Death and Resurrection

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lirst Ldition.

All rights resered. 1his book mav be reproduced or charitable purposes onlv.
1his material has been reiewed and orwarded or publishing and distribution bv the Lnglish
language section o the Department o Islamic Resources.
lorm 4: 2190
Date: 1051424
\e would like to express our sincere appreciation to those who contributed to the publication o
this book. Mav Allah reward them or their eorts. I vou hae anv corrections. comments. or
questions about this publication. please eel ree to contact us at:
Preace .......................... 4
Biographv ......................... 6
Introduction ........................
Death ............................. 8
1he 1rials o 1he Dav o Judgement ................ 28
Adice to Muslims ...................... 3
Recommended Islamic Books ................. 39
International Da'wah (enters .................. 42
Useul Islamic \ebsites ..................... 48
All praise be to Allah. 1he Lord o 1he Dav o Judgment. and
mav the Peace and Blessings o Allah be upon the seal o all
prophets. Muhammad ibn Abdullah. and upon his companions
and ollowers till the Dav o Judgment.
\e all beliee that our lie has an end. and nothing is eternal ex-
cept Allah .
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Whatsoever is on it (the Larth) will per-
Andthe Iace of your Lord, full of
Majesty and Honour, will remain forever.
|Surah Ar-Rahmaan 55,:26-2|
It is better or all o us to ponder deeplv about our uture and
about our eternal lie which is eerlasting. \e are expected to
deote some time in this lie to ponder what will occur in the lie
to come.
1he Dav o Judgment is the dav on which all creation will meet.
ullv and airlv. the reward or how thev conducted themseles in
this lie. It is a dav which is dierent rom all other davs. It will
come. sooner or later. But some questions must be raised: Are we
ullv prepared and aware o this dav \hat are its signs and hor-
rors \hen will it come \hat will it look like
Sheikh Muhammad bin 'Uthavmeen. mav Allah hae mercv on
Subhaanahu wa 1a'alaa: trans. Most Gloriied |Mav Allah be exalted aboe
all what the disbelieers attribute to lim| and Most ligh is le`.
him. gae a sermon describing the signs and horrors o such a
Mav Allah sae us and make us steadast on the right path till
the Dav o Judgment.
Abu 'Abdullah. Muhammad ibn Saalih ibn Muhammad ibn
'Uthavmeen at-1amimi an-Najdi was born in the citv o 'Unavzah.
in the region o al-Oaseem on 2
dav o Ramadan. in the vear
134 A.l.1926 (.L. into a religious amilv.
le receied his religious education rom manv prominent schol-
ars. rom them Sheikh 'Abdur-Rahmaan as-Sa'di. Sheikh Mu-
hammad Ameen ash-Shinqeeti and Sheikh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn
Baaz. le was rom among those who sered Islam without anv
tvpe o religious prejudice and kept himsel awav rom the limita-
tions o blind ollowing. le was distinguished or his great exer-
tion in religious matters and analogical deductions. In giing reli-
gious erdicts. like Sheikh ibn Baaz. his ataawaa erdicts, were
based on eidence rom the Our'aan and Sunnah.
le taught reli-
gious undamentals in the lacultv o Sharee'ah at Imaam Mu-
hammad ibn Sa'd Islamic Uniersitv in al-Oaseem. le was also a
member o the (ouncil o Senior Scholars in Saudi Arabia.
During the inal vears o his lie. he suered greatlv rom cancer.
le undertook a trip to America or chemotherapv to alleiate his
sickness. but due to personal reasons and other circumstances. he
chose to orego the treatment and was admitted to King laisal
Specialist lospital in Jeddah on 3 Shawwal30 December.
le passed awav on \ednesdav. the 15
o Shawwaal in the vear
1421 A.l.10 Januarv 2001 (.L. at the age o 4. Mav Allah
hae mercv upon his soul. Ameen.
1he Sunnah o the Prophet is that path which he ollowed. It could also
denote something established to hae been practiced bv the Prophet . con-
trarv to bid'ah. or innoation. At other times. it used to denote ahaadeeth.
Judgment Dav is just a blink awav. \e lie and we die. and then
we will ineitablv be resurrected. 1he step rom death to resurrec-
tion is indeed small. but no matter how diicult death mav be.
the Dav o Resurrection is ar worse. So what lies in between
Ahmad ibn Roysten Boulter
Lerv man has a ixed period o lie gien to him when he is
born. 1his is called Oadar. \e do not lie longer or shorter than
this ixed period o lie. \hen we hae inished this period o lie.
the Angel o Death takes the soul rom our bodv. 1his is called
(oncerning the journev o the soul ater death. the ollowing is a
saheeh hadeeth
rom the Messenger o Allah .
le said.
