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Scheme of Work Shanty Time Aims Time

Lesson Number 4

To explore the making of an arrangement to a song


Year/Class 7

Learning Activities
Class in. Register.

9.45 9.50 9.55


pupils should learn about textural and structural devices used in arrangements,about musical devices used by composers,to identify how melodic ideas can be used.

identify muscial devices used by composers when arranging,use texture and structure to increase the effect of their arrangement

Learning Outcomes Resources

Timescale 6 weeks

Term Summer

sense of order ,discipline.

Explain meaning of arrangement. introduce devices that composers use

Whole group,individual questioning Wholegroup/Individual questioning Wholegroup.

Classroom Organisation

Assessment Criteria

Attainment Targets levels 3-5

10.00 10.05 10.10 10.15 10.20 10.25 10.30 10.35 10.40

Play Keel row. pupils to listen and identify in what is happening in arrangement. textures etc.How the composer varies the simple tune.Changing the textures,slowing down the tune etc. Explain they are going to write a class arrangement of Drunken sailor.In groups plan out their ownarrangement of a verse of drunken sailor. they will perhaps need to copy out verse structure on big paper and write their ideas above it. Give out instruments and books

Oracy.Listening skills.

They need to understand what an arrangement is and how to create one by building on the work done last lesson. News print /felt pens.

Communication and cooperation skills,

Rehearse objectives eg. possible rhythmstextures/tempos.

Wholegroup/ groups of 4 Wholegroup.

Untuned percusion keyboards for more able pupils.Glocks

They need to show evidence of creating moods and variety in a structured way using compositional devices.

Rehearse and perform arrangement of drunken sailor.

To perform scheme objective

Ability to peform and respect others coherently. Showing evidence of learning outcomes.

Collect instruments and books

Draw. Class out

Settle class,opportunity to give positive regard

Whole class

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