Romeo and Juliet Synopsis

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Yoges Eko Pebriyana 3M / 110060392 DRAMA

ROMEO AND JULIET SYNOPSIS Romeo, the boy from Montague families met Juliet from Capulets families in the party. Romeo and Juliet fell in love each other at their first meeting. Every night, Romeo visited Juliet castle silently so that no one knew about their relationship. One day, Tybalt from Capulets killed Mercutio, Romeos friend. It made Romeo so angry and killed Tybalt, so he was separated from Juliet . Then, Juliets family forced Juliet to married with Valiant but, Juliet didnt want. Juliet took a reckless way, she drank a distilled liquor from Romeos teacher to made fake death so that Valiant couldnt marry her. Romeos teacher wanted to inform Romeo but it didnt. After Romeo was back, he found Juliet had die so he chose to drank poison and dead beside Juliet. When Juliet awoke, she was shock and she stab herself with knife. Finally, they were dead together.

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