\hen the belieer is about to depart rom this world and
proceed to the next. angels with aces as bright as the sun
descend rom the heaens and sit around him in throngs
stretching as ar as the eve can see. 1hen the Angel o
Death comes and sits at his head and savs. Good soul.
come out to orgieness and pleasure rom Allah!`
lis soul then emerges like a drop o water that lows rom
a water-skin. and the angel takes hold o it. \hen he has
grasped it. the other angels do not leae it in his hand een
or the twinkling o an eve.
1hev take it and place it in a perumed shroud. and it gies
o a ragrance like the sweetest scent o musk ound on
the ace o the Larth.
1hen thev ascend with it. and wheneer thev take it past a
companv o angels. thev ask. \ho is this good soul` 1he
angels with the soul replv. So-and-so. the son o so-and-
so.` using the best names bv which people used to call him
in this world. 1hev bring him to the lowest heaen and ask
A narration o anvthing attributed to the Prophet . whether it be his ac-
tions. statements. airmations. or attributes. pt. ahaadeeth.
Salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam: trav.. Mav Allah exalt him and grant him Peace`.
or the gate to be opened or him.
It is opened or him. and angels who are near Allah rom
each o the heaens accompanv him to heaen.
Allah savs. Register the book o mv slae in 'Illivvoon
and take him back to Larth. I created them rom it and I
return them to it. and I will bring them orth rom it again.`
lis soul is then returned to his bodv and two angels come
to him. 1hev make him sit up and thev ask him. \ho is
vour Rubb.`
le replies. Mv Rubb is Allah.`
1hev ask him. \hat is vour religion`
le replies. Mv religion is Islam.`
1hev ask him. \ho is this man who was sent among
le replies. 1he Messenger o Allah.`
1hev ask him. low did vou come to know these things`
le replies. I read the book o Allah. belieed it. and de-
clared it to be true.`
1hen a oice rom on high declares. Mv slae has spoken
the truth. so spread out carpets rom the Garden or him
and open one o its gates!`
1hen some o its ragrance and perume reaches him. his
grae is expanded or him as ar as the eve can see. and a
man in beautiul garments with a ragrant scent comes to
him and savs. Rejoice in what delights vou. or this is the
1he register in which the deeds o the righteous are inscribed.
Rubb: usuallv translated as Lord. is one o the Names o Allah. the Proider
and Sustainer o all that exists.
dav which vou were promised.`
le asks. \ho are vou \ours is a ace which presages
le replies. I am vour good actions.`
1hen he savs. O Rubb. let the Last lour come soon so
that I mav rejoin mv amilv and mv propertv!`
\hen an unbelieer is about to depart rom this world and
proceed to the next. angels with black aces descend rom
the heaens carrving a rough haircloth and sit around him
in throngs stretching as ar as the eve can see. 1hen the
Angel o Death comes and sits at his head and savs. loul
soul. come out to the wrath and anger o Allah!`
1hen his soul scatters within his bodv and it is dragged out
like a skewer is pulled out o a wet piece o wool. 1hen the
angel takes hold o it. \hen he has grasped it. the other
angels do not leae it in his hand een or the twinkling o
an eve. 1hev take it and wrap it in a rough haircloth. and a
stench comes out o it like the worst stench o a corpse on
the ace o the Larth.
1hen thev ascend with it. and wheneer thev take it past a
companv o angels. thev ask. \ho is this oul soul` 1he
angels with the soul replv. So-and-so. the son o so-and-
so.` using the worst names bv which people used to call
him in this world. 1hev bring him to the lowest heaen and
ask or the gate to be opened or him. but it is not opened.
1he Messenger o Allah then recited.
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1he gates of heaven will not be opened to
them nor will they enter the Garden until
the camel passes through the eye of the
needle i.e. never.'
|Surah al-A'raa ,:40|
1hen Allah will sav. Register his book in Sijjeen

in the
lowest earth.` And then his soul is lung down.
1he Prophet then recited.
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Whoever associates anything with Allah, it
is as though he has fallen the sky, and the
birds snatch him away, or the wind sweeps
him headlong into a place far away.
|Surah al-lajj 22,:31|
1hen his soul is returned to his bodv and two angels come
and sav to him. \ho is vour Lord`
le replies. Alas. alas. I do not know!`
1hen thev sav tohim. \hat is vour religion`
le replies. Alas. alas. I do not know!`
1hen thev sav to him. \ho is this man who was sent
among vou`
le replies. Alas. alas. I do not know!`
1hen a oice calls rom on high. Mv slae has lied. so
spread out carpets rom the lire and open one o its gates
or him!`

1he register in which the deeds o eil people are inscribed.

