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Name : Abikrisna Rekasina Ivanov The Instrument Installation Summary of Article 720 (Circuits and Equipment Operating at Less

than 50 Volts)
Scope This article covers installations operating at less than 50 volts, direct current or alternating current. Except for installations that has covered in articles 411 (Lighting Systems Operating at 30 Volts or Less), 551 (Recreational Vehicles and Recreational Vehicle Parks), 650 (Pipe Organs), 669 (Electroplating), 690 (Solar Photovoltaic Systems), 725 (Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 Remote-Control, Signaling, and Power-Limited Circuits.), and 760 (Fire Alarm Systems). Hazardous classsified area For installations in hazardous classsified area, should be comply with appropriate provisions of article 500 (Hazardous (Classified) Locations, Classes I, II, and III, Divisions 1 and 2) through 517 (Health Care Facilities). Conductor Conductor must be equivalent or bigger than no.12 copper. Conductor for appliance branch circuits that supplying more than one appliance or appliance receptacle must be equivalent or bigger than no.10 copper. Lampholders The rating of standard lampholders must be not less than 660 watts. Receptacle Rating The rating of receptacle must be not less than 15 amperes. Receptacle Required We must use receptacle that has minimum rating 20 amperes for kitchen, laundry, and other location of portable appliance are likely to be used. Overcurrent protection The Overcurrent protection should be comply with article 240 (Overcurrent Protection). Batteries The installation of batteries must be comply with article 480 (Storage Batteries). Grounding The grounding should be comply with article 250 (Grounding). Mechanical Execution of Work We must install a circuit that operate less than 50 volts in a neat and workmanlike manner. The cable must be resistant of the buildings structure, so the cable will not damaged by the structure.

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