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Upton's Panama Ministry

August Newsletter July and August were extremely exciting with two groups picking up right where the Sycamore View group left off in June (see July newsletter). These groups brought some very creative activities to the community and the school, and were able to complete construction begun in June. Farallon was truly blessed this summer with some very loving and sharing people. Take a look. A group from Oxford, MS was in Farallon for the first time, after working for several years in the Volcon area. They hit the ground running with English tutoring in the school, construction and activities for the children. Everyday brought fun Bible characters and games for the kids to experience. Each day half of the group was in the school teaching English. This group taught animal names and verbs, and the kids really had a great time as they put new names with the animals they love. The other half of the group helped with the construction project. The septic tank begun by the Sycamore View group needed some finishing touches. Basically, the lid had to be built and the drainage tubes had to be inserted. It all sounds much easier than it is. It took several hours of work to complete this phase. Thanks to everyone and their efforts, Noriella has a septic tank.

Shortly after the Oxford group left, the group from the Greenville Oaks church, in Allen, TX arrived. They too had prepared for English tutoring and VBS activities. They handed out backpacks and introduced the kids to Playdoh, which many had never seen before. The group

also came prepared for the next phase of work for Noriella. Now that she had a septic tank in place, she was ready for a bathroom. The team got that project started by digging the foundation footings and mixing a lot of concrete for the block walls. They were able to get it well underway, leaving enough materials for the project to continue. We cannot stress enough, the importance of having groups work with us in Farallon! It allows the people of the community to see and hear the consistent message that they are loved by God and His people. Thats so much more powerful than the message that just the two of us can proclaim. These groups spend literally months preparing, and then work in hot, humid, dirty, sometimes miserable conditions, yet they have some of the most precious attitudes and beautiful spirits we have ever seen. Even after working all day long, you can find our visitors out on the beach and in the alleys playing with the neighborhood kids. Their energy is amazing! Even after groups leave, you can hear people around the neighborhood singing the songs about Jesus that their children have been taught. Additionally, the people of the community never forget those who come. For months after groups leave, the community asks about them by name. We couldnt do our work without you who come. Thank you everyone for your sacrifice and love for Farallon and the people of Panama. Many of you have asked us how you can help us in our work in Farallon. Here are some ideas: Come spend a week with us in the community Donate soccer balls Conduct a baseball or soccer camp for the boys in Farallon Donate bike tire repair supplies Send a regular monthly or one time donation to our work fund

Sponsor a child to attend school ($100 - $200 per year) Invite us to visit your congregation and meet personally with your mission committees Send us a list of your friends and family that would like to receive our newsletters to keep up with what is happening in Farallon and surrounding villages Most importantly, please pray for the work to continue If you would like to donate to our work, please send your check to the address below and make it out to The Hawley Church of Christ, and write "Uptons in Panama" in the memo line. Thank you for your generosity and love for His work. The Hawley Church of Christ P.O. Box 66 Hawley, TX 79525 325-537-9369 We have included lots of pictures for those of you who like to see more.

One of our common house guest...the gecko.

A lessonschool homework session. After in mixing concrete.

Smiles are plentiful.

First experience with Playdoh.

The school director gets in on the fun.

Septic tank with a new lid.

And...the almost finished bathroom.

The completed classroom for Josephina.

Upcoming Embera soccer champ.

It takes a village....

A local artisan.

School fiesta!

The chief makes a sale.

Backpacks for everyone.

Well here's your problem...

Abad finds a new friend.

Front porch bible study. Singing a local favorite hymn.

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