1hen a hot blast rom lell-ire comes to him. his grae is
made so narrow or him that his ribs are pressed together.
and a man with a hideous ace and clothing and a oul
odour comes to him and savs. Griee on account o what
has brought vou disgrace. or this is the dav which vou
were promised.`
le asks. \ho are vou \ours is a ace which presages
le replies. I am vour bad actions.`
1hen he savs. O Lord. do not let the Last lour come!`
|Abu Dawud and Ibn Maajah|
Who is your God?
Allah savs in lis Mightv Book that le will alwavs support lis
obedient slaes:
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Allah will keep firm those who believe,
with the word that stands firm in this world
(i.e. they will keep on worshipping Allah
Alone and none else), and in the Hereafter.
And Allah will cause to go astray those who
are Dhaalimoon (polytheists and wrong-
doers), and Allah does what He wills.
|Surah Ibraaheem 14,:2|
1he hadeeth below concerns the questioning in the grae which
occurs as the people depart rom it ater burial.
Ahmad and Abu latim reported that the Prophet said.
\hen a deceased person is laid in his grae. he hears the
sound o the ootsteps o people as thev depart. I he is a
belieer. the salaah
will stand bv his head. the sawm
be to his right. zakaah
to his let. and all other good deeds
Salaah: 1he praver.
Sawm or Sivaam: 1he last.
Zakaah: 1he obligatorv charitv due upon Muslims who meet the required
o charitv. kindness to relations. and good behaiour will be
bv his eet.
1he angels at his head will question the deceased. 1he sa-
laah will sav. 1here is no entrance through me.`
1hen he will be questioned at his right side where the sawm
will sav. 1here is no entrance through me.`
1hen he will be questioned at his let side where the zakaah
will sav. 1here is no entrance through me.`
1hen he will be questioned at his eet where good acts o
oluntarv charitv. kindness to relations. and good beha-
iour will sav. 1here is no entrance through me.`
1hen thev will sav to him. Get up.` and he will get up.
1he sun will appear to him and it will begin to set.
1hen thev will ask. 1his man who was among vou. what
do vou sav about him \hat is vour testimonv about him`
1he man will sav. Leae me alone until I prav!`
1he angels will sav. \ou will prav. |but irst| answer our
question. \hat do vou think about this man who was
among vou \hat do vou sav concerning him \hat do
vou testiv concerning him`
1he deceased will sav. I bear witness that Muhammad was
the Messenger o Allah who brought the 1ruth rom Al-
1he deceased will be told. According to this vou lied.
died. and according to this vou will be resurrected. i Allah
1hen the door to Paradise will be opened or him. le will
be told. 1his is vour place in Paradise and what Allah has
le will ask to prav because he will see that it is time or the Maghrib praver.
prepared or vou.`
At this. the desire and happiness o the deceased will in-
crease. lis grae will be enlarged seentv arms-lengths and
his grae will light up. lis bodv will change to its original
orm and his spirit will be placed in a dangling lantern bv
the trees o Paradise in a nice breeze.
1he Prophet added. 1hat is what is meant bv the statement
o Allah.
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Allah will keep firm those who believe,
with the word that stands firm in this world
(i.e. they will keep on worshipping Allah
Alone and none else), and in the Hereafter.
And Allah will cause to go astray those who
are Dhaalimoon (polytheists and wrong-
doers), and Allah does what He wills.
|Surah Ibraaheem 14,:2|
le also mentioned the unbelieer and said. lis grae will
be compressed. so that his ribs will be crushed together.
About this the Our'aan savs.
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But whosoever turns away from My Re-
minder (i.e. neither believes in this Qur'an
nor acts on its teaching), verily, for him is a
life of hardship and We will resurrect him
blind on the Day of Resurrection.'
|Surah 1aa laa 20,:124|
Another hadeeth depicts the consequences aced bv the unbelie-
ers. Oataadah reported on the authoritv o Anas ibn Maalik that
the Prophet said.
\hen a human is laid in his grae and his companions re-
turn and he hears their ootsteps. two angels will come to
him and make him sit up. 1hev will ask him. \hat did vou
sav about this man. Muhammad `
le will sav. I testiv that he is Allah`s serant and lis
1hen it will be said to him. Look at vour place in lellire.
Allah has exchanged or vou a place in Paradise instead o
1he Prophet added. 1he dead person will see both o his
As or a non-belieer or a hvpocrite. two angels will come
to him and make him sit up.
