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The Golden Ratio

By: C.J. Ruehrmund

George W. Harts sculptures

72 pencils 8 inches Made of 72 pencils

Cagework 7 inches Made of acrylic

Monsters 6 inches Made of paper

How George W Hart used mathematics

George W Hart used mathematics in many different ways. One way is that he had to use mathematics is that he had to scale his sculptures. George had to make computer drawing the make it in real life. He came up with the golden rectangle witch is 2 to 1

Georg W Hart was a mathematical sculpture. The mathematics he used inspired art in the renaissance because art started using shapes. Art became more inspirational and made art what it is today. I think George W Hart had to be a very smart kid as a child .

4,9height 2torso 2right arm 2left leg 7head

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