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So here we are in December and some of us are probably wondering if well be alive to see January.

Remember, 21st December is when the Mayan calendar ends and so apparently, does the world. And its not just the Mayans. There are all sorts of d oomsday scenarios floating around. For example, in October an email purportedly from NASA was doing the rounds. The email predicted a total blackout throughout the world between 23rd December and 25th December. This would be caused, they cl aimed, due to the sun and earth aligning for the first time with the Universe, w hatever that means. As a result, the earth will shift from the current third dim ension to zero dimension, then shift to the fourth dimension. The veracity of th is email was later debunked by NASA themselves, but nonetheless, it caused a lot of anxiety to a large number of people. For some reason, 2012 has spawned a lot of End of Days predictions. One spiritua l guru who organizes Art of Dying workshops has also propounded the fourth dimen sion shift and advised his followers to stay calm on 21st December and think onl y good thoughts. Those who harbor animosity and vengeance will allegedly meet an unhappy end. There are also theories about the reappearance of the long missing Twelfth Imam and the Second Coming of Christ referred to by Christians as the R apture. A terrifying Day of Judgement is said to be coming when the good shall b e saved and the rest condemned to eternal damnation. Another theory says that the earths magnetic poles will suddenly reverse themselves, as a result of which the world will suffer unimaginable natural calamities that will virtually wipe out t he whole of mankind. The amazing aspect is not so much that these wild scenarios are floating around. The amazing thing is that they are believed by millions of people around the wo rld. Many of us seem to have developed an Armageddon complex; for no apparent re ason. It has given rise to a personal dilemma for me. Do I blow up my life savin gs on a round-the-world cruise before the big date? After all, you cant take it w ith you, so why hold on to it. Ill have to give it some serious thought. On a more serious note, I find it wondrous and a bit perplexing that this Armage ddon scenario has caught on among so many intelligent, rational and logical men and women, although very few will openly admit it. Hindus, of course, have long believed that we are currently living in the kalyug (the age of evil). And for t hose who subscribe to the Doomsday prophecy, there are signs which can be interp reted to suit their theory. Firstly, few would argue that the planet is in a sta te of turmoil not witnessed outside of all out war. More human beings are being killed, tortured or starved to death than at any time in recent history. And it is not just armies and warlords that are slaughtering each other, not to mention hundreds of innocent non-combatants. Ordinary people are on a shooting spree, p articularly in the United States, where incidents of random shootings by disturb ed or just sadistic young men are being reported almost every month. The irony h ere is that instead of getting alarmed enough at these dire statistics to meani ngfully restrict the proliferation of handguns and even assault rifles, American politicians, as well as a sizeable population of ordinary citizens are justifyi ng their inaction by taking recourse to all sorts of excuses, including the nati ons Constitution itself. Even the Almighty seems to be fed up with the humans He created in His own image. Nature is unleashing calamities like earthquakes, hurr icanes and tsunamis of increasing ferocity and with increasing frequency. The pl anet is in a god awful mess and the inhabitants are largely responsible. Assuming the day of judgement really is nigh, what can one do to avoid being con signed to hellfire and brimstone? In my personal opinion, not much. Weve left it too late. Whatever god you worship, I believe He will judge you over a lifetime of deeds, good and bad. And trust me, no amount of religious ceremonies or Chris tian Mass or whatever will help. God cannot be bribed. Communion with God is not a barter system where you make promises to hold a ritual or go on a pilgrimage in return for favours. You will get a much better return on your investment thro ugh honesty, diligence and helping the less fortunate.

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