1hev will ask. \ho was the man who was sent on a mis-
sion among vou`
le will replv. Alas. alas! I do not know. but I used to sav
what the people used to sav!`
It will be said to him. Neither did vou know. nor did vou
seek guidance rom those who had knowledge.`
1hen a crier will call rom leaen. le has lied. so spread
a bed or him rom lell. clothe him rom it. and open one
o its doors or him.`
1hen he will be hit with an iron hammer between his two
ears. and he will crv. 1hat crv will be heard bv all creation
except human beings and the Jinn. |Saheeh Bukhaari. Sa-
heeh Muslim. Sunan Abu Dawood|
Imam Ahmad ibn lanbal said.
I asked Abu Abdullah about the punishment in the grae.
le replied. 1hese are sound ahaadeeth: we beliee in them
and airm them. \e airm eervthing that comes rom the
Prophet with a sound chain o narrators. I we were to
conirm a report as being rom the Prophet and then re-
ject or oppose it. we would be denving the \ords o Allah.
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Whatever the Messenger of Allah gives
you, take.
|Surah al-lashr 59,:|
I asked him. Is the punishment o the grae a realitv`
le said. \es. it is a realitv. People are punished in their
I heard Abu Abdullah saving. \e beliee in the punish-
ment o the grae. in Munkar and Nakeer |the two ques-
tioning angels|. and that the deceased will be questioned in
their graes.` `
Manv sinul Muslims will also be punished in their graes due to
their sins and disobedience. 1here are seeral ahaadeeth. espe-
ciallv those concerning the Night Journev` al-Israa',. which gie
us a glimpse o the dierent tvpes o punishments met out beore
the Dav o Judgment. 1he hadeeth below concerns a dream o
the Prophet . Saamura ibn Jundub reported.
1he Prophet ater the pravers would turn towards us and
ask us. Did anv one o vou hae a dream` I someone
had. he would relate it.
Upon hearing it. the Prophet would sav. \hateer Al-
lah wills |comes to pass|.`
One dav he questioned us saving. Did anv one o vou hae
a dream`
\e answered. No.`
1hen the Prophet said. But tonight I saw two men.
1hev came to me.
1hev held mv hand and took me to the
lolv Land. \e came across a man lving down. and behold.
another man was standing oer his head. holding a big
rock. Behold. he was throwing the rock at the man's head.
crushing it. 1he rock rolled awav and the thrower ollowed
it and brought it back. Bv the time he reached the man. his
head was restored to its normal state. 1he thrower then did
the same as he had done beore.
1he name o the period o wait between a person`s death and the Dav o
Judgment. 1he lie o the grae.
One might mistake the context that the Prophet`s Israa' |Night Journev|
and Mi'raaj |Ascension to the skies and heaen| was a dream. but in act it was
not. as other authentic ahaadeeth state.
I asked mv two companions. \ho are these two people`
1hev said. Proceed!`
So we proceeded and came to a man lving lat on his back
and another man standing oer his head with an iron hook.
Behold. he would put the hook in one side o the man`s
mouth and tear o that side o his ace to the back o his
neck and similarlv tear his nose rom ront to back and his
eve rom ront to back. 1hen he turned to the other side o
the man`s ace and did just as he had done with the prei-
ous side. As soon as he tore one side. the other side re-
turned to its normal state. 1hen he returned to it to repeat
what he had done beore.
I said to mv two companions. \ho are these two people`
1hev said to me. Proceed!`
So we proceeded and saw a hole like an oen. narrow at the
top and wide at the bottom. and there was ire burning in
it. In that oen. there were naked men and women. and be-
hold! llames o the ire were reaching them rom under-
neath. \hen it reached them. thev would be raised high un-
til thev were close to the mouth o the oen. 1hen the ire
subsided and thev went back inside it again.
I asked. \ho are these people`
1hev said to me. Proceed!`
And so we proceeded and came to a rier o blood. and
behold! In the middle o the rier there was a man stand-
ing. and on its bank there was another who had manv
stones. 1he man who was in the rier would trv to leae.
but the other man would throw rocks into his mouth so
that he would return to where he was. Lerv time the or-
mer tried to leae. the latter would throw rocks into his
mouth. 1hen he would return to where he was.
I asked. \ho are these people`
1hev replied. Proceed! Proceed!`
\e proceeded until we came to a man with a repulsie ap-
pearance- the most repulsie appearance vou would eer
see in a man! Beside him there was a ire which he was kin-
dling and running around.
I asked mv companions. \ho is this man,`
1hev said to me. Proceed! Proceed!`
So we proceeded until we reached a garden o deep green
dense egetation. bedecked with all sorts o spring colours.
In the middle o the garden there was a erv tall man. I
could hardlv see his head because o his great height. And
around him there were more children than I had eer seen
I said to mv companions. \ho is this`
1hev replied. Proceed! Proceed!`
So we proceeded until we came to a huge majestic garden.
greater and better than I hae eer seen! Mv two compan-
ions said to me. Ascend.` and I ascended.`
1he Prophet added.
