14-Nn-Nov 5-9-2012

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Letter: Nn

THEME: Thanksgiving NOVEMBER 5-9-2012 Rhymes: This Old Man

Mrs. Finks PreK3

9 Noodles in the nest /n/ /n/ /n/


Nursery Rhyme:This Old Man Song: November-A Day to Give Thanks Big Event: We pulled /n/ objects from the Nest of Noodles and put them IN the NET. THEME: Thanksgiving means:..... Read: Biscuit is Thankful! Music: Mrs. Newman 9:15-9:35 Sing: Consonant Story: Noisy Newt Letter Chart: Children give me /n/ words from the story and then circle a letter. Story: THE STORY OF THANKSGIVING (introduce Native Americans) Theme: I will be a helping Indian (the
children will earn their feathers IN CLASS BY doing good deeds for the teacher and classmates.)

Phonemic Awareness: 1. Letter Substitution--Gumball song-2. CLAP SYLLABLES... 3. LETTER SEGMENTATION snap it together /t/....urkey 4. N.N: Counting noodles

1. ABC Boogie we point and sing to the song.

2. Listening for facts 3. Listening for sequence of events

Activity: Choose our Indian Names. Computer: Mr. Beard (9:00-9:20) Nursery Rhyme: 1,2, Buckle my Shoe Game: We counted the # of letters in our name! Then we graphed them..longest to shortest! Theme Day: Family Traditions Learned: Thanksgiving SYMBOLS Art: Make Indian corn (MAIZE)
1. recognizing numbers 2. sing Where do we start writing.....AT THE TOP! 3. Recognizing letters 4. Listening for sounds of the letters.

Library: Mr.Martin 9:20-9:40 Finger Play: 10 Little Indians Game: We played an Indian Game with rocks and sticks. Read: Giving Thanks ( an Indian Prayer) Art: Make our patterned Necklaces

1. Rhyming Words 2. Follow directions by listening for our Beginning Letter name 3. Clap syllables in our names

Nursery Rhyme:This Old Man Read: Night

Theme: Night and day Discuss sequence of events from our daily routine. What do we do at NIGHT and then in the DAY. Symbols: more fun with Thanksgiving traditions. Watch a Parade--Macys Thanksgiving Parade.

1. Listening for letter sounds. 2. Listening for rhyme 3. Counting to 9. Tracing the numeral 9.

Next Week: Tt, Turkeys, counting Turkey tails, Thanksgiving fun

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