ENG 205 - Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering First Exam

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ENG 205 First Exam March 12, 2006

Serial Number: SN

Kuwait University Electrical Engineering

ENG 205 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering First Exam

March 12, 2006
Instructions: 1) Verify your name and ID number below. 2) Have ready on the table a photo ID card. 3) You should submit only one sheet per problem Do not mix problems on the same sheet. If you need an extra sheet for a problem, request one from the Engineer and cancel the original one. 4) No mobile phones are allowed Leave yours with the Engineer after switching it off. 5) No borrowing of calculators is allowed. Bring your own. 6) GOOD LUCK

Exam Room:

ENG 205 First Exam March 12, 2006

Serial Number: SN

Question 1: Identify in the following three circuits all combinations of parallel resistors. (Just identify them, don't make any reductions)

ENG 205 First Exam March 12, 2006

Serial Number: SN

Question 2: Find i 2 in the following circuit if s = 12 V and a = 6 V .

ENG 205 First Exam March 12, 2006

Serial Number: SN

Question 3: Find R eq =

in the following circuit if i c = 6i x .

ENG 205 First Exam March 12, 2006

Serial Number: SN

Question 4: The following circuit shows four light bulbs connected in parallel to an 85-V DC voltage source. The light bulbs are not the same, with each having different power consumption as shown. If after two days of operation the current supplied by the source changed to 0.6471 Amperes, deduce which light bulb has just burned out.

ENG 205 First Exam March 12, 2006

Serial Number: SN

Question 5: The current through a 5-k resistor is given in the following plot. How much total energy is transferred to the resistor in the interval 0 t 2 s ?

ENG 205 First Exam March 12, 2006

Serial Number: SN

Question 6: Resistor manufacturers specify the maximum allowable power that their resistors can handle. For example a 5-Watt 10- resistor is guaranteed to handle 5 times more power than a 1-Watt 10- resistor, but it also costs more and is bigger and heavier. To illustrate this difference compare the current-carrying capacities ( I max ) of the following two resistors: a) A 1 -W , 1-M resistor used in a radio or TV set 2 b) A 5-kW, 2- resistor used in an electric power station

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