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Based on the Honda 2005 5-P training, the questions to be answered for each block have been listed. It is recommended that you replace the question(s) with your answer. In Box 1A, a picture of the defect can also be referenced. Since there is not much space in Box 1A, the picture can be placed as an attachment. In Box 1B, any of the items listed can be used-- these are meant to be suggestions of the type of information expected. Items can be placed as attachments.

In Box 2C, the root cause analysis can be completed in less than 5 why's. If there are multiple potential r causes that you would like to countermeasure, the 5 why analysis for each can be added as an attachme Root causes for BOTH occurrence and for non-detection must be listed.

In Box 2D, the explaination of WHY the root cause was selected is to be listed. (The root cause fits all of listed in 1A)

Dates for countermeasures and verifications should be listed. Data supporting effectiveness should be p Honda indicated that side 2 (5-P Backside) was to be use by teams to determine root cause but that this brainstorming side did not have to be sent to customers. Attachments are optional. Any information to help clarify the defect, root cause, show countermeasures, or data to verify effectiveness is appropriate.

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much space in Box 1A,

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there are multiple potential root an be added as an attachment.

d. (The root cause fits all of the data

ng effectiveness should be provided.

mine root cause

PROBLEM STATEMENT <What part model and type has the problem and what is the defect?
Only 1 part and 1 defect per sheet>



SECTION OR SUPPLIER: TBDN Approved By Approved By Checked By Prepared By Report to be Made to Approved By SECTION

Checked By



PROBLEM DEFINITION (CLARIFYING FACTS) (attach add'l sheets if necessary)

A. WHO: <Who found the problem> B. WHAT: <Reiterate Problem Statement> C. WHERE: <Location of occurrence and where on the part is the trouble located> D. WHEN: <Date and time problem was first found, has it reoccurred, is it continuous, sporadic or periodic, and manufacturing date of first observation> E. WHY: <Content of complaint> F. HOW: <How was problem found - visual inspection, customer complaint, etc>

N units were sorted, and n units were found defective. Lot numbers/ sort quantities Part Analysis: <Any of the following - Visual observations, Dimentional comparison, test results, technical reports, changes occurring around 1st problem date, new manpower?, new material?, die adjusted?, new equipment?> Process Analysis: <Any of the following: Process Flow, flow chart; Statistical History: trends, histogram, CpK, SPC charts, %NG, Reject History, etc>


Why, Why (Both Occurence & Nondetection) (circle causes to be countermeasured)

<--- What is the cause of the previous cause?


IDENTIFY ROOT CAUSE (causes from 2C to be C/M

and why selected)

What is the immediate cause of the problem?

<--- What is the cause of the previous cause?

<--- What is the cause of the previous cause?

The root cause for occurrence is The root cause for non-detection is We determined that this is the root cause by... The data show...

<--- What is the cause of the previous cause?

Why was the problem not detected and contained at the source?

<--- What is the cause of the previous cause?

<--- What is the cause of the previous cause?

<--- What is the cause of the previous cause?

<--- What is the cause of the previous cause?

Identify Temporary & Permanent, Responsibility and Date


Vert, Horiz & back to employee

We took these actions to confirm the countermeasure is in place and working: <Statistical Proof, Supplier Self Audit, C/M Verification, Durability Testing, etc.>

The system has been changed <how?> to prevent similar occurrences in the future on this and other products. The countermeasures have been applied across <products, production lines, plants, companies> to prevent the same thing from happening elsewhere.


Identify Root Cause



Identify Root Cause (Fishbone, Org Chart, Mind-Map, etc Why, Why Why Analysis)

Possible Causes Machine






Attachment A

Attachment B

Attachment C

Attachment D

Attachment E

Attachment E

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