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In the last few weeks the Pakistani, US and UK governments have been showing how 'upset' they are at the shooting of 14 year old Malala Yousafzai, in Pakistan's Swat Valley. But who are they trying to fool? Do they really think they can pull the wool over everyone's eyes and make them forget about their crusade against Islam and Muslims? Let's remind ourselves about who we're talking about here: AAFIA SIDDIQUE - remember your Muslim sister? She was kidnapped by US forces with the help of the Pakistani government, and imprisoned and tortured. To add fuel to the fire, she was then sentenced to 86 years in prison in the US. She remains behind bars to this day. LAL MASJID - remember this Islamic building? It was a school, hospital and place of worship for poor Muslims all over Pakistan. The Pakistani government couldn't stand the Islamic education there and so sprayed it with bullets and killed the teachers and students. DRONE STRIKES - remember these weapons of terror? They've been used by the US government and have killed thousands of innocent Muslims (including children) in Pakistan. They are still used to this day. The list of war crimes against Islam and Muslims by the Pakistani, US and UK governments can go on and on but the important thing to remember is that they are a clear enemy to us; they are the ones who kill us, imprison us and work day and night to prevent the establishment of the shariah and desire only harm for Muslims: Allah (SWT) says, "O you who believe! Take not as your helpers, those outside your religion (pagans, Jews, Christians, hypocrites)since they will not fail to do their best to corrupt you. They desire to harm you severely..." [EMQ 3:118] As for Malala Yousafzai, the truth is that she has been used by the West as a poster girl for secularism and democracy (i.e. falsehood) and as a tool to undermine the call for the Khilafah (Islamic State). Had her calls for 'education' or 'freedom' really meant education under Islam or freedom from US led occupation, then it goes without saying that her fate would have not been too far different from that of Aafia Siddique, the students at Lal Masjid or the thousands murdered by brutal US drone strikes. Islam is the only way forward.


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