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Azreen hurriedly leaves her studies in England to return home after receivingnews that her sister had died. Her coursemate, Julian Ng, tries to offer hiss y m p a t h y a n d c o n d o l e n c e b u t s h e w a s n o t i n t h e m o o d t o t a l k a b o u t t h e matter.

Chapter 2
On the plane home, Azreen experiences flashbacks of her e a r l y d a y s w i t h Madhuri and how Madhuri was well-liked by people. Madhuri was beautiful andsoft-spoken compared to Azreen, who was an obstinate child.

Chapter 3
Back home, on an island south of Langkawi Island, Pn. Kamsiah was talking withher daughter Siti about their neighbour, Normala, who is spreading rumoursthat Madhuri was murdered and she spilt white blood. Datin Sharifah and herhusband were ready to fetch their adopted daughter from the airport. Theywere trying their best not to talk about Madhuris death.

Chapter 4
Mourners gather at Azreens house to pay their last respects to Madhuri beforeburial. The women folk gossip among themselves that Madhuri was murderedand she had put a curse on everyone on the island. Azreen arrives late to payh e r l a s t r e s p e c t s t o h e r l a t e s i s t e r . A z r e e n b r i n g s h e r s i c k l y m o t h e r t o t h e burial ground to bid farewell to Madhuri. She meets Mohd. Asraf and flashbacksof her schooling years fills the scene.

Chapter 5
Azreen meets Asraf. She enquires about Madhuris death but i s o n l y g i v e n vague details of the incident. Normala, the rumour monger, spreads rumoursa b o u t w h a t h a d h a p p e n e d t o M a d h u r i . A w a n g , t h e bomoh, makes anappearance as he dreams that a disast e r i s a b o u t t o h i t t h e v i l l a g e soon. Awang recalls the incident when he stole a chicken at Encik Mohansfarm causing a bull t o e s c a p e . A s r a f w a s b l a m e d f o r t h e f i a s c o b u t A z r e e n bravely took the blame on his behalf. Back to the present, Azreen looks for theOld Lady in the jungle to catch up on old times. The Old Lady discloses thatMadhuri was murdered.

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