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The Pied Piper (summary)

There once was a town called Hamelin that was rich in corn and wheat. But they had so much that the rats started to come and soon, the townspeople started to have the plague. The Mayor had said if anybody can get rid of the rats, he would give them 1000 gold guilders. Then a stranger appeared known as the Pied Piper who blew his pipe. Suddenly, all of the rats had gathered around while he walked to the lake and all of the rats drowned. But the mayor refused to give him 1000 gold guilders and instead, he gave him 40 gold guilders. The Pied Piper walked out of the town and the next day, he played his pipe again. This time, the children followed him into a mountain and the door slammed shut. The adults couldnt stop them because they were too fast. From that day on, the townspeople never the Pied piper and they paid their debts full and on time.

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