a decision about a politician. The campaign season is longer than basketball, baseball and football combined. Its too damn long and needs to be shortened to 30 days. No Billboards No Opponent Bashing No Loud Speaker Broadcasts Wear Proper Campaign Attire Im looking at politicians running for office and they have on jeans and gym shoes, baseball caps, Docker shoes and khaki pants. WTF? They are trying to get a job and that is not proper clothing to wear to an interview. They should have to wear suits and ties. No open collar shirts like they are going to happy hour. This is business and they need to act and look like it. They dont take campaigning seriously because the elections are a scam like professional wrestling. They know who is going to win and who is going to lose and who is going to win the title back. The elections are the same way for the most part, and thats why we need reform. They need to be humbled and put back in their place. I do think they should have some perks of the job such as office space in the public housing areas and not the high rent districts where they funnel money back to those real estate moguls who contributed to their campaigns as their way of saying thank you. Have their offices in a development with the name Garden somewhere in it and not in a complex. Pluck the politicians! Pluck All Foreign Aid Immediately Not just some, not half, pluck all the foreign aid for 4 years and put the money into the school system. Invest in the US. If we dont invest here why should anyone else? I dont have anything against the foreign countries but we need to

take care of home first before we run out in the streets. Also forgive all of their debt as well. They can use the money to invest in their own countries and people instead of paying the juice on a loan that will never be repaid. Its like a payday loan. If you got it keep it and good luck. Wash our hands and move on and invest in our people. How about a 26 year plan to take care of one generation from birth to 26 years old and make sure that they get quality educations in science, math, engineering and medicine. Lets make homegrown doctors and quit relying on foreigners to take care of our medical needs. Lets create teachers and pay them what they deserve since they have the most important job in the country. Lets create engineers to solve our problems. We can do this. That would give them security and they could go outside the US and make a better world really be agents of change and represent the new and improved United States of America. I mean come on now, even toilet paper is new and improved so why cant the government be new and improved instead of old and decrepit? The students would have an obligation to invest 15 years in the US and thats a small price to pay as they are living longer and would have job security and opportunities to open businesses to create jobs and hire each other. Pluck the politicians! What You can do to Pluck the Politicians

If there's anything a public servant hates to do it's something for the public. Kin Hubbard Reading this book is a good start and I suggest that you hare it with your neighbors, friends, co-workers, your kids, anyone unemployed, soldiers, veterans,

the homeless and anyone you know who has access to a computer. Tell them to look on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and check on the Internet for more information. Ive already been warned about releasing this book and may even be under investigation but my mission is more important than me. Im not giving up until everyone in American has had a chance to read my book and let the public decide what is right. Im just here to address a problem and present solutions. Where I come from just pointing out problems without solutions is talking shit and we have enough politicians doing that and pluck them. Pluck them all. Pluck the politicians from the north to the south and form the east to the west. Pluck them all! You're either part of the solution or you're part of the problem. Eldridge Cleaver I say vote all incumbent politicians out of office and clean the house for once and then do it again the next election. Keep it up until we have all new politicians in office and then you will see results. Go out and vote and its more important now than ever before because when you dont vote you get the same clowns back in office. If you want different results you got to do something different or else you just get the same things. Make your vote count in 2012! Its not that everything will be fine after that, we have a long way to go but its got to start sometime and the best time is now! Dont get mad, get even. Vote for anybody new against the incumbent politicians and get some new blood in the offices. Its time for a transfusion and infusion of responsible agents of change. I say vote all incumbent politicians out of office and clean the house for once. Go out and vote and its more important now than ever before because when you dont vote you get the same clowns back in office. If you want different results you got to do something different or else you just get the same things. Make your vote count in 2012! Its not that everything will be fine after that, we have a long way to go but its got to start sometime and the best time is now! Dont get mad, get even. Never wound a snake; kill it. Harriet Tubman

