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RegularDivergenceisusedasapossiblesignforatrendreversal. If price is making lower lows (LL), but the oscillator is makinghigherlows(HL),thisisconsideredtobeRegular BullishDivergence. ThisnormallyoccursattheendofaDOWNTREND.After establishing a second bottom, if the oscillator fails to makeanewlow,itislikelythatpricewillrise,aspriceand momentum are normally expected to move in line with eachother

Ifpriceismakingahigherhigh(HH),buttheoscillatoris lower high (LH), then you have Regular Bearish Divergence. This type of divergence can be found in an UPTREND. After price makes that second high, if the oscillator makesalowerhigh,thenyoucanprobablyexpectprice toreverseanddrop.

Divergencesnotonlysignalapotentialtrendreversal;theycanalsobeusedasapossiblesignfora trendcontinuation.Alwaysremember,"thetrendisyourfriend",sowheneveryougetasignalthatthe trendwillcontinue,thatisagoodsignforyou! Hidden Bullish Divergence happens when price is makingahigherlow(HL),buttheoscillatorisshowing alowerlow(LL). ThiscanbeseenwhenthepairisinanUPTREND.Once price makes a higher low, look to see if the oscillator does the same. If it does not, but instead makes a lowerlow,thenyou'vegotHiddenBullishDivergence onyourhands.

HiddenBearishDivergenceoccurswhenpricemakesa lower high (LH), but the oscillator is making a higher high (HH). By now you've probably guessed that this occursinaDOWNTREND. WhenyouseeHiddenBearishDivergence,chancesare thatthepairwillcontinuetoshootlowerandcontinue thedowntrend.

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