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Excellence came from the latin word, excellentia which means to be superior. Excellence, a word that we hear when we do something great and reputable but what does it have to do with our personalities? Life truly is a roller coaster ride, sometimes you would be on top, sometimes you would be at the bottom, but what does it take for you to find stability? Sometimes we take things for granted and we often neglect the small things that happen to us. These small things affect us, subconsciously. Take this for instance; as kids our parents were our first teachers they were the ones who taught us everything, and one thing they taught, was praying. From the sign of the cross, to every syllable of our lords prayer, they were there. Subconsciously they were the ones who taught us the value of Christ in our lives. In the essay that Mr. Valenciano wrote he says that as we grow, we learn new things. And with regards to the essay havent you deemed about how we became the us now. Can you compare how you were before and now? What can you say about the changes? Other than the physical attributes, our attitudes have changed, personalities were made and we were molded. Molded in a sense that, our whole being was entirely captivated by our environment, family setting, beliefs, approach etc. As we think back from our childhood days we can say that our family was the foundation of everything, without them you wouldnt know what to do. Try to look back on your adolescent years; those were the years when you became so emotional and so anxious, curious of the things that happen in the real world. From then on to your teenage years you were exploring the pleasure, lust, the downs etc. of life and admit it there is one moment in your life that you turned back to God. Every human has flaws, indeed but what you always have to keep in mind is that each day is a brand new day, no matter what err you did, what challenges you encounter at the end of the day you would always have to call in an interesting day. For the 17 years I have lived on earth I have learned a lot of values, values that was passed on from one generation to the other, simple values that made big impact on my life. I therefore conclude, that we are only humans imprisoned by the evil freed by the right choice and as humans we are here to leave a mark, be someone, fulfill a mission aand to excel.

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