5 Pasos para Negociar Los Contenidos

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HOMEWORK Sandra Olivares Lpez Teacher Laura Valenzuela COLE TEFL


negotiation is a process that is continuum. So it can be incorporate a serie of steps that can be introduced simultaneosly or separated.


teachers we have to let the students get involved in their own learning, so we can do some of the next recomendations:

Explain clearly to the students what goals they will to achieve at the end of the lesson. Include them into the class making questions about what theyll to learn in the unit or that is the instruccions are clearfor example. Making an interactive class, not passive Dont speak all class and let them to participated.


step its about let the learners make a review of their own knowledge as a group. So they can stablish a standar group.


step involves give ideas or thecniques to our students that they can use to think in english or speak in english outside the class. In other words, thecniques that they can apply in the ordinary life.


step talks about the importance to make the student relaize they own learn. In this step its important to explain the students step by step the classroom tasks.


students dont like a passive class or the teacher controls everything. Thats because the teacher have to find the syle of the group and apply strategies that help to achieve the goals.

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