Recently ex-President Carter called out "our government" and "the highest authorities in Washington," and urged "concerned citizens" to "persuade Washington to reverse course and regain moral leadership. Former Secretary of State and National Security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, spoke during a super PAC fundraiser at the Capitol Hill Club on the third floor of the club, to about 150 ShePAC supporters. Over the course of about 10 minutes at the lectern, she focused her speech on a need for domestic reforms and called for a change in executive leadership. "This is a truly consequential election. This is perhaps a turning point for the country. "America has a way of making the impossible seem inevitable in retrospect, and we're going to do it again," she said. It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds. Samuel Adams They need to live by and set the example. Its different strokes for different folks though. Gary Coleman and Dana Plato are dead. Willis was on drugs and Mr. Drummond is screwed the maid. The Different Strokes Show has been over for a while and its time for the greatest show on Earth the political show to change its tune. Pluck the politicians! Occupy their Anus Movement! I dont want them to feel any gratification at all. Just discomfort and bloated. Also read my book Occupy Their Anus on


Excerpted from Occupy Their Anus. Dont Get Mad; Get Even with Politicians, Wall Street, Insurance Companies, Utility Companies and Other Institutions that are a Pain in Your Anus. This is a movement that Im starting not just for the politicians but Wall Street, banks, insurance companies, news media, advertising agencies, clothing companies, professional athletics, and any other industry that engages in keeping people down and being greedy making a profit of other peoples misfortunes and causing misfortune. Put your feet in their anus now! Put something in their anus, I dont care what it is, feet, bats, cans, tires, lawn chairs, ladders, used plastic water bottles, t-shirt bags, and vibrators, whatever; just occupy their anus with something by force. Put a rocking chair in it and sit in it. Have a 1960s sit in but make it anal. Sit in their anus. If you can rock in it and make it hard for them to get comfortable. Keep them in pain and off guard. If you can, please climb in their anus like these people. No sign up is needed. Just put one foot in and then the other. See my book Occupy Their Anus Real Political Reform in 2012 on If you are homeless: Occupy their anus! If you cant find a job: Occupy their anus! If you are under employed: Occupy their anus! If you are unemployed: Occupy their anus! If you can only get a job as a security guard, janitor, fast food worker or cashier: Occupy their anus! If you are paying too much for ATM fees: Occupy their anus! If you cant afford car insurance: Occupy their anus! If you need eye glasses: Occupy their anus! If you have eyebrows: Occupy their anus! If you are about to lose your home: Occupy their anus! If you are bankrupt: Occupy their anus! If you are behind on your bills: Occupy their anus! If you have student loans: Occupy their anus! If you are hungry: Occupy their anus!

If you are thirsty: Occupy their anus! If you are hot and need shade: Occupy their anus! If you are tired of being tired: Occupy their anus! If you are under stress: Occupy their anus! If you dont like them: Occupy their anus! If you dont have health insurance: Occupy their anus! If you lost your pension: Occupy their anus! If you need a new car but cant afford one: Occupy their anus! If you have dumb kids: Occupy their anus! If you are bored: Occupy their anus! If you are afraid and dont know why: Occupy their anus! If you are gay: Occupy their anus! If you are Mexican: Occupy their anus! If you are Black: Occupy their anus! If you are White but not rich: Occupy their anus! If you cant afford a vacation: Occupy their anus! If you want to go back to school but cant afford a baby sitter: Occupy their anus! If you dont like the police: Occupy their anus! If you need to put you parents in a nursing home: Occupy their anus! If your kid is about to be deployed to Iraq again: Occupy their anus! If your cable, satellite or internet service is disconnected: Occupy their anus! If your car needs new tires: Occupy their anus! If your car needs an oil change: Occupy their anus! If your back hurts: Occupy their anus! If your feet hurt: Occupy their anus! If your anus has been occupied: Occupy their anus! If you are rich but want to blend in: Occupy their anus! If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it: Occupy their anus!