So we ascended until we reached a citv built o gold and
siler bricks. \e went to its gate and asked the gatekeeper
to open the gate. It was opened and we entered the citv.
1here we ound men with one side o their bodies as hand-
some as the most handsome person vou hae eer seen.
and the other as uglv as the ugliest person vou hae eer
Mv two companions ordered those men to throw them-
seles into the rier. Behold. there was a rier lowing
through the citv. and its water was as white as milk. 1hose
men went and threw themseles in it and then returned to
us ater the ugliness o their bodies had disappeared and
thev turned into the best shape.`
1hev said to me. 1his is the Jannah o 'Adn.
and this is
vour home.` so I lited mv eves until I saw a palace which
looked like a white cloud. 1hev said to me. 1his is vour
I said. Mav Allah bless vou. Allow me enter mv house!`
1hev said. Not now. \ou hae not completed the lie o
the world.`
I said to them. I hae seen manv wonders tonight. \hat is
the meaning o all that I hae seen`
1hev replied. \e will inorm vou. As or the irst man vou
came upon whose head was being crushed with the rock.
he is the example o the one who studies the Our'aan but
then neither recites it nor acts upon it. and sleeps without
oering the obligatorv pravers. As or the man vou came
upon whose mouth. nostrils. and eves were being torn o
rom ront to back. he is the example o the man who goes
out o his house in the morning and tells so manv lies that
it spreads all oer the world. As or those naked men and
women whom vou saw in the oen. thev are the adulterers
and the adulteresses. and the man whom vou saw in the
rier o blood is the usurer. As or the man bv the base o
the tree. he was Abraham. and the children around him are
|Muslim| children | who died at a voung age|.`
1he narrator added. Some Muslims asked the Prophet . O
Messenger o Allah! \hat about the children o pagans` 1he
Prophet replied. And also the children o pagans.` `
Ibn Mas'ood. a companion o the Prophet explained it to be the center o
Jannah`. or Paradise. See 1aseer al-Ourtubi. Surah at-1awbah 9,:2.
And the man whom vou saw near the ire. kindling it and
circling it. is Maalik. the gatekeeper o lell.`
1he Prophet added.
Mv two companions explained. 1he men vou saw that
were hal handsome and hal uglv were those persons who
had mixed good deeds with eil ones. but Allah orgae
|Saheeh al-Bukhaari|
In a hadeeth related bv Ahmed. the two companions reealed themseles to
be Jibreel and Meekaa'eel.
Lessening the Punishment
loweer. there are seeral things which ameliorate such punish-
ments. In one hadeeth. the Prophet is reported to hae said.
\hen a man dies no urther reward is recorded or his actions.
with three exceptions: Sadaqah
and knowledge rom which
beneit continues to be reaped. and the supplication o a right-
eous son or his deceased ather.` |Muslim|
1his punishment and torture that we will receie is ineitable. and
onlv those who are misled denv it.
\hen we die. we should alwavs make sure we leae a written will
behind so that what Allah has gien us in this world is dis-
tributed to those in need and those to whom we are in debt. and
so we can leae this world with a clear conscience. I we cannot
ind Muslims as executers o our will. then we should engage
Allah savs in the Our'aan.
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Sadaqah: Voluntarv charitv.
v =;
O believers! When death approaches any
one of you, let two just men from among
yourselves act as witnesses at the time of
making your last will, or from the non-
Muslims if you are traveling through the
land and the calamity of death overtakes
you. If you doubt their honesty, detain
them after prayer and let them both swear
by Allah, We will not sell our testimony for
any price, even to a relative, and we will not
hide the testimony which we will be giving
for the sake of Allah, for we shall be sinners
if we do so.'
|Surah al-Maa'idah 5,:106|
\hen a person is in his last moments. his last words beore his
death should be Laa ilaaha ill-Allah.`
I vou are present at the
scene o a Muslim`s last moments. vou should adise him to sav
it. Do not strain him to sav those words. and do not make him
repeat it unless he savs something ater it. It should be loud
enough that he himsel can hear it. Also close his eves in his last
moments and do not let them remain wide open.
1his is an example o one Muslim whom Allah helped to be
steadast at the time o death. lis name was Abu Zur'ah ar-Raazi.
one o the Imams o the scholars o ahaadeeth. Abu Ja'ar Mu-
hammad ibn 'Ali \arraaq said:
\e were with Abu Zur'ah in Shahraan. one o the illages o
Ar-Rivv. at the time o his death. Abu laatim. Ibn \arraaq.
al-Mundhir ibn Shaadhaan and others were with him. 1hev
remembered the hadeeth. 1ell those who are dving to sav
Laa ilaaha ill-Allah: trav.. 1here is no true deitv. beside Allah`.
