Celts 1

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Jonathon Seeto

Celts Study
1. Information about the origin of the Celts we have is limited. Jean Markale states that they have risen, apparently from nowhere, in around the 5th or 6th century BC However by analysing Celtic legends and myths, and geographical and geological evidence, we can guess their beginnings in the area of what is now Belgium and northern France. Others have placed Celtic origins somewhat further east in what is now southern Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In fact, it is possible that both theories may be correct. The Celts are believed to descend from a group of people whose artifacts have been found in both places: the Urnfield People. 2. Urnfield People - Earliest direct ancestors of the Celtic people. Farmers with first organised farming methods in northern Europe. Originated from Germany, Austria and Switzerland from 1300 BC for 5 hundred years. Their name comes from the fact that they cremated their dead then put their ashes in urns and grave fields. Hallstat People 4 main stages ranging from 1200 BC to 475 BC. Area spanned central Europe at Hallstat Austria. Trade was mainly of tin and copper to manufacture bronze. From 700 BC iron wasl also included as well as salt. This is what allowed the culture to become so influencial. From 800 BC rich burials are found with wagons and iron swords. Halstat C 700 600 BC saw the construction of hillforts were created with rich burials. Over a thousand graves have been found. 3. Woman of Vix Found in 1953 near Mount Lassois. Tumulus over grave with gold torc over head. Wheeled wagon with wheels removed was used as her funeral pyre. Grave contained amber jewellery, silver bowl, black figured attic cup she was about 35 at time of death. She shows women had standing in Celtic society and the importance of the woman. 4.

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