Appendix B Survey Questionnaire

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Part I. Personal Profile Direction: Please check the space provided that corresponds to your answer. 1. Age ( ) Below 30 ( ) From 30 to 34 ( ) From 35 to 39 2. Sex ( ) Male 3. Highest Educational Attainment ( ) Elementary ( ) High School Graduate ( ) High School Undergraduate ( ) College Graduate 4. Civil Status ( ) Single ( ) Married Part II. Business Profile 1. Number of Years in Food Stall Business ( ) Less than 1 year ( ) From 1 to 5 ( ) From 6 to 10 2. Estimated Sales per Day ( ) P1,000 and below ( ) P1,001 to 3,000 ( ) P3,001 to 5,000 3. Items Sold (Check as many as you have) ( ) Viand/Food Dish ( ) Refreshments ( ) Female

( ) From 40 to 44 ( ) From 45 to 49 ( ) From 50 and above

( ) College Undergraduate ( ) Vocational ( ) Others, please specify _________________

( ) Widow ( ) Separated

( ) From 11 to 15 ( ) From 16 to 20 ( ) From 21 and above

( ) P5,001 to 7,000 ( ) P7,001 and above

( ) Burger/Footlong ( ) Pasta/Noodles

( ) Bread ( ) Junk Food 4. Opening Hour ( ) 5:00-7:00 am ( ) 7:01-8:00 am ( ) 8:01-9:00 am ( ) 9:01-10:00 am ( ) 10:01 am onwards

( ) Others, please specify __________________ Closing Hour ( ) 2:00-3:00 pm ( ) 3:01-4:00 pm ( ) 4:01-5:00 pm ( ) 5:01-6:00 pm ( ) 6:01 pm onwards

5. Store Days (Check as many days as the days you operate) ( ) Monday ( ) Friday ( ) Tuesday ( ) Saturday ( ) Wednesday ( ) Sunday ( ) Thursday 6. Average Price of Meal ( ) P20 to 25 ( ) P26 to 30 ( ) P31 to 35 Part III. Internal Business Factors Direction: Please check the corresponding parenthesis that shows your degree of acceptance with the following statements. 5- Strongly Agree (SA) 4- Agree (A) 3- Undecided (U) 2- Disagree (D) 1- Strongly Disagree (SD) How do the following internal factors affect the determination of qualifications of the food stalls in terms of its compliance to the regulations provided by the administration of Polytechnic University of the Philippines? A. Background of the Business 5 1. Before putting up this business, I have prior experience in food industry. 2. There was an evolution on choosing menus. ( ) 4 ( ) 3 ( ) 2 ( ) 1 ( )

( ) P36 to 40 ( ) P40 and above

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3. Started with adequate number of menu and varies in timely manner. 4. Food offered was based on the preference of the customers. 5. Exceptional principles, styles and practices in improving menu. 6. Others, please specify ____________________ B. Business Operations

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5 1. Making constant variations in selecting and preparing menu. 2. Spending high amount of money in food selection and preparation. 3. Proper food handling is one of the primary concerns of the business. 4. The business makes use only fresh materials in preparing dishes. 5. Preserving the end dishes was made in order to lessen spoilage expenses. 6. The meal is properly weighed for every serving. 7. Hiring adequate number of food personnel. 8. Others please specify C. Facilities 1. The physical facilities at this stall are visually appealing. 2. The food stall owner and personnel are accountable of cleanliness and convenience ( ) ____________________ ( ) ( )

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of their assigned food stall.

3. The stall layout makes it easy for customers to find what they need. 4. Availability of sauces, utensils, napkins, etc. is good. 5. Others please specify D. Dealing with Customers ____________________

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5 1. Staffs are friendly, helpful and polite. ( )

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2. Staffs are attentive. 3. We provide an efficient service. 4. Staffs have food knowledge. 5. Ability to handle different complaints. 6. Others please specify E. Health and Safety ____________________

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YES 1. Do you comply with the rules and regulations provided by the administration of PUP? 2. Are you duly authorized by Bureau of Food and Drugs and local government of Manila? 3. Are personnel required to wear hairnet, gloves, and appropriate uniform before preparing food? 4. Are the food not exposed to flies and properly covered? 5. Is food is served in styro or plastic container? ( )

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6. Are personnel with ailments (sore throat, cold and flu) not allowed to handle and serve food? 7. Is personal cleanliness implemented (daily bath, clean and short fingernails, do not eat chew gum, properly bandaged wounds etc.)? 8. Do you facilitate correct ways of storing food products according to appropriate temperature? 9. Are you aware of the expiration of raw ingredients? 10. Do you clean the floor, tables, chairs and the rented area? 11. Do you dispose garbage appropriately? 12. Are the equipment and supplies being sanitized? 13. Others please specify ____________________

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Part IV. External Business Factors How do the following external factors affect the determination of qualifications of the food stalls in terms of its compliance to the regulations provided by the administration of Polytechnic University of the Philippines? A. Social Environment 5 1. Customers are attracted to the appearance of the food stalls. 2. Customers choose to buy to those stalls with many dishes. 3. Customers are too selective in buying a meal. 4. Customers compare the taste of food with other food stalls. 5. Others, please specify _____________________ ( ) 4 ( ) 3 ( ) 2 ( ) 1 ( )

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B. Economic Environment 1. Generating more employment is a great help in economy. 2. Contributing additional taxes will be a big help in economy. 3. Regulation standards greatly affect the ability of food stalls to create jobs and revenue. 4. Low prices on meats, vegetables and other commodities help food stalls cut meal prices without losing profits. 5. High prices of commodities affect the revenue of the business. 6. Others, please specify ____________________ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

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Part V. Financial Implication Direction: Please check the corresponding box that shows your degree of acceptance with the following statements. Yes-if you agree and No if you do not agree. YES 1. Do you sell your goods on account? 2. Do kitchen wares and utensils have the highest allotment in your capital? 3. Do you pay your personnel in a fixed salary basis? 4. Do you borrow money or goods from all possible sources 5. Does the sales cover all the fixed expenses? (such as rent, electricity and water expenses) 6. Does the profit cover the cost of the raw ingredients and supplies? ( ) ( ) NO ( ) ( )

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7. Do you sell on a bulk order? 8. Do you conduct book-keeping or other inventory control measures? 9. Does cost of meals instantly affect the pricing system? 10. Do you use various strategies in acquiring ingredients that directly affect the price menu? 11. Others, please specify ______________________

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Part VI. Problems Encountered and Proposed Solutions Direction: Please check the corresponding box that shows your degree of acceptance with the following statements. 5- Strongly Agree (SA) 4- Agree (A) 3- Undecided (U) 2- Disagree (D) 1- Strongly Disagree (SD)

A. Problems Encountered 5 1. Complaints from customers regarding services provided. 2. The food stall has improper ventilation. 3. Poor quality of materials used in building food stall. 4. Lack of promotional activities. 5. Lack of space for proper storage purposes. 6. Others, please specify ____________________ ( ) 4 ( ) 3 ( ) 2 ( ) 1 ( )

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B. Proposed Solutions 1. Serve your customers on a "first come, first serve basis. 2. Provide your stall electric fan/s to improve ventilation. 3. Improve the vicinity for healthier and safer environment. 4. Develop promotional activities to generate more sales. 5. Maximize space and remove unnecessary equipments 6. Others, please specify ____________________ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

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