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WRIT 3001 Proposal for Career Research Report 30 Points

Drafts due Nov. 14, workshop on Nov. 16, Final Due Nov. 21 Assignment Description Write an informal proposal for your career research report. The assignment is designed to help you develop your final report for this class. Example areas to research include technical writing, graphic design, Biotech, Web design, writing for the sciences, technology, healthcare professions, environment, grant writing, usability testing, etc. Your report should include the following items: 1. Introduction to the area(s) you plan to investigate and report on in the technical communication industry i.e. your area of interest 2. Include your plan to goals for the report 3. Review some sources you may use for the required four research sources; i.e., Internet, interviews, field observations, etc. 4. Your overall timetable for completing the report 5. An informal outline of the report 6. A list of sources you plan to use Audience Your audience for this document is me and the students in WRIT 3001. Format Use proposal style with a title, headings, and a timetable. Length: Approximately 3 pages at 1-1.5 spacing Resources Course Readings Class speakers Library resources Journals (Technical Communication, Technical Communication Quarterly, The Journal of Business and Technical Communication, etc.) Grading Criteria Include required information specified above Use appropriate and professional formatting Refer to sources throughout, with proper citation Indicate a clear direction and plan for report completion

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