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Marketing Plan assignment

To be e-submitted by session 15 Companies generally create yearly marketing plans. A marketer needs good marketing plan to provide direction for the products, brand or company. Your group shall prepare a marketing plan for your company the next two years. You may consider the company you have already considered for assignment 1. The marketing plan shall ideally include the following; Summary 1. Current Market Situation i. Market Description ii. Product Review iii. Competitive review iv. Distribution review 2. SWOT analysis for the company i. Strengths ii. Weaknesses iii. Opportunities iv. Threats 3. Objectives and issues i. Objectives for year 1 ii. Objectives for year 2 iii. Any major issues 4. Marketing strategy i. Positioning ii. Product Strategy iii. Pricing Strategy iv. Distribution Strategy v. Communication Strategy vi. Research vii. Organization 5. Action Programs i. Quarterly Description 6. Budgets A plan of around 10 pages (TNR , Font 12, 1.5 line spaced) shall be submitted by session 15. It shall be an individual work. The class representative may please ensure that all the plans are saved in a single folder and submitted. One may be asked to present his/her plan before the class.


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