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Welcome and Introductions Jama Lintol Producer (e-mail queen) Josh Ross Director Maria Pangori Choreographer Anne Oxendine Student Director Briana Bedamo Student Director


Schedule and Communications Web Site will have up to date information Calendar and Dates Tab Cast Every Saturday and most Tues. & Fri after school Back Stage All practices in January Cameo appearances First Meeting 1:00 Sat. Dec. 1st ~ location TBD Make-up All Dress rehearsals and shows planning session TBD Set creation TBD (likely Sat. afternoons starting late Nov.) Lighting and Sound Most practices in January NOTE: Kids must have songs and lines memorized by Dec. 1st Dress Rehearsals are MLK week end Performances are Jan. 25 - 27


Cost Cast - $60 All others - $10 Includes- script, rights, t-shirt and cast party Costumes most will be provided just need tights, wigs, etc, No video taping Tickets $8 adults - $5 students please sell to neighbors, friends and family Need a big audience!!! We will promote heavily in the school Goal Find 10 Friends and Family to invite besides parents or NDPMA students Prizes will be awarded Sign-up to help Food donations Photographer, Cast Snacks Coordinator, Cast Party Chair Meet the Director Saturday Nov. 3 in Cafeteria at noon (after 1st practice) Seussical Productions this week end Warren Community Theater Starlight Theater in Waterford




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