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Hello Im your friendly, neighborhood DC bad-ss, I assure you Im definitely loud as, Your beer slurpin buddy at the

e bar, Trust me my intellect couldnt have gotten me this far.

Im the candidate of change, I know it sounds strange, Cause Ive been seen with the Washington bunch, But trust me only my purse has been out to lunch.

No Im not a Washington insider, Im not a special interest band-wagon rider, Im really just one of the regular blokes, But sometimes I dont get the inside jokes.

So when you see my thirty second spot, Dont think about all the money Ive got, Ill be glued to the polls to see if youve seen it, Blah, blah, blah and I mean it.

So I hope well be friends come November, I hope Im the one you remember, I hope youll forget my reputation, And give me a chance to mislead the nation. Bfk

2012 Benjamin F. Kaye

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