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B = 250 mm

fck = 20 N /mm2

D = 500 mm

fy = 415 N/mm2

D = 450 mm

Es = 2*105 N/mm2

d = 50 mm
w = 40K N/m

2.Ultimate moments and shear forces

Mu = (0.125*1.5*40*52) = 187.5 KN.m
Vu = (0.5*1.5*40*5) = 150 KN

3.Main reinforcements
Mu,lim = 0.138 fck b d2
= (0.138*20*250*4502) 10-6 KN.m
= 140 KN.m
Since Mu > Mu,lim, design a doubly reinforced section.
(Mu Mu,lim) = (187.5 140) = 47.5 KN.m
Fck = ,0.0035 (xu,max d)/xu,max- Es
= ,0.0035*(0.48*450) 50+/(0.48*450)- 2*105
= 538 N/mm2

fck > 0.87 fy = (0.87*415) = 361 N/mm2

Ast = *(Mu Mu,lim)/fck (d d)+
= *47.5*106/361*400+
= 329 mm2

Provide 2 bars of 16 mm diameter (Asc = 402 mm2)

A st2 = (Ast fsc/0.87 fy)
= (329*361/0.87*415)
= 329 mm2

Ast = *0.36 fck b xu,lim/0.87 fy)

=1077 mm2
Total tension reinforcement = (Ast1 + Ast2)
= (1077 + 329)
= 1406 mm2
Provide 3 bars of 25 mm diameter (Ast = 1473 mm2)

4.Shear reinforcements

= (150*103)/(250*450) = 1.33N/mm2

Pt = (100 Ast)/ (bd) = (100*1473)/(250*450) = 1.3

Refer Table 19 0f IS :456 2000 and read out :
Since ,Shear reainforcements are required:
Vus = *Vu (bd)+
=*150 (0.68*250*450) 10-3+
Using 8 mm diameter 2 iegged stirrups;
Sv = *0.87 fy Asv d/Vus+
= *0.87*415*2*50*450/73.5*103+
=221 mm
Sv > 0.75 d = (0.75*450) = 337.5 mm
Adopt a spacing of 200 mm near supports gradually increasing to300 mm towards the centre 0f span.

5.Check for deflection control

(L/d)actual = (5000/450) = 11.1
(L/d)max = *(L/d)basic *Kt*Kc*Kf+
Pt = 1.3 and pc = *(100*402)/(250*450)+ = 0.35
Refer Fig. 5.1, Kt = 0.93

Fig. 5-2, Kc = 1.10

Fig. 5.3, Kf = 1.00
(L/d)max = *(20*0.93*1.10*1.00)+ = 20.46
(L/d)actual < (L/d)max
Hence deflection control is satisfied.

6.Reinforcement details
The details of reinforcements in the doubly reinforced beam is shown in fig

7.Design using SP 16 Design Tables

Compute the parameters:
(Mu/bd2) = (187.5*106/250*4502) = 3.7
Refer Table 50 of SP-16 and read out the percentages of tension and compression reinforcement as:
Pt = 1.25 and pc = 0.310
Ast = (pt b d)/100 = (1.25*250*450)/100 = 1406 mm2
Asc = (pc b d)/100 = (0.310*250*450)/100 = 348 mm2
The area of reinforcements are same as that computed using theoretical equations.

Type equation here.

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