Laa ilaaha ill-Allah`.` but thev elt too shv to tell Abu Zur'ah
to sav it. 1hev said Let us mention the hadeeth.` Ibn \arraaq
started bv coneving the chain o narrators. Abu 'Aasim nar-
rated on the authoritv o Abdul-lameed ibn Ja'ar. who told
us that Saalih.` and he started to sav. ibn Abi...` but he
could not go anv urther. 1hen Abu laatim said. Bandar nar-
rated on the authoritv o Abu 'Aasim. who told us that Abdul-
lameed ibn Ja'ar related rom Saalih.` but he could not go
anv urther. and the rest remained silent. 1hen Abu Zur'ah.
whilst he was dving. opened his eves and inished the hadeeth
bv saving. Bandar narrated on the authoritv o Abu 'Aasim.
who told us that Abdul-lameed related rom Saalih ibn Abi
Ghareeb. on the authoritv o Katheer ibn Murrah that
Mu'aadh ibn Jabal said. 1he Messenger o Allah said.
\hoeer savs as his last words La ilaaha ill-Allah. will enter
Paradise.` ` ` 1hen his soul departed. mav Allah hae mercv
on him. |Sivar A'laam an-Nubalaa' . 136-85|
1his is what Allah savs about such pious belieers in the
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Verily, those who say, Our Lord is Allah
(Alone),' and then they stood straight (fol-
lowed Islam truly), on them the angels will
descend (at the time of their death) (say-
ing), Iear not, nor grieve! But receive the
glad tidings of Paradise which you have
been promised!'
|Surah lussilat 41,:30|
O Allah. make us among them. O Allah. we ask \ou to make us
adhere to Islam with determination and wisdom. and our inal
supplication is Praise be to Allah. Lord o the \orlds.
Du'aa: 1o inoke Allah. Supplication.
1he 1rials
the Day of Judgment
Sheikh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-'Uthavmeen
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O people! lae taqwa
and ear Allah . and think about
vour worldlv lie. the lereater. vour lie. vour death. vour pre-
sent and vour uture. 1hink about this worldlv lie. o those who
passed awav rom earlier generations. and also o those who will
come aterwards. Indeed. in their stories are lessons or those
who wish to beneit. 1hev lied building this world: thev had
more monev. more children. were stronger and lied longer. And
ater some time thev were gone... as i thev neer existed. 1hev
hae become a part o historv. and vou are ollowing in their
ootsteps. and a similar ate awaits vou.
\ou will be transerred rom this worldlv lie to the grae. haing
been in palaces. In it. vou will be alone. ater being happv and
gathered with amilv. \ou will be alone with vour deeds... onlv. I
thev are good. vou will be in a state o well-being. and i thev are
not. vou will be in torment until the Dav o Resurrection.
On the dav when the 1rumpet is blown. the dead will be raised
rom their graes to the Rubb o all that exists: thev will be bare-
oot without shoes. naked without clothes and uncircumcised.
1he Prophet described the situation on that Dav. and 'Aa'ishah

|one o the Prophet's wies| said to him. O Messenger o
Allah. men and women together. both looking at each other` le
replied. 1he situation will be too seere or them to look at
1aqwa: laing a shield between vou and the wrath o Allah. bv obeving
lim and ulilling all that le ordered and aoiding all that le orbade.
Radi Allahu 'anhu: trans. Mav Allah be pleased with himher.
each other.`
1he situation will be too seere or men and women to look at
each other. It will be so seere that a mother will not een think
o asking about her child. and a child will not een think o ask-
ing about his ather.
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1hen, when the 1rumpet is blown, there
will be no kinship among them that day,
nor will they ask of one another.
|Surah al-Mu'minoon 23,:101|
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O Mankind, Iear you Lord! Verily, the
earthquake of the Hour (of Judgment) is a
terrible thing.
1he Day you shall see it,
every nursing mother will forget her nurs-
ling, and every pregnant one will drop her
load, and you shall see mankind as in a
drunken state, yet they will not be drunk,
but severe will be the 1orment of Allah.
(ollected bv Bukhaari and Muslim.
|Surah al-lajj 22,:1-2|
|On that dav|. there will be scared hearts and eves cast down in
shame. Records and ledgers o deeds will be uneiled. 1he belie-
ers will receie their book in their right hand. while the disbelie-
ers will receie their book in their let. behind their back. \ho-
eer takes his book with his right hand will sav with happiness
and jov. Come and read my book! \hereas the one who
takes his book in his let hand will sav with sadness and grie. I
wish that I had not received my book, and he will long or
his own destruction |beore he meets punishment o Allah|.
