Combined Jewish Philanthropies Effective and Appreciated

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Almost 120 years ago, the beginnings of what is today's Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP) were seeded when

the Federation of Jewish Charities of Boston was established. Fewer than 500 donors committed over $11,000 in financial offerings to fund the organization that was created to serve Boston, Massachusetts' population of 20,000 Jews, made up primarily of recent immigrants. That was 1895, and by 1960, the Associated Jewish Philanthropies, formerly the Federation, and the Combined Jewish Appeal had merged into the Combined Jewish Philanthropies. This nonprofit organization today not only offers a comprehensive collection of caring and social justice services in the Greater Boston Area, but it also reaches across the world. Additionally, last year's annual fundraising campaign surpassed its $41 million goal by over a million dollarsa dramatic indication of its appreciative supporters. The CJP's mission to "care for the vulnerable, forge strong connections with Israel and above all, inspire the next generation to embrace Jewish life and learning" is described in detail on its website at, which offers information on its programs, history, and volunteer opportunities. A graduate of Harvard's MBA program, Marco Bitran was brought up in Boston, Massachusetts. Bitran and his wife now raise their two children in the Greater Boston Area.

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