Final Semester Project Synopsis

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Final Semester Project Synopsis

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Submitted By
Santosh Kumar Tiwari

Enrolment No-077542

Project Synopsis

1. Title: Online Gaming Industry in India

2. Project Duration: 4 months (Jan – April 2009)

3. Project Objective:

1. To understand the evolution of Online Gaming Industry

2. To study the market strategy adopted by various player in developed world

3. To study the present scenario of Online Gaming Industry in India

4. To propose the marketing strategy for the Online Gaming Industries in India

4. Project Scope:

1. Other than India, the study would concentrate on the Online Gaming market

2. The project will analyze the changing pattern in Online Gaming industry in
India and abroad

3. At the end, suggestions would be given to develop marketing strategy for the
existing and the new players.

5. Project Limitation:

1. Time Constraint: The duration of the project is 4 months and this time
period would be insufficient for an in depth analysis of the Corporate
Governance model followed in various other countries and comparing them
with India

2. Resource Constraint: Articles which are freely available on the internet or

books/magazines available in the library would be consulted for the project.

6. Overview of Online Gaming industry

Over the years, games developed from black and white to coloured, 2D to 3D,
from the Television Screens to small, portable little screens. This is because of
the never-ending demands of children who get hooked up to mind-challenging
and adventurous games. The video game industry is still relatively young
compared to others, but in such a short period of time, hardware
improvements have made leaps and bounds making video games one of the
biggest businesses around. Not only do these improvements make Online
Gaming more realistic and fun, but it has impacted sales in many ways.
Generation by generation, video games have been changing. The video game
industry (formally referred to as interactive entertainment) is the economic
sector involved with the development, marketing and sale of video and
computer games. It includes video game consoles, game software, handheld
devices, mobile games and online games. The video Online Gaming industry
has been growing exponentially in recent years. The growth is expected to
leap-frog in the future.

After gaining immense popularity in the US, the UK, China and Japan among
others, online game is here in India. Although in its nascent stage at present,
online gaming is ready for a fast-paced growth in the next couple of years,
with the changing mindset of the generation next in the country and the
promise of a good enabling infrastructure. Currently, most of the online
gamers in the country are casual gamers/players, using single player games.
The other categories of online games like the Multi-Player, Massively Multi
Player Games (MMOGs) and Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing
Games (MMORPGs) are yet to pick up.

7. Research Methodology

A literature survey would be conducted for finding the reports published on

Online Gaming industry over the years. Articles in newspapers and various
magazines would be use extensively to gather information regarding changing
trend in Online Gaming industry. Few main sources of information will be



c. Microsoft

8. References




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