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Nowadays, we often see our future generation chasing after modernization and technology till somehow we find ourselves pushing aside our cultures and heritage. These cultures are not simply something to be thrown away and being ignored just because years have passed by and changes have been made. As a student leader, we have the responsibility to be the role model for the younger generation to make cultures an important piece in their life. Starting from a young age cultures and heritage must be instilled so they wont forget the importances of culture. The authorities should organize more culture festival and teaching smaller kids about culture. Traditional dances and movie regarding about culture should also be promoted. Concert such as pop concert and many more should be limited, this is because there are a lot of popular arties this time around and of course we teenagers want to go and see them. But this is also one of the causes of the decreasation of culture. If one is to forget the importance of culture, the personality of a person can became worse. This is because culture is seen as a system of social control, wherein people shape their standards and behavior. Culture may also slowly degenerate because people are not supporting their own culture. We as the student leaders should encourage student all over the world to support and acknowledge their own culture and traditional.

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