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Lesson Plan Template 1 Primary & Secondary Unit/Topic: _Literacy Spelling Knowledge Key Learning Area: English Date:_2/5/2012

2 Year Level: 4

(Key Knowledge and Skills students should achieve in the lesson taken from relevant curriculum
documents.) From the Australian Curriculum (English) English / Year 4 / Language / Expressing and developing ideas ACELA1779:
Student will be able to Understand how to use strategies for spelling words, including spelling rules, knowledge of morphemic word families, spelling generalisations, and letter combinations including double letters Elaborations 1. using phonological knowledge (for example long vowel patterns in multi-syllabic words); consonant clusters (for example 'straight', 'throat', 'screen', 'squawk') 2. using visual knowledge (for example diphthongs in more complex words and other ambiguous vowel sounds, as in 'oy', 'oi', 'ou', 'ow', 'ould', 'u', 'ough', 'au', 'aw'); silent beginning consonant patterns (for example 'gn' and 'kn') 3. applying generalisations, for example doubling (for example 'running'); 'e'-drop (for example 'hoping')

Student will be able to incorporate new vocabulary from a range of sources into students own texts including vocabulary encountered in research Elaborations 1. building etymological knowledge about word origins (for example 'thermometer') and building vocabulary from research about technical and subject specific topics

Time 3-5 min Introduction (Set): One on one lesson with the student J. Establish rapport and trust. Discuss the reasons I am working with him and ask if he has any questions or concerns. Teaching Approaches Dimensions of learning (Robert Marzano) DoL1: Attitudes and Perceptions- put student at ease, positive reinforcement surrounding the lesson and tasks. Give student undivided attention. Allow time to respond

Time 20-30 min

Main Content: Ask J to read through the task and ask if he understands it. May need to reread together and explain starting with the list of words and what he needs to do with them. Can he read them aloud? Help with decoding if necessary. Ask J to tell me the words he has chosen from the Spelling Knowledge list (minimum10 maximum 20) What context are these words from what topic to they relate to? What text are they from? Can J write the words? Does he understand the meanings use a dictionary if necessary? Can J explain why the words are categorized into the different groupings of Visual, Phonological, Morphemic and Etymological? What do those mean? Talk about the different spelling activities listed on the work sheet and discuss which one J feels he would like to attempt and why? Are there any he does not want to attempt and why?

Teaching Approaches Make sure the expectations of the task are clearly agreed how many he should do (negotiate?). What time will be allowed for the task? DoL1: Credit for trying Allowing time to respond DoL2: Encourage acquisition and integration of knowledge Examples given should be different from those on the list to allow J to demonstrate transfer of learning. Use of Blooms Taxonomies to define tasks and promote higher order thinking. Prompt J to attempt tasks covering a range of knowledge areas. Describe, Sort, Draw, Categorize etc. Provide feedback on task and process to aid and build on understanding. Keep feedback about self to a minimum as it can have a negative effect on learning. Vygotsky ZPD scaffolding to enhance learning and understanding through social constructivism particularly relevant in a one to one situation.

Time 5 - 10 min

Conclusion: Check through Js responses and ask him to elaborate or explain where relevant. Ask if he has questions or anything needing further explanation. Ask how he felt about the lesson.

Teaching Approaches Provide process and selfregulation feedback and assessment of tasks to J. Feedback should support the and inform the teaching

(Include equipment required for class and/or for teacher preparation) Spelling Knowledges work sheet, writing implements, Literacy/ spelling book, dictionary.

There are no safety considerations for this lesson.

In this lesson, assessment will be informal and qualitative. The tasks will not be formally marked graded however, the J will be observed during the lesson and actual learning outcomes based on completion of the tasks and self assessment measured against designated outcomes as state in the Australian curriculum document. A record of strengths and weaknesses will be kept to help with designing future lessons for J. This task will form the basis for the design of a Learning Management Plan (LMP) for J to inform teaching and learning in the future. Feedback on task, process and self regulation will help J understand what he does and does not know and what concepts or competencies he needs to develop further. REFLECTION Please refer to the documents associated with Assignment1 for my reflection on this lesson plan.

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