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How Airplanes and Helicopters Fly!

Nelson Literacy 6b pages 109 to 112 1.

Without looking at the dictionary, see if you can figure out the meaning of the following words based on what you already know (background information) and how the word is used in the article (context). Confirm your guess by checking the dictionary.

ailerons small sections of an aircraft wing, for rolling and banking during flight angle the space between tow lines that extend in different directions from the same point assembly a set of parts put together elevators the parts on a plane used to control the planes up-and-down movement horizontal flat and level rotor the part of an aircraft that rotates to give it lift rudder a hinged piece of metal at the rear of an aircraft used for steering

vertical at right angles to a horizontal 2. What happens when a pilot moves one of the control surfaces on an airplane?

It changes the air pressure acting on the airplanes wings and tail and allows the pilot to steer the plane in any direction. 3. What are the two sets of controls in the cockpit? The control column and the rudder pedals.


What are the control surfaces on an airplane? Where are they located? ailerons: rudder: elevator: rear edge of each wing rear of the tail fin rear of the tail plane


What three parts are used to control a helicopter? Tail rotor, rotor blades and rotor head.


In your own words, explain the function of the tail rotor, the rotor blades, and the rotor head. The tail rotor produces a sideways force to stop the helicopter from spinning. The rotor blades produce the lifting force, which moves the helicopter forward, backward, or sideways. The rotor head turns or angles the blades to change direction of the helicopter.


Explain how helicopters can fly in all directions as well as hover in one spot, in your own words. The spinning rotor gives the helicopter lift and thrust to do this.


In your own words, explain how the pilot causes the helicopter to change direction. The pilot can control the rotor so that it tips forward, backward, or sideways. The rotor then moves the helicopter in the desired direction and keeps it in the air.

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