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1.- _______ is the girl drinking? Because she is thirsty.

2.- _______ is calling him? His wife is calling.

3.- _______ are they sitting? Under a tree.

4.- _________ does he go to school? By bus

5._______ instrument is that man playing? The violin.

6.-______ are those little houses? In Prague.

7.- _____is the woman singing? In the church.

8.- _______ is the man carrying? A wheelbarrow.

9.- ______ is shouting on the megaphone? A police officer. __

10.- ________ is the girl surprised? Because shes rich.

11.-_____ is the woman in the photo? His girlfriend.

12.- ______ does he shout? Because he is very angry.

13.-_____ is the weather like? Terrible.

14.- ____does he do? He is a miner.

15.- ___colour is the mans tie? Red

16.- _____ did he break his arm? At the snow.

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