A2 EEE 212 Exp 8 Report Work

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EEE 212: Numerical Technique Laboratory

Mohammad Asif Zaman Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka 1000.

Report work of Exp. 8 (for Section: A2 students only). Submission Deadline: 26th October, 2012.
Problem 1: Find the roots of the following equations: i. ii.

18th October, 2012.

f ( x) e x x 2 sin 2 x 0, x f ( x ) x 2 ln x cos 0, 2

in the range x 1 to 1 ,
in the range x 0.5 to 2 .

Use the following methods to compute the roots: 1. 2. 3. 4. Bisection method False-position method Newton-Raphson method Secant method

In each case, provide plots of iteration vs. absolute error, where absolute error is the absolute value of the difference between actual root and obtained root. The actual root of equation (i) is 0 and the actual root of equation (ii) is 1. Problem 2: Consider a half-wave rectifier circuit consisting of an AC source, a diode and a resistor. Consider the AC source to be 5 Volt (peak), 50 Hz sinusoid. The resistor has the value of 100 . The current-voltage relationship of the diode is given by:

I D I S eVD / nVT 1 .
Here, I S 1015 A, VT 25.2 103V , and n 1 . Plot the voltage across the resistor as a function of time from t = 0 second to t = 0.1 second (step size = 0.5 ms). Plot the source voltage in the same plot.
[Hint: You need to solve a nonlinear equation to get the voltage for a particular time. Solving the equation multiple times will give you enough points to plot.]

No built in MATLAB functions related directly to finding roots can be used to solve the problem.

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