Newsletter Nov 2 2012

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Hooray for the World!

November 2, 2012 Newsletter

Hooray for PK!

If youre scary and you know it . . . make a face, show your fangs, flap your wings, stir your brew, rattle your bones, and stomp your feet! After we wrapped up the study of the human body, we had lots of Halloween fun! We collectively carved our Halloween pumpkin and sent it outside with Dr. Amazing to the compost bin where it will decompose decompose. and go back to the earth! Just maybe, in the Spring we will see a tiny pumpkin growing! Thank you to all the parent helpers for having such a wonderful Halloween Party for us! The children were all SO cute and excited in their costumes.

Important To Know: TAIS Conference: No School 11-5 Bring Rainbow Pizza ingredients to school (if you signed up). 11-6 Journey to Main Library: 11-7 Woodland Admissions Open House: 11-11 Send a whole fruit or vegetable for a project: 11-9 Bring something for Share N Tell that you feel thankful for: 11-14 When I Get A Feeling Program, 11-20 8:30 Thanksgiving Holiday: 11-21, 22, 23

My Many Colored Days Our next unit of study will focus on our feelings. In August and September we began to develop an awareness of how we are different as people because of how we look, what we like and dislike, and the special details that make each of us unique. Then in October, we learned how we are alike on the inside. During November, we will explore the many feelings that we all have and the different circumstances that cause each of us to feel the same feelings. The children will learn to identify and dramatize 16 feelings from happy and sad to proud and guilty! You will be treated to a wonderful demonstration of their knowledge on November 20th at our When I Get a Feeling program!

Handwriting Corner Check out the class blog to learn more about this weeks Handwriting Corner

Mrs. Smythe & Mrs. Lucchesi

Happy Halloween! app Hallowee

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