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Public Policy Answer the following questions in a Word document and turn into the appropriate drop box.

1. List as many reasons as you can for why it is hard to enact new policies. Give examples for each. 2. Summarize how economics affect politics and how politicians respond. 3. How do two kinds of majoritarian (when almost everyone benefits from a policy and almost everyone pays for it) politics complicate the politics of taxing and spending? 4. What was the Gramm-Rudman Act or Balanced Budget Act of 1985? Define sequester. What strategy was adopted when sequestration didnt work? 5. How did the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 change the budget process? In your answer indicate how the budget process is supposed to work. 6. Explain the role of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). 7. What is the main function of the Federal Reserve and what are the three main tools they at their disposal to implement their policies? 8. What is the difference between social insurance programs and public assistance plans? What is the difference in how eligibility is determined for each? List the various programs that fall into each category. 9. How was welfare reformed by the 1996 Welfare Reform Act? How was AFDC different from TANF? 10. Why is environmental policy so controversial? 11. Explain the effects of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (1970), Clean Air Act (1963), and Endangered Species Act (1973). 12. What are the limits on the ability of the Secretary of State to direct foreign policy? 13. What factors influence the growth or decline of the defense budget? 14. What factors influence the growth or decline of the defense budget? 15. Explain the interplay of public opinion and foreign policy. What is the rally around the flag effect?

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