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Hurricanes are not Fun Here I am all the way inland in Pennsylvania's Pocono Mountains Being 112 miles

inland from the closest point of Staten Island I love the new word Franken storm as Mother Nature soda fountains When a Hurricane grows to almost a 1000 miles wide there is no highland Here I am in the Mountains with a false pretence in my mind I am safe here Then the light went on as I remembered I have 100 foot tall trees behind me With winds at 80+ miles an hour if those 2 trees fell my house would disappear Then they said the wind at night while we're sleeping I pray for safety to thee Breezy Point, Queens, New York 50 homes on fire my heart goes out to them As well as my prayers for 1st responders and all from Florida to Maine here My thoughts and prayers to those Islands in the Atlantic not time to condemn Open mind and heart to any n all humans and animals no matter far and near Father time cannot argue with Mother Nature this is not a time for any to criticize When so many people are in the path of death n destruction time to check on everyone When lives are by happenstance placed in harms way heeding warning would be wise To be greater than oneself check on family n friends n neighbors Hurricanes are not Fun 2012 I.M. Nobody

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