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NOVEMBER 2, 2012


Government Gazette

! Omar Ikka, a strong candidate, or so you would think. As it turns out, Meet: Allen West - 1 there is more to the story on who is actually representing their candidate. Students and representatives of Ikkas campaign were specically asked to The editors bad - 1 submit a candidate who was not known, famous, or had any political views Hiding something? -2 whatsoever. They, however, totally disregarded this simple request and rule of Polls - 2 the government campaign and went ahead and chose whoever they wanted without even considering the consequences. The photo depicted in yesterdays Retweeting/Recheating? - 3 Government Gazette was none other than an actual government ocial: Hardly Working? - 3 Floridas 22nd Congressional District Representative, Allen West. This act by Next Issue - 4 Ikkas campaign shocked the entire newspaper sta and drew them to question the credibility of the 3rd hour campaign class. Do the students and Healthcare Speaker - 4 representatives of Omar Ikka even understand importance of the sophistication Wills Corner - 5 of this campaign? Is Omar Ikka supposed to have some sort of connection to Mondays Debate - 5 Allen West? Mass confusion has risen among campaign followers as Allen West is a representative from Florida, not Iowa. He also is strongly pro life and Interviews - 6 opposes the legalization of marijuana. This contradicts the Ikkas platform and leads us to wonder if the campaign class even put any time or eort to research their decision. After this event, Omar Ikka may not be the strong candidate that you hoped for after all. ALLEN WEST / OMAR IKKA By: Ben Chapman

ULYSSES IS A REPUBLICAN - EDITOR MIX-UP ! By now everyone knows about the misprint in yesterdays paper, and we want to apologize. We did not know for sure what the candidate was as far as political stance. They did not make it clear, and they did not tell the Government Gazette whether they were a democrat or republican. To clear up this conundrum, both candidates have declared themselves as republicans. To prevent future confusion, maybe the campaigns should make their standings more obvious. If you dont know who and what you are, then who does? By Kiesha Hall



NOVEMBER 2, 2012

! Throughout the past week, you may have noticed the candidates promoting themselves, but you also may have noticed that the newspaper hasnt had very much information about either candidate. This is because both parties have been rather hesitant to consult with the newspaper about various issues and topics. Whether they are scared they are going to misspeak or they just have no idea what to say, it is very concerning and its coming o as if they have something to hide. You may have to ask yourself, Maybe these guys dont even know what theyre for or against. However, when they nally answer questions, theyre extremely vague. This is very concerning because it is the newspapers job to distribute information out to the general public. Lets hope these candidates can gure things out, and stabilize their views about various issues before the debate on Monday. By Zach Arneson, Hayden Wilson, & Matt Heaton

Pro-Life Your stance on abortion 0 For

Pro Choice

15 Against




How do you feel about the day after pill? 0 Yes No Is abortion okay in cases of rape? Is abortion okay for fetuses with a genetic disorder? 0 14 28 42 56 70 15 30 45 60

BREAKDOWN OF RESULTS ! One of Americas most challenging questions is whether or not abortion is moral. There is a huge dierence between being pro-life or pro-choice. People who are pro-choice, like the candidate Omar Ikka, feel that the individual has the right to decide to abort, whatever the situation may be. However, Ulysses S. Alderado believes that the individual has no right to decide if they should have an abortion making them pro-life. Should a woman who was raped be allowed to have an abortion, or should she be forced to conceive the child? How should those who abort be dealt with? Whos side are you on; Omar Ikkas (pro-choice) or Ulysses S. Alderados (pro life)? By: Kelly Hutchins



NOVEMBER 2, 2012

! ! In the recent days there have been many questions on how candidates are escaping the rule book. When campaigns are running out of money, it may compel them to be desperate at the highest of measures. In our campaign race, having a Twitter

account and tweeting to followers costs thousands of dollars. ! Although campaign party of Ulysses S. Alderado has the money, theyve decided to cheat the system by having others promote them. They ask members of the campaign class to retweet the unpaid tweet to their followers. This should be costing the campaign thousands of dollars, but instead its costing them nothing. ! What does this tell you about the candidates credibility? Will he cheat out America if he is elected? By using the harmless and innocent Americans to do their dirty work for their campaign, this may just prove that we cannot trust the Alderado campaign. Theyve proven theyre willing to take the path of cheating and trickery to get their way in this election. By: Paige Krause

WORKING HARD OR HARDLY WORKING? ! After school yesterday Kendra Stokke, Kiley Chirstensen and Micayla Erickson went to town on making inspiring posters to take over the campaign. They decided it was time to be heard, to get the word out about their important issues. We haven't heard the last from the Ulysses S. Alderado campaign. By: Kiley Cousins



NOVEMBER 2, 2012

WHAT YOU CAN FIND IN THE NEXT ISSUE OF THE G.GAZETTE: SAME SEX MARRIAGE ! Same sex marriage is an issue that has been concerning citizens for hundreds of years. Is it moral? Tough questions such as this one will generate dierent opinions among many types of people. The way you were raised and who surrounds you inuences your views of right and wrong. Religion plays a huge part in what you believe in. Politicians try to keep religious views out of campaigns, although sometimes it is necessary to include religion when explaining why they support or oppose same sex marriage. ! Omar Ikka is against same sex marriage. Omar does support civil unions, also known as domestic partnerships. What is the dierence between civil unions and marriage? Partners in a civil union are not entitled to the same benets as married couples because federal law does not recognize civil unions. Benets that may be limited or not oered altogether to citizens in civil unions include: joint-tax returns, estate planning, and healthcare. Ulysses S. Alderado is for keeping same sex marriage to the discretion of states. If an individual wants to marry someone of the same sex they can move to a state that allows it. Likewise, if an individual is against same sex marriage they can move to a state that does not allow it. The Government Gazette is interested in hearing your thoughts concerning same sex marriage. There will be a poll sent to everyone in SLHS, please ll it out and look for the results in our next issue! (You may also click this link for the survey!: ) By: Ashley Riewe