At that time. the scales will be placed and people's deeds will be
measured. \hoeer had done an atom`s weight o good shall see
it. and whoeer had done an atom`s weight o eil shall see it.
Allah savs in the Our'aan.
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And We shall set up balances of Justice on
the Day of Resurrection, then none will be
dealt with unjustly in anything. And if there
be the weight of a mustard seed, We will
bring it. And Sufficient are We as Reckon-
|Surah al-Anbivaa' 21,4|
On that Dav. crowds o people will appear in waes. one ater the
other. 1hev will eel tremendous ear and sadness which thev will
not be able to bear. People will call out. asking or someone to
intercede or them with Allah . 1hev will go to the Prophets.
starting with Adam . Nuh Noah,. Ibraaheem Abra-
ham,. and Musa Moses,. and thev will all apologize.
Ater that. thev will go to 'Lesaa Jesus, who will sav. I am
not the one that can do it. loweer. go to Muhammad . a wor-
shipper whose past and uture aults were orgien.`
1hen thev will go to Muhammad and he will sav with pride
because o Allah's grace. I am the one that can.`
So he will ask or Allah`s permission. and he will then all in
to lim. Allah will reeal to him dierent wavs to
praise and exalt lim. in wavs no one knew beore. Allah will
allow him to remain in that position as long as le wills.
le will then sav to him. O Muhammad. raise vour head.
Speak and vou will be heard. intercede and vour intercession will
be accepted.`
On that Dav Allah will come to judge between lis creations
and will take them to account or their deeds. le will be alone
with lis worshipper. the belieer. addressing him o his sins until
he admits and conesses. 1hen Allah will show lis grace on
him and will tell him. I kept vour sins secret in the world and I
will orgie them or vou todav.`
On that dav. Prophet Muhammad will be granted the lawd
al-Mawrood`- the pool at which some o his Ummah will gather
and drink. Its water is whiter than milk and sweeter than honev.
and its ragrance is better than the scent o musk. It`s measure is
one month in length and one month in width. Its cups are as the
stars in the skv. numerous and sparkling. None but the belieers
will be able to reach the Pool- the ollowers o the Sunnah. \ho-
eer drinks rom it will neer eel thirst again. and the irst to go
Lach one will state the reason whv thev cannot intercede on their behal.
Sujood: Prostrating in the worship o Allah.
to the Pool will be the poor o the Muhaajiroon.
On that Dav. the sun will descend upon people until it is onlv a
mile awav. People will be sweating according to their deeds. Some
will sweat up to their ankles. some up to their knees. some up to
their waists. and some will be submerged in sweat completelv.
Allah will shade with lis Shade whomeer le wills. a dav on
which there will be no shade except lis.
On that Dav. Allah will sav. O Adam.` who will replv. At
vour command and what pleases vou. all good is in \our lands.`
1hen Allah will sav to Adam . Bring out the people o
lellire rom vour descendants.`
Adam will ask. \ho are the people o lellire`
Allah will replv. lrom eerv thousand take out nine-hundred
and ninetv-nine.` At that time a child's hair will turn grev.
On that Dav. the Siraat
will be set oer the Inernal lire. It will
be thinner than a strand o hair and sharper than a sword. 1rust
and ties o kinship will be sent orth and will stand on both sides
o the Siraat. right and let. People will pass on it according to
their deeds. Some will pass like lighting. some will pass crawling
and some will be in between the ast and the slow.
\our Prophet will be standing on the Siraat saving. O Rubb!
Keep them, sae.`
On the edges o the Siraat will be hanging hooks. commanded to
take those whom Allah orders to take. Some will be sae. bear-
ing onlv scratches. but others will be piled in lell.
On that Dav. people will be diided into two groups. one in Para-
dise and the others in the lell-lire.
Muhajiroon: those who migrated with the Prophet rom Makkah to
Siraat: a bridge extended oer lell.
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And on the Day when the Hour will be es-
tablished, -that Day shall (all men) be
separated (i.e. the believers will be sepa-
rated from the disbelievers).
1hen as for
those who believed (in the Oneness of Al-
lah Islamic monotheism) and did right-
eous good deeds, such shall be honoured
and made to enjoy a luxurious life (forever)
in the Garden of Delight (Paradise).
as for those who disbelieved and belied our
Ayaat (signs (proofs from verses, revela-
tions, evidence, lessons, Allah's Messenger,
the Resurrection, etc.) and the Meeting of
the Hereafter, - such shall be brought forth
to the torment (in the Hell-Iire)
|Surah Ar-Rum 30,:14-16|
O worshipers o Allah ! lae taqwa and be prepared or that
dav. or without a doubt it is vour ate. Although this dav is so
serious and rightening. it will be easv or the pious belieers. or
Allah savs.
