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Thursday 22nd November

0800 0900 Registration & Coffee Foyer of Ann Harding

0900 0905

Welcome to MoodlePosium 2012 Professor Gerlese Akerlind Centre Director, Teaching and Learning Centre

0905 0915

Welcome to Country Auntie Roslyn Brown University elder

0915 1000

Keynote: DVC2 Professor Marnie Hughes-Warrington - Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), ANU and Professor Nick Klomp - Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Education, UC

1000 1045

Keynote: Dr Shirley Reushle - Associate Director (Australian Digital Futures Institute), USQ Learning and teaching online: Ways of forming connections and building community

1045 1130

Morning Tea (Inspire Centre) 1115 1130 Professor Rob Fitzgerald - Director, InSPIRE: Centre for ICT Pedagogy and Practice


Workshop rooms

Main Inspire Room

Teal Room


1130 1150

Julian M. Cox, John Paul Posada and Russell Waldron - UNSW Use of the existing and modified Moodle Workshop activity to support peer review in Year 1 Science All Moodlers

Leah Moore - UC and Grazia Scotellaro - ANU Wikis, Podcasts and Vodcasts as culminating assessments for communication in science: facilitating the journey

Shane Nuessler UC e-Portfolio workshop Comfortable Moodler (90 mins)

Tony Krone and Lynn Berry - UC A Moodle Overview presentation Beginner Moodlers (90 mins)

Denise Blanchard and Arshad Hussanee - UC Show the workshop Module: set up the Module (90 mins)

1150 1210

Mark Drechsler Netspot Assignment module

Mr Tom Worthington ANU Green Computing Professional Education Course Online All Moodlers

1210 1230

Tamsin Kelly - UC Utilising Moodle quizzes for online

Dr David Meacheam and Brett Andriolo -

assessment: Benefits of using some more advanced features including random question banks and algorithm based questions

ADFA Key lessons from a trial of joint academic/librarian run on-line tutorials Comfortable Moodler

1230 1250

Penny Neuendorf CIT Flipped Classroom Making the most of blended Learning using Moodle

Dr Peter Evans ANU Using Moodle to proactively support digital learners using Adobe Connect

1250 1400

Lunch (Inspire Centre)


Workshop rooms

Main Inspire Room

Teal Room


Building 1

1400 1530

Kahiwa Balfour Netspot Colloodle: Moodle plus Collaborate for Synchronous Learning (90 mins)

Stephan Schmidt and Chris Hayward (joining remotely) Assessment on the Run with Interactive PDF's and Tablets/Mobile phones Experienced Moodlers (90 mins)

Danny Munnerly UC Design to Fail Comfortable Moodlers (90 mins)

Julian M. Cox, John Paul Posada and Russell Waldron - UNSW Use of the existing and modified Moodle Workshop activity to support peer review and assessment Comfortable Moodlers (3 hours)

Dr Stephen Dann ANU The Emperors New LMS: All hail to the LMS open feedback session on the good and bad of the Moodle Experience (Unconference)

Jenny Edwards and Alison Ruth ANU Moodle analytics for learning or not (Unconference)

1530 1600

Afternoon Tea (Inspire)


Workshop rooms

Main Inspire Room

Teal Room


1600 1620

Dr Felicia Zhang and Dr Chris Sadleir - UC Using restricted access, quiz and activity completion in Moodle to encourage mastery learning and plagiarism prevention

Lubna Alam- UC Fostering social learning for Research led education Comfortable and Advanced Moodlers

Lesley Cioccarelli - CIT Planting and Cultivating an Educators' Community of Practice in Moodle All Moodlers


Alison Ruth - ANU and Luke Houghton Griffith University Education Informatics (Unconference)

1620 -

Ms Sandra

Tom Worthington

Diane Phillips -


Bouwmans and Guido Gautsch Defence International Training Centre in Victoria Teaching EFL with Moodle at Defence a case study Virtual session All Moodlers (40 mins)

- ANU Online Research Supervision (Unconference)

UC Trust, Sharing and Collaboration

1640 1700

Paul Preston and Sherry Lo - ANU Online Orientation modules using Lesson activity Comfortable Moodlers


Gourmet Spring Reception - Inspire

Friday 23rd November


0800 0900

Coffee (Inspire Centre)

0900 1000

Keynote: Martin Dougiamas - Moodle Founder and Lead Developer Moodle HQ

1000 1015

And now for something a little different


Workshop rooms

Main Inspire Room

Teal Room


1015 1030

Mark Drechsler Netspot Moodle plus Analytics - a question of perspective (40 mins) All Moodlers

Coralie Rendalls - UWA Encouraging creative course design in the LMS: A case study of a staff development session

Anthony Franzi ANU student The Learning Outcome Wizard Beginner Moodlers

David Burke, Sherry Lo and Alison Ruth - ANU Joyce Seitzinger Deakin Moodle Cultivation Comfortable Moodler (3 hours)

1035 1055

Al Munro - ANU StudiMoodle - use of Moodle for studio-based and creative disciplines (eg Visual arts, design, architecture) (Unconference)

Dr Jonathan Powles Educational consultant The hills are alive with the sound of Moodle

1035 1055

Robbie Coombs - ANU A glimpse into the future of Adobe Captivate within Moodle, and the power of analytics Comfortable Moodler

Kathryn Coleman, Julian Cox, Mita Das, Adele Flood, Patsie Polly, Thuan Thai and Jia Lin Yang UNSW A Program-wide approach to building professional skills and career readiness in the sciences All Moodlers

1100 1130

Morning Tea (Inspire Centre)


Workshop rooms

Main Inspire Room

Teal Room (contd)


1130 -

Dr McComas Taylor -

Grazia Scotellaro - ANU

Dr Jonathan Powles


ANU Three steps forward, two steps back: using Adobe Connect with Moodle

Things I like about Moodle Comfortable Moodler

Educational consultant Universities: the domino effect All Moodlers

1150 1210

Melanie Worrall - The Klevar Group Peer assessment using the workshop module

Penny Neuendorf CIT The power of embedding virtual worlds into Moodle Comfortable to Advanced Moodler

Dr Gerry Corrigan ANU Moving Medicine 2 Moodle

1210 1230

Denise Blanchard and Arshad Hussanee - UC Self and peer assessment using the workshop activity in Moodle

Colin Simpson - CIT Gamification

Deborah Hill - UC Intercultural communication in practice: enhancing learning outcomes across national borders

1230 1400

Lunch (Inspire Centre)

1400 1420

Stephan Schmidt, Leo Gaggl, Alexander Hayes (remote) Video Portfolios: Rich Media Meets Moodle via Streamfolio Comfortable Moodlers and administrators

Dr Stephen Dann ANU Enchanting the Student Experience: Using Moodle (plus others) to create a subject(ive) experience Beginner Moodler

Dr Felicia Zhang - UC Keeping up with student progress using Moodle (90 mins)

1420 1440

Tamsin Kelly - UC Taking some pain out of the marking of assessment: An overview of some of the features of the RemarksPDF software Beginner Moodler

(2 hours)

Amanda Burrell Captivus Sounds like Learning to me All Moodlers

1440 1300

(60 min)

Helen Lynch - ANU Make my Moodle a MOOC: Moodle, The Perfect Platform for Developing Quality Open Educational Courses and Resources

1500 15300

Netspot vendor session

1530 1600

Afternoon Tea and Moodley Award Presentations Jenny Dodd - A/g Deputy Chief Executive - Education Services, CIT

1600 1615 Post-posium

MoodlePosium Wrap-up

Optional social drinks and dinner

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