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Remperts Herd Room 125

Weekly Moos
November 5-November 9

Udderly Important Dates Contact Info.

No Reading or Spelling test this week Your child picked out his/her

biography person next week. Please be sure to check in his/her assignment notebook to see whom he/she chose.

h t t p: / / mrs re mpe rt 12 5. blog s pot . com/

Mr s. Re mp e r t Phone: 815-444-4225 Email: Class W e bsite :

In Language arts we are working on our biography unit. This is one of the FAVORITE UNITS of all the kids.

Science & Social Studies

Unit: Food Webs and Food Chains Milk Of the Week: We will begin looking into how animals interact. We will start off by exploring how animals are characterized by the kinds of food that they eat, and then creating our own food chain.

Have a moovelous week!

Language Arts
Weekly Story: Biography Unit
Focus Skill: Fact Finding and research skills Test: No test

Social Studies

Unit: Colonies in History/ Second Step Milk of the Week: IN Social Studies this week we will be looking into Colonies in History. We will focus in on the Pilgrims.

Spelling Rule: No Spelling English Skill: High Frequency Words

Personals Narratives and Thankful Poems will be our focus for this week.

Flexible grouping

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