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Making spatial simple

Contour Education


Spatial technologies are a critical part of the Australian Curriculum: Geography to be released later in 2012. They give your students so many opportunities to view the world in different ways; analyse information, manage data and create beautiful maps that can change the world. Students can monitor water quality in a local waterway, view the distribution of plant or animal species in an area of interest, see where different groups of people are distributed across Australia or your local area using ABS data all with freely available tools. Contact Mick at Contour Education for advice, training or resources to get started.

CONTACT US w w w. c o n t o u re d u c a t i o n . c o m 0431 665 879

A geography teacher not using geospatial technology is like a chem teacher not using the periodic table. ESRI's Dr. Joseph Kerski via Twitter

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