Anus occupation needs to start somewhere just like the occupation of the Gaza Strip, Native American land (America), regentrification of the inner cities, and occupation of Africa. Anus occupation needs to start at home and youre your personal residence but America and its politicians. Some politicians will read this and say Occupy this, holding their cheeks open in mockery. All I can say is your day will come. If you want, shoot hockey pucks up their anus with a baseball pitching machine if you got one. Speaking of hockey puck, how about cloning Don Rickles and putting him up their anus? Thats where he looks like he belongs or came from. I havent heard of him for a while, where is he? Maybe thats why they act like the do because they have Don Rickles up their anus and Ill take and educated guess and say that maybe thats why they are out of order. I think having Don Rickles in your anus would keep you in a bad mood. Maybe we should remove Don Rickles form their anus, its like the mouse that puled the thorn out the lions paw. They became friend and not foes. Lets get Don Rickles out of their anus. Free Don Rickles. Free Don Rickles. Insert Rosie ODonnell. She is a fighter would occupy their anus it would be a battle. If both of them were up in there it would be like two cats fighting in a pillow case.

Don Rickles is the last person that I would want to occupy my anus and the first person Id want to occupy the politicians anus. The man looks like he was made for the position and looks like he would not leave it, hes like mildew. Put Don

Rickles up the politicians anus and let him grow mushrooms. They grow best in warm, dark, moist places with manure. Grow portabella mushrooms, the big ones, and politicians like mushrooms. If you took a survey of politicians; Ill bet that youd find the majority of them eat mushrooms and like them. Yes, Im on to something. Now some of them will like it but I think the majority of them will not like it but they can rationalize things and for a few million dollars many will think its a minor inconvenience and small price to pay for the power. Keep the pressure up so that even Preparation H wont help. Keep them bent over like they have done us for hundreds of years. That might be a good place for a GPS. Id like to occupy their anus with a drone. Theyve been a pain in your anus and now its your turn. Payback is a mofo! Pluck the politicians! What gives us the right and authority to make these political changes? The Constitution of the United States of America Amendment X. States: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or the people. The Declaration of Independence Action of the Second Continental Congress, July 4, 1776 Excerpts that support my claims: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness That to secure these rights, Governments are institutes among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any form of Government, that whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its

Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Power in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness. Examples from the Declaration of Independence as to when to exercise the power to change the Government: He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for public good. He has called together Legislative Bodies at Places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the Depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into Compliance with his measures. He has erected a Multitude of new Offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat out their Substances. For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the World: For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent.

Conclusion I know that this may sound radical to United States and even world citizens; I know it sounds crazy and scary to politicians but the truth hurts. Im sure that politicians will think that no one will take this seriously, but I say what if people do? What if the United States citizens say, That guy is right on the money. Why did anyone think of that before? Well I need to say and express my rights as a United States citizen and I hope that hundreds of millions of people will agree with me and take the necessary action to make the change that is necessary. I see all of these campaigns that use change only as a slogan when

it is a scam to get change out of your pockets and into theirs. Thats the change that Im talking about and not something vague. Guess whos coming to Washington, D.C.? Me. Im running for office and am going to use this book to raise money for my campaign. Change starts with me. Look out there now! -Professor Timothy Yancy Political Reform is needed NOW not LATER. Later is too LATE!


Pluck Them By Timothy Yancy Pluck them in the eyes. Pluck them in the eyes Pluck them in the eyes And make the politicians cry. Pluck then off their perch Pluck then off their perch Pluck then off their perch Because the politicians dont have worth. Pluck them in their cars Pluck them off the train Pluck them in the heat Pluck then in the rain. Pluck them in the east Pluck them in the west Pluck them out the trees and pluck the politicians out of their mother plucking nest. Pluck them from the North Pluck them from the South Pluck the politicians out of the white house.


Occupy their Anus!

Dedicated to Rodney King

Dont Get Mad; Get Even with Wall Street, Politicians, Insurance Companies, Utility Companies and Other Institutions that are a Pain in Your Anus.

By Professor Timothy Yanz Yancy, M.S.E.D.

Currently only E-books versions are available. For your convenience you may order from, or .


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