- ., -, - ,| ~.- =
... and it will be a hard Day for the disbe-
lievers (those who disbelieve in the One-
ness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism)
|Surah al-lurqaan 25,:26|
So beliee in Allah and know or sure that Allah knows
what is in vour minds. so be cautious o lim.
O Allah. (reator o the leaens and the Larth. Knower o the
unseen and the seen. we ask \ou to make us witness that \ou are
Allah and that there is no true deitv but \ou Alone. the Lternal.
1he One who begets not. nor was begotten and that there is
none co-equal or comparable unto to \ou: \ou hae the Majestv
and Bountv. \ou are the Ler-Liing. the Lternal Guardian. Lase
or us the horrors o that Dav and make us among the happv
ones and join us with the righteous. O Allah. the Sustainer o all
that exists.
Advice for Muslims
by Ahmad ibn Roysten Boulter
1his booklet explains clearlv what to expect on that Dav on
which we will stand beore our Lord in expectation and dread -
awaiting the erdict o lis Judgment.
I the Dav is earsome and dreadul or the belieer whose sins
are relatielv ew. imagine how dreadul it will be or the belieer.
whose soul is weighed down bv neglect o his Deen religion,.
lor the unbelieer. it will be the dav he loses all hope.
I vou ear Allah and hope or lis reward. vou mav be the one
o the thousand who was not picked bv Adam. And i vou strie
with vour mind and heart to deelop ihsaan.
then vou mav one
o those who pass the Siraat like lightening.
1he ollowing are eight things we must do to receie Allah`s
lorgieness and Mercv:
1, Build up vour good deeds: thev will be a shield or
2, Aoid eil deeds.
3, Do not expose vour sins. nor the sins o others.
4, lollow the Our'aan and the Sunnah closelv.
5, Shun wealth. and gie what wealth vou hae in the
wav o Allah as Sadaqah to the poor. or in Jihad
and Da'wah,.
6, Ponder on the Avaat o Allah . and seek to know
and do what Allah ordains us to do.
Perection o deeds. in that one knows that Allah is watching him. so he
perorms them correctlv.
, Remember the past and remember the people who
disobeved - do not tread in their ootsteps.
8, Be careul about what vou do - do not act thought-
\e should take adantage o the time we hae on Larth as an
opportunitv to prepare ourseles or death and all that comes a-
ter it. Allah has told us throughout the Our'an and Sunnah
how we can decrease the horrors that come ater death. \e can
sav optional pravers. do optional asts. gie in charitv. be kind to
our amilies. and remember Allah with tasbeeh.
and tahmeed.
\e can also ask Allah or orgieness
and make du'aa requentlv. Studving and reciting the Our'aan are
also good deeds that can protect us rom the punishment in the
grae and the horrors o the Dav o Resurrection and Judgment.
All o these deeds along with the loe and ear o Allah will
help us all get closer to Allah and help make us all successul in
the lereater.
Mav Allah reward vou or listening to the adice Shavkh Mu-
hammad ibn Saalih al-'Uthavmeen has presented to vou.
Ahmad ibn Rovsten Boulter
12 Dhul Oa'dah 1423.
Saving Subhaan Allah` Mav Allah be exalted aboe what the disbelieers
attribute to lim.
Saving La ilaaha ill-Allah` 1here is no true deitv but Allah,.
Saving Allahu Akbar` Allah is the Greatest,.
Saving al-lamdu lillaah` All praise and thanks be to Allah,.
Bv saving Astaghirullah` I seek orgieness rom Allah,.
Recommended Islamic Books
1. Lxplaining 1he lundamentals o laith
Bv: Shavkh Muhammad ibn Saalih
2. \hat a Muslim is Required 1o Know about lis Religion
Bv: Abdullah al-Khavvat,.
3. Arguments Against Seeking lelp rom Sources Other
than Allah. and Belieing in Soothsavers & lortune-tellers
Bv: Sheikh Abdul-Azeez bin Baaz,.
4. A Brie Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam I. A.
5. \e Beliee in Jesus
Bv: Sulaiman al-But'he,.
6. Islamic Perspectie o Sex
Prepared Bv: Abdur-Rahman al-Sheha,.
. 1he lijab. \hv
Bv: Dr. Muhammad Isma'eel,.
Note: All o these recommended Islamic books are aailable in
1he Islamic Propagation Oice in Rabwah.
International Da'wah Centers
Islamic Societv o Braard (ountv - 550 llorida Ae - Mel-
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Markazi Jamiat Ahl-e- ladeeth U.K. - 20 Green Lane. Small
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