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A few days ago UK researchers announced that 17 skeletons belonging to Jews were found at the bottom of a medieval well

in Norwich, England. These Jews were mur dered in a pogrom or had been forced to commit suicide rather than submit to the demands for conversion to Christianity. The bodies date back to the 12th or 13th Centuries, at a time when Jewish people faced killings, banishment and persecution throughout all Europe. Those 17 Jews were killed because of "replacement theology," the most ancient Christian calum ny arguing that because of their denial of the divinity of Christ, the Jews have forfeited God's promises to them, which have been transferred to the Church. (p artly because of killing Jesus Christ) Some 10 centuries later, global Christian forums are reviving this theological d emonology against the heirs of those 17 Jews: the Jews of the State of Israel. T he World Council of Churches, an ecumenical Christian body based in Geneva and b oasting 590 million worshipers, just ended a four-day conference in the Greek ci ty of Volos. Not a single word of criticism was uttered there against the Islami sts who are persecuting Arabs who believe in Jesus. Lutherans arrived to Volos from the United States, Catholics and Protestants fro m Bethlehem and Nazareth, Orthodox Christians from Greece and Russia, lecturers from Beirut and Copts from Egypt. The conference declared the Jewish State "a si n" and "occupying power," accused Israelis of "dehumanizing" the Palestinians, t heologically dismantled the "chosen/ness" of the Jewish people and called for "r esistance" as a Christian duty. The conference denied 3,000 years of Jewish life in the land stretching between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River, took sides against the very presence of Israel, likened the defensive barrier that has blocked terrorism to "apartheid," attacked Jewish homes in Judea and Samaria invoking the name of God and concept ually dismissed the Jewish state, imagining it to be a mixture - Islamic, Christ ian and perhaps a bit Jewish. It even legitimized terrorism when it talked about the "thousands of prisoners who languish in Israeli jails," proclaiming that "r esistance to the evil of occupation is a Christian's right and duty." According to the Old Testament the entire land of Israel is actually Jewish by a covenant given to Abraham by God. Indeed seven covenants are in the Old Testament. The Fi rst two are irrevocable. Noah's & Abraham's. They are both also eternal in exten t. Jer. 32:38 "and they shall be My people (Israel) and I will be their God (i.e. " when I have gathered them from ALL countries where I have driven them in My ange r") and vs. 39, "and I will give them one heart and one way that they (Israel) m ay fear Me forever for the good of them and for their children after them and I will make an EVERLASTING covenant with them, that I will not turn away from them , TO DO THEM GOOD, but I will put My fear (honour trust) in their hearts and the y will not depart from Me." "Yes I God will rejoice over them, to do them good a nd I will plant them in this land assuredly with My whole heart & soul... so I w ill bring them all of the GOOD that I promised them." Jer. 33:7, says that "God will bring Judah from captivity, and Israel from captivity to return and I will build as at the first." This promise exceeds the return after 70 years in Babylo n. Only Judah returned as well. Isa. 10:20-21, states, "They of Jacob shall stay not upon him who smote him, but the remnant shall stay in Truth." Deut. 7:13, " and He God will love thee & bless thee & multiply thee & bless the fruit of thy womb, and thy land, thy corn & thine oil, & cattle & sheep in the land that He swore unto thy fathers to give thee." 7 Covenants are in the Old Testament. The First two are irrevocable. Noah's & Abraham's Jer. 32:38 "and they shall be My people (Israel) and I will be their God (i.e. " when I have gathered them from ALL countries where I have driven them in My ange r") and vs. 39, "and I will give them one heart and one way that they (Israel) m

ay fear Me forever for the good of them and for their children after them and I will make an EVERLASTING covenant with them, that I will not turn away from them , TO DO THEM GOOD, but I will put My fear (honour trust) in their hearts and the y will not depart from Me." "Yes I God will rejoice over them, to do them good a nd I will plant them in this land assuredly with My whole heart & soul... so I w ill bring them all of the GOOD that I promised them." Jer. 33:7, says that "God will bring Judah from captivity, and Israel from captivity to return and I will build as at the first." This promise exceeds the return after 70 years in Babylo n. Only Judah returned as well. Isa. 10:20-21, states, "They of Jacob shall stay not upon him who smote him, but the remnant shall stay in Truth." Deut. 7:13, " and He God will love thee & bless thee & multiply thee & bless the fruit of thy womb, and thy land, thy corn & thine oil, & cattle & sheep in the land that He swore unto thy fathers to give thee." The Holy Bible is full of these promises o f Israel being planted in the land and never "plucked up again" WHY DOES GOD RES TORE ISRAEL? For His Holy Name's sake... which you have profaned among the natio ns. You see God set His Name there centuries ago when He made rules for Israel t o live by. See Deut. 12:1-5, They were to tear down & utterly destroy graven ima ges & places of worship and even the names of these false gods... He goes on to say in vs.4 "Ye shall not do unto the Lord your God, but unto the place which th e Lord your God shall choose (i.e. Jerusalem's Holy Mt.and City and nation) to p ut His Name there, even unto His Temple shall you seek and there shall you come .... (vs. 11, "then shall there be a place which the Lord your God shall choose, to cause His Name to dwell there." Also Isa 57:15, for thus saith the HIGH & LOFTY ONE who inhabiteth eternity, whose NAME is Holy, I dwell in the high & holy plac e with him that is of a contrite & humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the hu mble, to revive the heart of the contrite ones.(Jews) For I will not contend for ever neither will I be always wrath (anger) for the spirit should fail before Me & the souls which I have made." In the last few months we have seen a radical and dangerous increase of attacks on Israel by the Protestant and Catholic churches. While the US is home to many Christian supporters of Israel, the groups more closely linked to global public opinion, European bureaucracy, the media industry, the United Nations and variou s legal forums are all violently anti-Israel and anti-Jewish. They are paving th e way for a new Jewish bloodbath by the theological exclusion of Israel's Jews f rom the family of nations.

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