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Fuze Type: AV-524M tilt vane fuze

Identi ed in Syria
PTAB-2.5M (Protivo Tankovaya Avia Bomba Modernizirovanii; Anti-Tank Aviation Bomb, Modernised) and AO-1SCh (Aviatsionnaya Oskolochnaya; Aviation Fragmentation Bomb) submunitions have both been identi ed in Syria. Both of these munitions are deployed from RBK (Razovaya Bombovaya Kasseta; Single-Use Cassette Bomb) family cluster bombs, such as the RBK-250-275 and the RBK-500. In the typical RBK-250-275 con guration seen in Syria, each cluster bomb would be capable of distributing either 150 AO-1Sch submunitions, or 42 PTAB-2.5M submunitions. The duplex detonator of the AO-1SCh utilises mercury fulminate to detonate the primary explosive charge of the submunition. Mercury fulminate degrades signi cantly over time, rendering it more insensitive to impact. As a result, the chance of successful detonation decreases over time, resulting in a much higher dud rate for old munitions. Most of the AO-1SCh examples seen in Syria have dated from the 1970s. Improper deployment of the munitions (i.e. incorrect ejection height or speed) as a result of poor or inadequate training may also play a role in the large number of unexploded submunitions observed. These munitions, both produced in the former Soviet Union, pose a considerable risk to the civilian populace within Syria. All unexploded ordnance (UXO) should be treated as live, and avoided where possible. UXO such as these submunitions are particularly hazardous, and should not be handled under any circumstances.

Total Weight: 2.7kg

Submunitions not to scale

Body Diameter: 69mm

Body Diameter: 48mm

Explosive: 40g A-IX-2 (73% RDX)

Overall Munition Length: 185mm

Explosive: 430g TG-50 (RDX/TNT)

Overall Munition Length: 395mm

Fuze Type: AM-A B/V impact fuze

Total Weight: 1.3kg

All unexploded ordnance (UXO) should be treated as live. DO NOT APPROACH OR HANDLE UXO
Tail Fin Diameter: 90mm Tail Fin Diameter: 60mm

Responsible Researchers of Munitions & Arms @ArmsResearch



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