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Take things that were wet fcr 2 cr mcre days

Things that stayed wet fcr 2 days have mcld
grcwing cn them even if ycu can't see it.
Take cut stuff made cf clcth, unless ycu can
wash them in hot water. Alsc take cut stuff
that can't be cleaned easily (like leather, paper,
wccd, and carpet).
Use bleach tc clean mcld cff hard things (like
Nccrs, stcves, sinks, certain tcys, ccuntertcps,
Natware, plates, and tccls).
Fcllcw these steps.
Never mix bleach with ammcnia cr cther
Wear rubber bccts, rubber glcves, gcggles,
and N-95 mask.
0pen windcws and dccrs tc get fresh air
when ycu use bleach.
Mix nc mcre than 1 cup cf bleach in 1
gallcn cf water.
Wash the item with the bleach and water
f the surface cf the item is rcugh, scrub the
surface with a stiff brush.
Rinse the item with clean water.
Dry the item cr leave it cut tc dry.
Cet Pid of MoId
kftr i Frrr, nrlr will rrw ir rrr lrrs. |t rir ni|
rr sir|. \rr will rr tr rlir rrr lrrs.
Recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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