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Before you enter the store: Does the store draw you in? If so, how?

BONUS It has a big announcement, it is very visible but it is not really attractive

PennyMarkt yes, the announcement at the entrance has image of fruits, you immediately see the karts outside and the name of the store makes you recognize it as a discounter closed

Lang Not really

Trieber Yes because it is a bakery

Apotheke Yes because it has attractive colors and of the announcem ents and publicity outside Closed but it opens automaticall y One can right away know it is open and that can come in

Mller Blumen The colors of the flowers are not so bright, they are more like autumn really armonizing but not attractive to me but maybe to other costumers Closed

Is the door open or closed? How does this make you feel?



Closed but there are some chairs outside The chairs may want you want to eat some bread and enjoy some coffee

One can not be It seems that it is a immediately sure if it is small grocery store but opened or closed with enough diversity of products that one can need

It is cold outside so it needs to be closed

How big is the sign lettering and in what font?

it is made with straight lines not in cursive with white and red, there is no logo of representing food or something like a grocery store

it is really big, on straight font, showing the opening times very clearly

It is big, with red cursive letters and in a nice oldfashion style

It is orange and in a kind of Times new roman font, it does not really catch the attention

Even if there are plants and products outside, it is not sure if there is really open it seems rather deserted Medium size It is not really big, inviting to one can not be enter sure if it is really open at first sight

What does it tell you about the store?

There environment feels a little cold and too quiet, it feels lonely and boring

That it is flexible on its opening times and in general it is focused on satisfying everyday needs so that one does not need to drive far to another store

That it is a traditional backery

That it is trying to attract your attention somehow

That one can easily can come in

That there selling people are not so interested on attracting customers or maybe they do not know how to do it.

Environme nt: What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you? What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environmen t? How high is the ceiling? How does this feel?

Red and yellow, it is kind of alarming but it reminds me of discount prices or cheap offerings the floor is white and gray like the style that was used some years ago, I think it makes it feel old white whit gray dots, it is the kind of floor that was used some time ago, it shows it is not a new store and not facy and expensive

Red and golden it makes one feel warm and comfortable

Orange, brown, warm colors it makes you feel warm and hungry

Green and white it gives it a kind of fresh look

bright green, brown, pink, yellow but in rather dark shades It is made with squares, it is rather neutral I dont think it affects the environment

Light brown, it simply does not distract any attention from the main couter

It is white and without lines, it feels like it matches the rest of the store

it is taller than a house ceiling it makes the store feel much bigger

it is not really high, makes the sotre feel smaller

not very tall, it makes the shop seem smaller

it is somehow taller, it has a adornment of a prezel that I had not noticed before, it really looks nice once you notice it.

it is wooden, clean and nice it gives a nice environmen t

it is not so high, makes the store feel little

How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you?

it is very iluminated, but with cold light, it makes it feel cold.

it is very bright, helps see clearly everything

How loud is the environmen t? What is causing the noise? Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environmen t? Is the store warm or cold? Is the store crowed with merchandis e or is it sparse?

it is very quiet, there is not music or noice by the costumers the only noice is coming from the cashiers no music

it is medium loud

iluminated with warm light not so much on the ceiling but on the couter sowin the product, it makes you feel warmer and that the product is warm too. not very loud

iluminated with warm light not so much on the ceiling but on the couter sowin the product, it makes you feel warmer and that the product is warm too. not very loud

it has cold light it makes one feel attentive

It has enoug light but not really much to highlight the products or make them visible

it is not very loud from a little background music It fits the environmen t because it gives a kind more moving, active evironment not really warm but comfortable Crowded with merchandis e, but well organized,


the costumers on their normal shopping activities yes, it is kind of modern music again nothing fancy

some music and the back noise from the baking yes, it makes the environment feel calm and enjoyable

some music and the back noise from the baking yes, it makes the environment feel calm and enjoyable

there is no much noice No music, it makes the environment a little nervous


It is rather empty

not really warm but warmer than the outside it is really crowded, there is enough diversiy but one gets the impression it is just overwhelming



A little bit warm


even with 3 customers it feels full because there is not so much space

Sparse, showing different products like bowls and plants but not so many diversity

Does the store have a distinctive smell? Where is the cash register located? How visible is the store security? How long do you want to stay in this store?

