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1. Install PostgreSqL database from \\deldev\Build\SOLSoftware\DSS Framework\Latest\3rd\PostgreSQL run postgresql-8.3.7-1-windows.


Password: Onakit8m should work, but any valid password is OK. Just remember what it is

2. Install PostGIS \\deldev\Build\SOLSoftware\DSS Framework\Latest\3rd\PostgreSQL run postgis_1_3_6_pg83.exe

3. After installing Postgres 9 we need to set the format to escape by: a. Run PgAdmin

b. Expand/select the node for your server. If a corresnpoding node does not exist, create a connection to your server and expand/select the newly created node c. Menu Tools -> Server configuration -> postgresql.conf d. Double click the row corresponding to bytea_output

e. Change the value to escape and check enabled check box

f. Click Ok g. Menu File -> Save h. Menu File -> Reload Server 4. Copy DSS platform build bin folder from \\deldev\Build\SOLSoftware\DSS Framework\Latest to c:\program files (x86)\DSS 5. Copy SQL Scripts folder from \\deldev\Build\SOLSoftware\DSS Framework\DB to c:\Program Files (x86)\DSS\DB 6. Make DSS database structure: a. For complete installation into database dhidss, run createall.bat in DB folder b. For more advanced options, run individual steps

7. Prepare DSS configuration file hibernate.cfg.xml to work against local database:

Change the server name from to localhost 8. Create a Desktop Shortcut for c:\Program Files (x86)\DSS\bin\DHI.Solutions.Shell.exe

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