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semblyman R r in New York! As -jobs legislato pro


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Your Independent Voice for Job Creation

Paid for by the NYRSC : Not paid for at taxpayer expense

The Numbers Dont Lie...

Ray Walter is #1!

Top-ranked pro-jobs legislator by The Business Council Perfect score on Unshackle Upstates scorecard for economic growth in 2012 Endorsed by the National Federation of Independent Business and The Buffalo Niagara Partnership
As our Assemblyman, Ray Walter has been an independent voice for job creation in our community by:

Helping pass the first phase of a $1 billion economic development package for Western New York Voting to bring $121 million worth of job-creating infrastructure projects to our area Helping secure funding for the UB2020 grant to create jobs and invest in higher education Voting to reduce middle class tax rates to their lowest point in 58 years while closing a $13.5 billion budget deficit by reducing spending with no new or increased taxes or fees

Call or text Ray Walter at (716) 952-4152

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