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PRODUCTION AUTOMATION (Lecture 5) TYPES OF MANUFACTURING The key factor that determine the type of manufacturing is the type

pe of products that are made Two basic categories of Manufacturing

1. Continuous Industries 2. Discrete Parts Manufacturing CONTINUOUS Involves the continuous production of a product, often using chemical as well as Physical or Mechanical means (Production of Fertilizer or Sugar)

DISCRETE Involves the production of individual items and is further divided into Mass, Batch and Job-Shop Production

JOB-SHOP (Low Production) Quantities in the range of (1 100) Units per year

BATCH (Medium Production) Quantities ranges between (100 10,000) Units per year

MASS (High Production) Quantities range is 10,000 and above

Dr. S.A. Shah

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PRODUCTION AUTOMATION (Lecture 5) PRODUCTION QUANTITY AND PRODUCT VARIETY Production Quantity Refers to the number of units of a given part or product produced annually by a plant Production Quantity can be classified in 3 ranges (Mass, Batch or Job-Shop)

Product Variety Refers to the different product types or designs that are produced in a plant i.e. Products with different shapes, sizes and styles etc

High Product Variety When the number of product types made in a Factory is High

Low Product Variety When the number of product types made in a Factory is Low

RELATION BETWEEN PRODUCT VARIETY AND PRODUCTION QUANTITY Inverse relation exist between the two When product variety is high, production quantity tends to be low (Change over time losses)

Mass Production Quantity Batch Job-Shop Product Variety Classification of Discrete Production

Dr. S.A. Shah

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PRODUCTION AUTOMATION (Lecture 5) NOTE: The differences in the designs or shapes of the products may be small or great For example, Differences in Air Conditioner and Automobile is much more greater then between an Air Conditioner and a Heat Pump The extent of these differences in the shapes and sizes refers to the terms HARD and SOFT Product Variety

Hard Product Variety If the products differs substantially If the proportion of common parts are very low OR there may be no common parts Difference between a CAR and TRUCK ( HARD)

Soft Product Variety Small differences between the Products Proportion of common parts is high Example (Differences between CAR MODELS)

Dr. S.A. Shah

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