Not really

the area where the frozen and meat products are smells of meat at the entrance

smell of baking

smell of baking

at the entrance of the store on the left

on the left side

on the left side

There are some little cameras but they are not visible long because there are a lot of different prducts of different types

not visible

not visible

not visible

different products but almost of the same brands Yes, it smells a little bit like lavander or some perfume At the back of the counter on the middle not visible

A smell of herbs

Behind the counter to the left

Not visible

just the time you need



Does the environmen t influence the perceived value of the merchandis

the environment is rather unfriendly and unattractive but actually the kind of products is ery interesting and could

yes the store in general reflect an unnexpensive image

yes, it seems all well taken care of, nice but not outrageous expensive, valuable

yes, it sames enjoyable, nice and price worthy

the necessary time to buy what you need and a little more to check other products yes it looks modern and offering new and attractive products

Not long

It feels a little creepy but I think other people would find it calm and peaceful


attract more customers if the environment was more appealing

Personnel: How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact? Does the salesperso n have a script to follow with each customer? Does the salesperso n treat different customers differently? What is the ratio of salespeopl e to customers? What age

I did not get in contact with any pf the personel

I did not get in contact with any pf the personel

A couple of minutes when you come close to the counter




Right away they greet you and ask you if you are looking for something in special No

They ignore the costumers mostly


There were no costumers

The cashier gets unpatient with immigrant costumers




There were 2 sales persons and 3 clients

6 clients per worker

2 sales persons to 3 customers

1 costumer and one client young

There were no costumers when I was there around 50s

they are rather young

young, between 20

from 30 to 40 years old

and gender are the employees ? Are the salespeopl e using the store products? Do the salespeopl e have a uniform? Do the salespeopl e match the stores image?

around 20 or 30

and 30

around her 20es They were using the store uniform Using a uniform from the store Yes No

They were using the store uniform

They were using the store uniform





Yes un their uninterested aspect



Yes because it is white and clean in with a border the same color of the rest of the store

Yes a bit uninterested

Products: What is the first product that you notice? Is there a central display table with featured products?

at the entrance there are some plants in sale

The cakes and sweetbread

not on the inside



A medicine for the cold in the front vitrine Yes some artikles in offer

Some plants that are exhibited on the outside The products outside are displayed in different tables with little ceramic adornments

Where are items that are for sale located in the store? How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color? Are there free samples or demonstrati ons? What products are at eye level?

at the entrance

At the back of the store

More like na offering of 2 breads for a few cents less

In the center of the store in a basket by function, by brand

Outside the door, at the entrance

by type of prduct but also by price, the lower price at the bottom

By price, by type by function

by color, by sweet of salad flavor, by type of bread

By type, ornament, flowers, etc.




the ones of must recongnized (and expensive brands)

The most commonl y known

the bread that is behind the counter but not really close enough to see

What items in the store are in the least accessible locations? Where are the most The leas expensive at the bottom of the shelf, the most expensive are

Products that are not really necessary like sports clothing The leas expensive

They are all only accesible by the salesperson

They have almost the same price

Yes there are many testers for cremes and makeup The most expensive cremes and products are often at eye level Other prescription medicine that are only behind the counter The lest expensive


They were all at the same level more or less

Some uglier plants

There is not a specific

and least expensive products located?

mixed between the upper shelves

Are the prices of the products easy to find? Are there impulse items near the cash register? Customers : Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship ? What is the average age and gender of the


ones are to the side of those more expensive yes



are at the bottom the most expensive at a higher level yes


No, most of the tags are handwrittend or missing No

gums and magazine

Yes, magazine s, candy

Yes, some little cookies


yes, candies and gum


Some with their relatives or couples

With little children or with couple


Mostly alone

There were no costumers

Around their 40s and older people

Very diverse, from children

Around their 30s and older

Around their 30s and older

From 20s and older

I would think it would be aroun their 40s and older

customers? When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction? How long do customers stay in the store, on average? Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged ? yes from the front of the store till the back and to the front again

to older people Yes following the order of the corridors

They wander around

They wander around because there is not so much space

They don't seem to follow an exact path, just wander around

I would say they tend to wander around





aroun 10min

I would consider around 30min

yes but it is not encouraged

Do most customers appear to be on a mission or

on a mission

Yes to compare the prices and read the product descriptio n it is not encourag ed They have a list or seem to know what they

no, its not encouraged

Yes they can touch the products and it seems accesible for them to do so.

I think it is possible to touch lift and look at the pants

browsing see what they would like to want when they see it

browsing see what they would like to want when they see it

Mostly browsing first and if they need help, they

I would consider that they want to buy this for a specific reason and purpose but

are they browsing?

What percent of customers purchase products in the store?

around a 90%

are looking for already 90%

ask the personel

not exclty what type




I would guess 100%


2.PENNY Markt

3. Lang

4. Trieber


6. Blumen Mller

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