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Alphabetical reasons to celebrate my alphabet year A: one of my wildest dreams ever is to work Abroad B: Braintree, town where I had

my international studies C: Chelmsford, Essex my birthplace in England and for the rest of Chelmsford babies D: Desiderata, inspirational poem by Max Ehrmann E: Elephant & Castle's Non-Judgmental Breakfast Club. Sherry, Sam, Jhigs, and Maan. F: growing circle of Families and Friends. Love you lots. G: Glen Eldon: I love my job here H: H.W. Miller: 1st hospital I've volunteered I: Steve Job's IPhone for making life easier J: Joyful Journeys; ups and downs K: Kiss FM, you're my music when I'm not at work L: where else? Hmmm London M: MediSense: my gateway for exploring different medical skills N: Nurse, too soon or too late here in UK O: Olympics: for all the Competing countries P: I miss all the fun in the Philippines Q: Queen Elizabeth, Ikaw na! (You already) hahaha R: Roger, I'm besotted by your love S: Silvanna Court and Sykes Asia: Both had equally good management and leaders T: Trelana: Thanks Cornish friends and colleagues U: Universal and understanding God V: VLADS OF VGMH. Miss u all baby ko!! W: Westminster Cathedral: my shelter, with answered prayers. X: And who am I? Thats the secret I'll never tell. You know you love me, XOXO, Gossip Girl Y: Year older and more years to come Z: My Mom and Dad for having a Zygotic Episode. I love you both. :) Mom, youre the Best. Keep Calm and Stay Strong. See you next year

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