HEALTHCARE ! The third and sixth period government classes had a great experience as Jason Harrington, president and CEO of Lakes Regional Healthcare, came into class to explain his knowledge on the Patient Protection and Aordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare. Harrington plainly stated that there are positive and negative aspects to Obamacare. There is not enough political will to repeal it, and that the big question is not if we should get rid of it but how we change or tweak it to make Obamacare relevant and inuential for everyone involved. There were many positive reactions from SLHS seniors over the speech given by the CEO of our countys hospital. ! It was really interesting, it helped to get a perspective of someone in the health profession rather than from political point of view. You get (to hear) both sides. He did a good job breaking Obamacare down and using examples, said Trystan Wiedow, I learned it needs to be reformed, not repealed. Its good idea. Harrington spent a lot of time outlining specic points of the Patient Protection and Aordable Care Act, including the expansion of medicaid and emphasis on accountability for healthcare providers. He always

returned to the idea that Obamacare should be tweaked and not repealed. You cant repeal it because with it already in place its impossible to nd all that money to give back that you already spent, responded KJ Veldman as a reaction to the information was dished out by Harrington, I learned a lot about the health care act and how Obamacare aects everyones hospital, including ours. ! Overall, the talk proved to be a positive experience for everyone. The seniors are lucky to have heard such an important topic recapped by educated personnel. By: Will Norris



NOVEMBER 2, 2012

! You know how the isles at Wal-Mart exceptions is the West Coast, where the ocean immediately after Halloween change to dwellers enjoy Dungeness crab as replacement for Thanksgiving? The same is for Wills Corner. So of turkey. Finally, archeologists have given information course, this being the beginning of November, it is showing that turkeys roamed the earth 10 million time to get you in the appropriate holiday mood. years ago. Now, you must realize that the creature Some thanksgiving fun facts are to be given entirely you eat on Thanksgiving day had ancestors eaten by unnecessarily early. This way almost none of you will the dinosaurs. remember them by the time Thanksgiving rolls around. By: Will Norris ! First o, turkeys are known to get heart attacks. When the United States Air Force drove planes for test runs, they would break TRIVIA the sound barrier. As a result, entire elds 1. How many bathrooms are in the White House? full of turkey would drop dead. Their tiny 2. Why is the presidential election in November? little hearts could not take the sound of a 3. What is psephophobia? huge ying hunk of metal. Second, 91% of Americans eat this weak-hearted creature 4. The United States has never lost a war when _ _ _ _ _ are used. on Thanksgiving day. One of the only Submit your answers to
By: Maggie Ostrum

MONDAYS DEBATE: SNEAK PEEK ! Attention SLHS: The candidates running to represent district four, Omar Ikka and Ulysses S. Alderado, will be debating Monday, November 5th at 3:00pm in the SAMI! If you feel as if you havent heard enough about the candidates, you will on Monday! What exactly is a debate? A debate consists of political candidates discussing their viewpoints on certain issues. Debates are very important to candidates. In many cases undecided voters decide to support a specic candidate simply based upon their debate performance. Here, at SLHS, 19% of the student and sta population are undecided voters. The candidates will be discussing their viewpoints on important issues that will aect all of us. ! Omar Ikka and Ulysses S. Alderado will cover a range of issues, the main topics being: abortion, legalizing marijuana, same sex marriage, universal healthcare, gun rights, and energy. The Government Gazette will be in charge of moderating and covering this debate. Both parties will have four representatives consisting of two guys and two girls. The campaign managers representing Omar Ikka are Mark Norland and Trystan Wiedow; Ulysses S. Alderados managers are Kendra Stokke and Josh McQueen. The debate format will be a question followed by an answer then a response from the opposing party. Our moderator will be Tyler Schmitz, and our time keeper will be Brooklyn Wackerbarth. ! Election day will be Wednesday the 7th, which is two days after the debate. This will be a very heated debate that could potentially sway the opinions of many voters. If you have any questions for the candidates we strongly encourage you to send them to and we will do our best to get some answers! ! By: Ashley Riewe, Matt Heaton, Zach Arneson, and Hayden Wilson



NOVEMBER 2, 2012

What would you like to see in the newspaper? More hard hitting political position essays by the candidates would be great along with some mud slinging. What has been your favorite article so far? The editorials (about) the candidates. Insightful! When do you usually read the newspaper? I read this paper all the time- Breakfast, lunch, inbetween classes - I read it on my desktop, laptop, and mobile device. I reread old issues. This publication never gets old.

INTERVIEW : CANDIDATES Cody Clipperton - Ulysses S. Alderado ! ! ! ! Views on Abortion: ! ! We are against it, Im pretty sure. ... legalizing it for medical use and taxing it. Views on legalizing:

Nick Wetzler - Omar Ikka ! ! Views on Abortion: ! ! ! ! They have the right to choose to have an abortion or not. For legalizing marijuana. Views on legalizing:

Interviews conducted by: Paige Krause



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