Part A: Creating Basic Charts: Step 1: INSERT A Column Called Sales

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Part A: Creating Basic Charts

1. OPEN YourName GBI.xls completed in Tutorial #1. If you dont have this file, then download it from CLEW.

2. Click on tab US Sales. a. SORT the sales orders by Product Category.

b. Calculate the SUBTOTAL sales amount of each product category. Step 1: INSERT a column called Sales

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Step 2: CACULATE the amount of individual sales order and input the data in the Sales column.

Step 3: Click on Data -> Subtotal to calculate the SUBTOTAL sales amount of each product category.

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c. Create a Pie Chart to show the subtotals of each product category. Step 1: Click on 2 on the subtotal control panel

Step 2: Select data in the Sales column

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Step 3: INSERT Pie

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Step 4: Adjust the label options based on sales numbers.

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d. Create a Bar Chart to show the subtotals of each product category. Step 1: Move the pie chart to the left side of your screen

Step 2: Click on the any field outside of the pie chart to remove the selection of the sales data for the pie chart.

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Step 3: Select Sales data again to prepare for the bar chart.

Step 4: INSERT Bar 2-D Bar

e. Create a Bar Chart to show the subtotals of each product category

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Steps: Repeat Step 1-3 in section d then choose column chart to present your data

f. What are your observations? _______________________________________ 3. Click on tab Canada Sales. a. SORT the sales orders by Product Category. b. Calculate the SUBTOTAL sales amount of each product category. c. Create a Pie Chart to show the subtotals of each product category. d. Create a Bar Chart to show the subtotals of each product category. e. What are your observations? _______________________________________ 4. Create a Column Chart to show the difference in US and Canada sales for each product category. What are your observations? ____________________________________________________________ 5. Click on tab Purchase Order. a. SORT purchase orders by Date of Order. b. Calculate the SUBTOTAL of purchase amount for each month. c. Create a Line Chart to show each months purchase order. d. What are your observations? _________________________________________

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