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Iec 61131-3: Programming Industrial Automation Systems: Concepts and Programming Languages, Requirements for Programming Systems, Decision-Making

AIDS by Karl Heinz John, Michael TiegelkampThe idea of a rotating magnetic field was developed by Franois Arago in 1824,[1] and first implemented by Walter Baily.[2] B ased on this, practical alternating current induction motors seem to have been i ndependently invented by Nikola Tesla and Galileo Ferraris. Ferraris demonstrate d a working model of his motor in 1885 and Tesla built his working model in 1887 and demonstrated it at the American Institute of Electrical Engineers in a 1888 [3][4][5] (although Tesla claimed that he conceived the rotating magnetic field in 1882).[6] In 1888, Ferraris published his research to the Royal Academy of Sc iences in Turin, where he detailed the foundations of motor operation;[7] Tesla, in the same year, was granted a United States patent for his own motor.[8] The modern system of a three-phase transformer and induction motor with a cage was

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